“You’re sick,” I said, a feeble attempt to refute his claims, however true they were. My words sounded weak even to my ears. “Jesus, Dad. That’s…”

“You’re going to get rid of her,” he said. “The sooner, the better. Because one day, you’re going to need an heir just like I did, and it’s damn sure not going to be something you can do with Maddy. You’re going to need someone cutthroat to help balance out whatever weakness your mother managed to impart in you. Jane should do quite nicely.”

I knew my father had always approved of Jane, but I’d never considered it had anything to do with breeding. I felt sick. I felt like my world was tilting, and I was doing my best to keep holding on as my thoughts careened through my head.

“No,” I said, my lips feeling numb. “I don’t take orders from you. Not from a man who cheated on my mom, and not from a man who…” I trailed off. What had he done, exactly—had he put cameras in my bedroom? I settled for, “…accuses me of sleeping with my own stepsister.”

“We all make sacrifices,” my father said. The heat of his stare was almost hotter than the blood pooling in my cheeks. “All of us, Preston. This will be yours. But the rewards are so much greater.”

“I don’t want to be like you,” I said, backing away from him and turning into the hall. “I don’t want to be anything like you!”

When I stormed into the parlor to get Maddy, she couldn’t have looked more relieved to see me. But that relief soon turned to confusion, and then to concern as I took her by the arm and pulled her from her seat.

“Come on,” I said. “We’re leaving.”

I held her hand on the way out the door, and there was no shame.

Chapter 13

“There’s something I need to tell you,” Preston said once we were back in the car.

Despite his anger, he was taking his time getting us back to the office. In fact, I didn’t recognize any of the roads were traveling down. Whatever he wanted to talk about, it was obviously going to be a lengthy conversation.

“Is this about the shelter?” I asked. “Because if it’s some rambling justification about survival of the fittest straight out of your father’s mouth, then I don’t want to hear it.”

“It’s not,” he answered. The moonlight made his sun-kissed face look ashen. “It’s about my father, and what’s next for us.”

I leaned back in my seat. Something about his tone put me on edge, and I felt my pulse begin to quicken and my mouth run dry. I had the feeling this wasn’t going to be a fun conversation.

“Okay,” I told him. “I’m listening.”

Preston took a deep breath before beginning. “When my parents divorced, I was still pretty young. I didn’t really understand what was going on. My mom tried to explain it to me, but it didn’t make a lot of sense. What kid can wrap his head around his parents splitting up?” He shook his head. “I know now that my father was cheating on her, and she couldn’t take it anymore. But back then, she didn’t explain that to me. I guess she didn’t want to tarnish my image of my father, even though for a long time, it tarnished my image of her.”

I listened quietly, hands in my lap as Preston continued. The corners of his eyes were pinched and his mouth had turned into a pained grimace. I felt a pang of sadness for him. Maybe I couldn’t relate—my mother had never felt the need to hold back when badmouthing my father—but the hurt it was causing him was plain on his face.

“That must have been hard for you,” I said. I knew those words were stupid and meaningless, but I felt like I ought to say something.

“It was,” he replied. “To make matters worse, she’d signed a pre-nup before she and my dad got married. So she wasn’t entitled to a dime of his money when they divorced, and my father used his considerable wealth to ensure that she’d walk away with absolutely nothing—including me.”

I had wondered why Preston stayed with his father. I had assumed that it was because a boy might want to stay with his dad, but I’d always heard that courts were more likely to award custody to children’s mothers.

I asked him, “How?”

He said, “My father sought full custody. My mom had never intended to take me away from him. She’d wanted to split my time between them so that we could all still be some kind of family. But my dad was vindictive, and as I learned later in life, family courts only side with the mom when fathers don’t seek custody. When they do, either joint or sole, they get it over seventy percent of the time. It didn’t hurt that Dad paid off the judge, either. When you have the money to hire the very best lawyers around, not to mention provide an ‘excellent standard of care’ for your child, odds are that the other parent is going to get screwed.”

When he spoke again, his voice shuddered. “My mom walked out of that courtroom with nothing. She was penniless. She’d lost her only child. And not long after that, there was an accident.”

My lips parted. I felt my stomach plummet to my feet. A chill seized me, and I shook my head in utter disbelief. “Oh my God, Preston. I had no idea. I’m so sorry…”

He nodded slowly. “Me too. We didn’t even go to her funeral.”

Preston was quiet for a long while, and I didn’t dare disturb him. That revelation weighed heavily on the two of us. I couldn’t imagine what it must have been like for him to lose his mother at that age, and for his father to act like she’d never even mattered.

Miles passed, and finally I mustered the courage to ask him, “Do you know why your dad handled it like that? It couldn’t have been just to get back at her…”

“No, it wasn’t just that,” he said. He was gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles had turned white. “I was valuable to him. Not because I was his child, but because I was his heir. I was eleven at the time, and by that point, he’d already invested quite a bit of time and effort into me. He wasn’t just going to let me go.”

“But surely joint custody…”

“He had to prove a point,” Preston said flatly, wringing the leather in his hands. “In his eyes, my mother had committed the ultimate sin. She’d shattered the perfect image of the Harvey family. What he did with that other woman was discreet. A divorce was public.”

So, this was the man my mother was marrying. Part of me immediately felt like she deserved him. They both treated their children like shit, and maybe it was time for her to get a taste of her own medicine for a change.

But I couldn’t hold onto that feeling for long. My mother was already a deeply miserable woman. The last thing she needed to experience was even more pain and suffering.

“Should I warn my mother off him?” I asked. “Is that why you’re telling me all this?”

“That’s one reason,” he said, his eyes distant. “Another is that I’m certain that he’s doing it again. He’s cheating on your mother, Maddy.” Finally, a bit of anger shone through. “Goddamn him. I’m so sorry.”

I closed my eyes. So, it was even worse than I thought. There wasn’t just a looming threat of infidelity now—it was already here. My mother was just another trophy to Mr. Harvey, a woman he could bring to company functions and let hang on his arm in front of all the other businessmen and their wives. He could hardly do that with his mistress, could he? The wealthy head of a company certainly couldn’t be seen in public with some young slut.

The way men like Mr. Harvey treated women made me sick to my stomach, and my nausea only grew worse as Preston dropped the final bombshell.

“There’s one other thing,” he said. We stopped at an intersection and he looked into my eyes. “Maddy… he knows.”

I wished I’d had doubts. I wished that I’d been able to express some confusion as to what Preston could possibly mean. But I couldn’t. I knew exactly what he was talking about. His father knew about our tryst, and everything in my body grew suddenly cold.

“Fuck,” I whispered. “How?”

“I don’t know,” he admitted. As he moved past the stop sign, he added, “But somehow he does. And I don?

?t feel safe staying at my office anymore. Do you?”

Slowly, I shook my head. I was beginning to feel numb all over, the side-effect of shock, I was sure. Would Preston’s dad tell my mother? Had he done so already? No, he couldn’t have. If he did, she would have been sure to bring it up when we were in the parlor.

I could almost see the smugness in her beady eyes as she feigned horror. Your own stepbrother, Madison. How low will you stoop?

“Is that what he told you in his office?” I asked him, my voice quavering as much as my hands were. “Is that why we left in such a hurry?”

“Yes,” Preston said. “And because he wants me to start taking a more… active role in Harvey Enterprises. Apparently, the way I handled the Verger account impressed him, or something...” He snorted in disgust. “He wants me to shut down my office and fire you.”