“Well, I’ve got my book to finish.” She picked up the discarded paperback from last night and held it proudly. “I’ve got some more in my bag, if you want to borrow one.”

I frowned, but shrugged. “Might as well.” Reading may not have been my one true love, but it sure beat just sitting around staring at the snow.

Sarah produced another book and tossed it to me before making herself comfortable in front of the fire. For a few moments, I considered going to sit next to her, then I decided against it. I needed a bit of space, even if that was at a premium in this tiny place. So I opted to sit on the bed instead.

For the first few minutes, I was able to focus on the book. That didn’t last long though, and soon I found myself glancing up at Sarah after every few sentences. It didn’t help that the book she’d given me was some cheap romance novel about a Mediterranean prince rescuing some shipwrecked beauty.

Jesus, I thought, who reads these things?

And yet, I didn’t toss the book aside like I wanted to. The more I read, the more the scenes began to float in my head. Yet instead of the busty brunette the book stared, all I could picture was Sarah. And instead of the bronzed prince with his long flowing locks, I saw myself.

All I could see was myself rescuing Sarah from the ship, taking her to my castle and impressing her with flowers and feasts and a gorgeous sunset over the beach. Slowly, she fell in love with me as I wooed her in ways only a romance novel thought seemed realistic.

Until, finally, we made love on the beach as the sunset behind us.

Before I knew it, my cock was rock hard in my pants again as I imagined making love to Sarah on a romantic beach. I imagined her moaning out my name as she came, her body wrapped around mine as I filled her with my cock, bringing her to an earth shattering climax like no one else could.

Finally, I had to shut the book and take deep breaths to calm myself. I was getting way too worked up over a cheesy romance novel. And with only a curtain to separate the bathroom from the rest of the cabin, it wasn’t like I had much privacy to seek out some relief.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I quickly yanked it out, hoping I’d gotten a signal, only to be dismayed. It was just the low battery warning. With a sigh, I hopped off the bed, hoping my jeans hid my still throbbing erection, and went over to my back, pulling out my external battery and plugging it in.

As I stood at the counter, I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. I needed to get myself under control before I did something stupid. This trip was to give Sarah a good time and help her relax. The last thing I wanted was to make her feel uncomfortable or attacked.

Which meant I needed to stop looking at her like she was my girl of the night. She wasn’t, and she never would be.

What I really needed was to get out of this cabin. Being in such tight confinement with her was the problem, I told myself. My body was going into survival mode, focusing on continuing the human race. That was all it was. Just me being stupid from being trapped in this cabin.

With that thought firmly in place, I turned to Sarah and grinned. “So, you think we should try another thing of chili? It is getting to be around lunch time, and neither of us ate very much last night.”

Sarah closed her book and sighed. “Yeah, I guess,” she said as she yawned and stretched. “If it’s too bad, we’ll just eat the can of peas for dinner.”

Well, a can of peas wasn’t the best idea for dinner, but hell, it couldn’t be all that bad. I couldn’t remember ever having bad peas at least.

The two of us worked in relative silence as we prepared our lunch. I kept my mind focused on the task at hand, doing my best to pay as little attention to Sarah as possible. The less I focused on her, the I’d want to fuck her, I figured.

It helped, but my cock still didn’t go completely soft. And, twenty minutes later, when we sat in front of the fire with our bowls, I couldn’t ignore her any more.

“Ready?” she asked as she took a spoonful.

I nodded and took my own spoonful. After she counted down from three, we both took a bite, both wincing nearly immediately. “Well, I guess it’s not as bad as last night”

“Yeah, I guess.” When she took another spoonful though, she didn’t look very eager to stuff it in her mouth. Yet, dutifully, she kept eating.

The food really was brutal. I couldn’t wait to get out of here, just so we could get some real food to eat. Even if it was a taco from a food cart, anything had to be better than this slop. Hell, at this point, I’d have gladly eaten a plat of prison food over this.

Rescue couldn’t come soon enough.


After kissing me earlier, Nathan seemed to be doing his best to ignore me. He rarely spoke to me and even then it was only if he had to. Getting him to make eye contact was even harder.

It was like he’d completely withdrawn into himself, which was completely different than the Nathan I knew. The Nathan I knew rarely stopped talking, always animated and involved in whatever was going on. He rarely sat still, always needing to do something.

But today was completely different. He spent most of the time either staring at the book, no longer even bothering to turn the pages, or staring out the window at the falling snow. He was almost like a completely different person.

Even after our second round of horrible chili, he still didn’t speak much. He just sat in his own little world, pretending I wasn’t there.

But I couldn’t think of anything to say to pull him out of his head. What was there to say? I sure as hell couldn’t tell him I’d enjoyed the kiss, that I wanted him to do it again. God, then he’d never talk to me. If he found out his step-sister wanted to jump his bones, things would never go back to normal.

No, telling him the truth was definitely out of the question, that was for sure.

So what could I do? I racked my brain over and over, trying to come up with some kind of solution. Yet, nothing appeared. No matter how hard I thought, I couldn’t come up with any way to bring Nathan back to the land of the living.

All I could do was hope someone found us soon. Maybe then, with a bit of interaction with other people, he’d return to normal. It wasn’t the best plan I’d ever come up with, but it was the only thing I could think of, short of telling him to kiss me again.

Yet, as time ticked by, there was no sign of rescue. I hadn’t even heard a single car go by, much less anyone stopping to help us. Would we ever get out of this damned cabin? Or would we be stuck here until we ran out of disgusting chili and starved to death?

Don’t think like that, Sarah! I chastised myself. Stay positive. Someone has to come by eventually, and then we’ll be out of here!

All I could do was hope that was true. It was either that or we bundle up and try to make the trek up the mountain to the lodge, and I wasn’t looking forward to that at all. The hike here had been bad enough, and now there was even more snow on the ground.

No, hiking up to the resort would definitely be a last resort. No way was I going to suffer through that unless I absolutely had to, and even then, I wouldn’t be thrilled about it.

Soon enough, the sun began to set again. I tossed aside my book, having finished it hours ago, but not bothering to retrieve another. There was only so much cheap romance I could read when all I could think about was Nathan. And it wasn’t like I had any privacy to take care of the built up tension inside me.

I stood up and walked over to the window where Nathan stood, staring out at nothing once again. His sign was just barely visible from here, but at least it was still in place. If he hadn’t hung it from a branch, it’d have probably been buried by now.

“Looks like we’re stuck here for another night,” I said with a sigh.

Nathan nodded, his lips pursed tight. Still, he wouldn’t talk to me. I wished I could figure out what was going on inside that thick head of his. Why couldn’t he just tell me what was bothering him? Then maybe I could at least try to help.

“I’m not eating more of that c

hili,” I said, an exaggerated frown on my face. “I think I’d rather go out and get some tree bark to eat instead.”

Nathan snorted, a thin smile appearing on his face.

Well, it’s a start.

“So, canned peas or creamed corn tonight?” I nudged him gently. “Those seem like the only two options that won’t have one of us puking.”

“Canned peas,” Nathan said, nodding to himself. “Definitely the peas. Although, the creamed corn at least can’t be as bad as the chili.”

“Nothing can be as bad as that chili. Whoever owns this place must not have a stomach at all. God, I can’t imagine someone buying that crap once, let alone a year’s supply of it. What was he thinking?”

“Maybe it was on sale.”

“Maybe someone paid him to take it all off their hands.” That seemed like the only viable excuse to own that much disgusting chili. I doubted even a dog would eat that garbage.

For a few minutes, the two of us stood there laughing as we came up with different reasons for owning that much disgusting food. For a few moments, it was like Nathan had come back to reality.

But once the conversation died down, he retreated right back into his head again. It was like nothing would truly bring him back. Maybe one of his friends could, but it seemed like he was purposely trying to tune me out and pretend I wasn’t in the cabin with him.