“Nathan.” He didn’t react at all, just kept pacing and muttering to himself. “Nathan!”

That time I got his attention. He froze and stared at me, looking like the proverbial deer in headlights.

“Will you relax? It’s not a big deal.” I took a deep breath and stood up, adjusting my clothing.

“I’m not mad or anything. It just… it just happened, right? No big deal.”

I tried to convince myself that everything I said was true, but I couldn’t stop thinking about his lips pressed against mine. I couldn’t stop thinking about seeing his hard cock beneath the blankets. I couldn’t stop thinking about all the things I wanted to do with him, if only he wasn’t my step-brother.

“Are…. Are you sure?” he asked, his eyes darting around the room. He looked almost like a scared rabbit, one who’d just caught sight of a fox.

“Yeah, totally.” I went over to my bag and pulled out a hairbrush. I needed something to do, anything that wasn’t just sitting there staring at Nathan. “No big deal. Let’s just forget it happened, okay?”

“Yeah, okay.” He nodded, but still didn’t seem convinced.

I watched as he went over and stared out the window again, no doubt hoping for a sign someone might be coming to rescue us soon.

Part of me hoped someone would be walking up to the cabin right that moment. Yet, another part of me hoped we’d have some more time together. Despite essentially being trapped in this cabin, it really wasn’t that bad. We could use some better food, sure, but there were worse people to be trapped with.

For a few minutes, I just watched Nathan, briefly wondering what he looked like beneath all those layers. I’d gotten a fairly good look at his lower half, including his muscular thighs, but I hadn’t been able to focus on much besides his stiff cock.

Was his entire body as muscular as I thought it was? I’d seen him shirtless and in bathing suits over the years we’d lived together, but I’d never paid much attention to him. Now though, I couldn’t recall those memories to save my life. If It hadn’t been so cold out, maybe I’d have gotten to a see a bit more flesh, but the chances of that happening now were pretty slim. He was bound to be guarded and closed off, not risking another encounter like we’d just had.

If only I’d had the courage to tell him I’d actually liked the kiss.


There still wasn’t any sign of life on this mountain. I couldn’t even see any tire tracks on the road. It looked like no one had come up this way after us.

The snow was still falling pretty heavily, but the wind didn’t seem as bad as yesterday. Maybe that was a good sign, I thought. Surely someone with a heavy duty truck was brave enough to traverse these roads. Then they’d find us and rescue us. Then we could get to the resort and forget this ever happened.

Yeah, like you’ll ever be able to forget that kiss, a perverse part of my brain interjected.

The worst part was, it was right. When I’d been leaning over her like that, all I wanted to do was kiss her. I’d wanted to taste her, to feel the soft touch of those puffy red lips against mine. And I’d let my stupid cock convince me to just do it.

Now look where we were.

I couldn’t even bring myself to look at Sarah. How could I have taken advantage of her like that? She’d told me last night how much she hated guys always trying to have their way with her. She’d avoided having a party just because she hadn’t wanted guys to be all over her.

And now I was the one all over her. Who knows what I’d have done if I hadn’t snapped out of it at that moment.

Even worse, a small part of me didn’t regret it at all. The moment my lips touched hers, it was like a dam broke loose inside me, fireworks rocketing through my entire body. I’d never felt like that when I kissed a girl. We weren’t even making out and she’d made me lose my mind.

What was it about Sarah that had me so on edge? Even now, my cock was rock hard, pressing against my jeans, straining to break free.

At first, it had just been morning wood. There was rarely a morning I’d wake up without my cock being rock hard. Usually, it was gone less than ten minutes later after I’d had my first piss of the day. And it had disappeared briefly as Sarah and I had run around the cabin.

But the moment I had her beneath me, her arms held above her head and her entire body mine for the taking, it’d come right back to life. As she’d squirmed beneath me, laughing and yelling from being tickled, it’d just gotten harder.

And when we’d finally kissed? I thought I might come in my pants without even touching myself.

There was just something about her that seemed to go right through me. It was like nothing I’d ever felt before. And no matter how hard I tried to suppress it, no matter how hard I tried to shove it back down, all I could think about was Sarah.

What the hell was wrong with me?

She was my step-sister, for crying out loud. I’d convinced her to come on this trip. It was my job to look after her, to protect her. Not to come on to her like the horny men she hated so much.

God, I was surprised she could even look at me now. I could barely look at my own reflection in the glass, let alone look at her. Staring out at the unchanging snow was a better option than turning around and facing her right then.

But of course, she wasn’t going to have any of that. She came and stood right next to me, staring out the window along with me. Briefly, I wondered what my chancing of making it up to the resort by nightfall were if I left right then.

“Doesn’t look like anyone’s been by,” Sarah said, breaking the silence. “Think anyone will soon?”

I shrugged, it didn’t seem likely, but I didn’t want to say that out loud. “I’m sure someone will come by soon. The snow’s not too bad today. Maybe we’ll be up at the lodge by lunch time, enjoying a nice meal by the fire.”

Sarah snorted. “At this point, a roadside diner would be better than what we’ve got to eat here.”

“That’s true,” I said with a laugh. “If we are here for lunch, I hope to God we can find something better to eat besides that disgusting chili.”

“Me too!”

For a few moments, things seemed back to normal. Then I looked over at Sarah, the light reflecting off her eyes, and was right back where I had been. I wanted to push her up against the window and kiss her again. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and hold her tight against me, never letting go.

I couldn’t do that though, so I walked away to the kitchen and started rummaging through the different cans of food. It was stupid, but it was better than staring at Sarah, wicked thoughts running through my head.

“Well, there’s a few different things, but not a whole lot.” I frowned at the cans. None of the options seem

ed particularly good, and that wasn’t counting the nasty shit we’d eaten last night. “There’s two other brands of chili. A can of peas. Some creamed corn.” I picked up one can, then winced and shoved it back into the cabinet. “And some Vienna sausages.”

Sarah shuddered, and I doubted it was from the cold. “God, whoever owns this place has the worst taste in food.”

“Right?” The guy who used this place must’ve brought up food with him whenever he visited. I doubted anyone could survive for long on the miniscule selection we had right now. “Maybe one of the other types of chili will be better? They can’t all taste that bad, can they?”

“Do you really wanna test your luck?” she asked, smirking at me.

“Well, it’s either that or we eat those Vienna sausages. And the last time I ate Vienna sausages, I nearly puked.”

“When have you ever eaten Vienna sausages?” She put her hands on my hips. Her eyes seemed to drill right through me as she waited for an answer.

“It was when I was thirteen, okay?” I stuffed the food back into the cabinet, then shut it. “I was sleeping over a friend’s house and we were played truth or dare. They dared me to eat an entire can of the shit. I was young and stupid so I figured it would be easy. Boy was I wrong!”

I shuddered at the memory. It’d taken me nearly a week to get that taste out of my mouth. I’d even considered sneaking into my father’s alcohol stash just to get the taste out of my mouth. I’d spent many nights just poking at my food, not able to stomach much at all.

“So you’re welcomed to them, if you want. I’d rather eat that can of peas!”

Sarah laughed and shook her head before walking back over to the fire. It’d almost completely died out over the night, so she tossed a few of the logs on to get it going again. I couldn’t blame her. Even with the sun having risen again, it wasn’t much warmer than it had been last night.

“So, what should we do?” I asked, leaning against the counter in the kitchen. “I don’t fancy just sitting around twiddling my thumbs while we wait for someone to show up.”