And it felt good.

I clamored out of bed and threw on one of his shirts and a pair of my panties. Satisfied, I wandered downstairs to rummage up some breakfast.

My eyes fell on a clock.

Half past noon.

I must have slept GREAT.

I was halfway through a delicious, crisp ham sandwich when I heard the knock at the door.

My heart seized up.

Don’t answer it.

I hesitated briefly.

Just when I thought it was gone…


There was a muffled voice from the other side, and I thought I distinctly heard my name. But the voice was familiar somehow, and curiosity got the best of me…

I came over to the door, peering through the peephole. There, pacing angrily on the other side, was his band manager.

“It’s an emergency!” He shouted.

Without thinking, I unlocked the door and popped it open. It didn’t even occur to me that I wasn’t wearing any shorts…not until Steven’s face fell onto mine, and his eyes briefly trailed downwards.

“What’s the matter?” I asked him.

“Ah, so you are here…I figured you probably were,” he smiled.

I suddenly didn’t like this.

“Trent’s not home,” I told him, starting to close the door.

His palm flew out and caught it, and his devious smile only widened. It sent a careening strike of fear down my spine.

“You and I need to talk,” he told me. “About the other day. About the mess you’ve made.”

“No, I don’t think that we do.”

I didn’t know what he was talking about, but I knew I wouldn’t like it. Instead, I tried to close the door again, but he was surprisingly strong for such a thin frame.

With his other hand holding the door ajar, Steven pointed his bony finger into my chest, glowering down at me.

“You’re already fucking things up for Trent. How long did you seriously think that you could fuck around here?”

I was flabbergasted.

“Excuse me?”

“You’re a goddamn liability, just like I said you were gonna be! Nobody ever fucking listens to me, do they? I had you pinned from the start, but nooo, Steven’s just the asshole manager…”

My curiosity finally erupted.

I knew it was a mistake…but I had to.

“What on Earth are you talking about?”

He looked legitimately surprised.

“You… wait, you don’t know?”

“Know what?”

Steven’s face curled into surprised menace.

“Ohhhh…you’re in for a world of fun.”

He whipped out his smartphone and began fiddling with it for a minute. By the time he’d pulled up a webpage for me, I was thoroughly confused.

But that confusion quickly turned to horror.

It was a highly trafficked celebrity news and gossip site called “Web News Now”, or WNN for short. Right there at the top was the latest article:

RARE: Trent Masters spotted harassing employees, treating mystery woman. Sugar baby, or sexy new fling? Interview inside!

“Go on,” he whispered wickedly. “Read it.”

Swallowing my hesitance, I opened the article. Inside were the cell phone pictures we had seen before – the ones that the attendant had deleted off of her phone – as well as a few others after we had left her company.

“I don’t… but how?” I asked. “We made her delete these! We watched her do it in front of us!”

“You’re that naïve?” Steven snarled. “By the time you two spotted her, she could have already emailed them to herself or texted them to friends or let them upload to the fucking cloud. There’s all sorts of ways to keep them. That would be bad enough, but Trent got the girl fired?”

My spirits sank as I continued reading.

Sure enough, there were a few paragraphs of speculation – about Trent in public with me, buying me clothes, and then about my relationship to him…

But after that, there was the interview.

Turned out, that girl – who went by the shortened “Chel” for the interview – had taken offense to Trent snapping at her. She’d leaked the photos intentionally, by the sounds of it, and during the small interview she went on the absolute warpath.

WNN: Meeting Trent must have been fun, right? What was he like in person?

CHEL: Complete paranoid jackass.

WNN: Oh? Care to go on?

CHEL: He was cool at first, but the longer I was talking to him, the weirder he sounded. Like he was a loose cannon or something. Then, he lost his shit at me for absolutely no reason at all like a total f*cking douchebag.

WNN: And that’s why you reached out to us? With the photos and the interview?

CHEL: I just think that the world deserves to know how much of a creep and an asshole Trent Masters really is.

WNN: You didn’t provoke him?

CHEL: He was buying clothes for this vapid bitch who clearly didn’t know what she was doing. I worked at the store, so I thought I’d do my actual job and, you know, help?

WNN: And that’s when he lost his temper?

CHEL: Yeah! He threatened me, and I decided to peace out away from that. But when she came out in our clothes again, we have to keep an eye on the clients, right? So I dutifully hovered out of the way.

WNN: And when he saw you, he was angry.

CHEL: Oh, he lost his shit. They both did. And that’s when he made a scene to my manager. I thought that might be the end of it, but no, the jackass made some phone call and got me f*cking fired.

WNN: Just for doing your job.

CHEL: I used to think he was totally cool.

WNN: Don’t meet your heroes, as they say.

CHEL: Yeah. He even said that to me before he pulled my livelihood out from under me. I’m a college student, putting myself through school, and some rockstar high school dropout decides he’s going to screw my life up? Not cool, dude.

WNN: Not cool indeed.

CHEL: And the girl didn’t try to stop him or come to my aid at all. She just watched him tear my life up. She’s probably f*cking him. I wouldn’t be surprised if they wanted to get rid of me to have a quickie in the dressing room.

WNN: Tell us about this mystery woman.

CHEL: Woman? Nah, dude, this groupie chick is way out of her fucking league with a guy like him. Didn’t see much of her. She had obvious lovey dovey eyes for him. I mean, what girl who likes a bad boy wouldn’t?

WNN: You think she’s a groupie?

CHEL: Or a prostitute. She certainly dressed like the kind of hooker a rockstar would go for.

WNN: Think that’s his girlfriend?

CHEL: No way. Trent Masters doesn’t date. And even if he did…after he flew off the handle at me and ripped out my only way to make a paycheck, I pity ANYONE who winds up stuck with that low-life, grade-A son of a bitch.

WNN: Thanks for your time, Chel!

CHEL: Thanks.

I looked up from the phone with horror and regret plastered across my face.

“She’s lying,” I told him in futility.

“I don’t care if she made up every fucking word,” Steven glowered. “The truth is, you’ve been a liability from the start. A distraction. You’ve been around my client for weeks, now. Did you know that he’s not returning my calls, texts, even my emails?”

He poked his finger into my chest again.

“Trent’s too wound up with you. You’ve been keeping him preoccupied from his duties to the band, to his manager, to everything.”

“He just got back! He’s relaxing!”

“Yeah. And as careful as he is, he’s back one day with you and then something like this shit happens. Did you know that he’s never been caught by the paparazzi? Not even a single cell phone picture? Guy is clean as a whistle. You come into the picture, you fuck it up from the word Go.”

“He should be back tonight,?

?? I told him. “I don’t have a phone…I can wait for him and tell him to talk to you. That it’s urgent.”

“Little late for that, sweetie,” Steven growled. “You see, my job isn’t to fuck Trent. My job is to make sure that he stays on the straight and narrow. And you have made my job this much harder.”

“So, we’ll wait for him to get back, and then we’ll talk it all over and find out what we need to do.”

“Nuh-uh. Ain’t gonna fly.”

He crossed his arms and looked at me expectantly.

“So…what, then?”

“You make a decision,” Steven told me pointedly, tilting his head. He was almost grinning. “You either decide to stay here and continue distracting your little rockstar crush, or you let him move on with his life and continue making the magic happen.”

“You…you want me to leave?”

“Of course I do. You’ve been a thorn in my side – and his – since the start.”

“That’s not true,” I told him furiously.

“No? Do you have any idea how hard he works to keep this band together and out of trouble? And now he’s publicly pissing off fans and getting coverage on the biggest paparazzi site on the web.”

“Of course I know how hard he works. He tries as hard as he can to keep a clean image. And she’s lying,” I insisted.

“Of course she’s fucking lying! You think I don’t know my own band? But what does that matter? The damage is done. This is how it starts. He’s going to be scrutinized now, and they’ll find something else, and then something else, and another…”

I shook my head.

No. He’d knock Steven out if he were here.

“Of course, Trent doesn’t listen to reason, either,” Steven continued. “He’s gonna run this entire thing into the ground for a hot piece of ass, isn’t he? It’s not even just him you’ll drag back down into the dirt with yourself. You’ll be taking the whole band with you.”