“He brought it up so what did he have to say about it?”

“Says he’s done with empty relationships and flings. He’s ready to pursue a relationship with a woman who wants the same things as he does. Marriage and a family.” I can’t stop my smile as I recall my response. “I told him I wanted those things too. With him.”

Kristin covers her mouth with both hands. “Oh my God, Addie. That is like super serious.”

“You are totally pre-engaged. There’s no sorta-kinda-maybe about it.” Jill takes my left hand and points to my ring finger. “There’s going to be a diamond on this hand very soon.”

Kristin gasps. “What if this Savannah trip is about more than you think? Shit. I bet he’s going to propose to you.”

My girls are jumping the gun. Putting the cart before the horse. “I don’t think so.”

Kristin puts on her duh-you-dumbass face. “Why not? You talked about marriage and then he’s taking you out of town a few days later. The timing is perfect.”

I know Jill and Kris are excited and want this for me but they’ve got it all wrong. “We planned the trip before we had the marriage discussion.”

“Maybe it was a setup. He did it in that order to throw you off. His way of being sure you’ll say yes when he asks. Think about it. This trip is the perfect opportunity; Savannah is so romantic.” Jill is such a dreamer. I am as well to an extent but then reality kicks in.

“We both said we’d wait until the time is right. And I don’t see this weekend being it.”

“Maybe you agreed to marry when the time is right but what about the engagement part? Did you agree to wait on that?”

An engagement and the actual marriage are two different things. “Well . . . no. We didn’t really talk about getting engaged.”

Jill hasn’t released my hand. “I’d bet my ass you come back with a ring on this finger.”

“Jillie. Our best friend is getting engaged to a man we’ve never met.”

“Oh no, she’s not. We’re meeting him. The two of us are coming over tonight so we can be introduced to your fiancé.”

Again with the speculation. “He’s not my fiancé.”

“Yet. But he will be after this trip to Savannah. I just know it. And you can’t get engaged to a man Kris and I have never met. That’s not right.”

They have a point. It isn’t right for my best friends to not know the man I love. “Okay. Then I guess you’re coming over to meet Oliver tonight.”

* * *

I place my palm to the side of Oliver’s face and rub my thumb over his facial hair. It’s a little longer than his usual scruff. “I like this grown out. You look very handsome.”

“Are you sure what I’m wearing is okay? I shouldn’t change into a button-down? I don’t want them to think I’m some kind of thug.” Why would he say that? Nothing about Oliver would scream thug. His nearly black hair is well kept, but even tousled, always looks perfect. His facial scruff is so damn sexy. So masculine. I love running my fingers over it. And those eyes. One glance from those baby blues can saturate my panties.

“You look great. You’re a T-shirt and jeans guy. I wouldn’t want you to meet Jill and Kristin looking like anyone but my Oliver Thorn.” I run my hand over his chest. “I’m pretty sure you weren’t this worked up when you met my parents.”

“I wanted your parents to like me but I wasn’t worried about meeting them. Their opinion doesn’t mean shit to you so I knew they couldn’t turn you against me. But these are your two best friends. I know, because of Ivy and Kelsey, that what they think about me will influence you.”

“No worries. I adore you so they will too.” How did I deserve such an incredible man so concerned about keeping my heart?

The doorbell rings and I go up on tiptoes to press a quick kiss to his lips. “Showtime. Ready?”

“No, but I’m pretty sure I don’t have a choice at this point.”

“Be Oliver Thorn and they’ll have no choice but to love you.” I press another quick kiss to his lips, intended to reassure him all will be fine. “Smile. This is going to be painless. You’ll see.”

When Jill and Kris enter the house through the front door, I ask, “Why did you come this way?”

“It seemed rude to barrel into your kitchen through the garage.”

“You don’t think it’s rude when you do it every other time you come to my house.”

“This is different. We’re meeting your fiancé.”

I flap my arms like a bird trying to take off in flight. “Shh . . . don’t say that. He might hear you.” I swear I will die a thousand deaths if he heard Kris call him that.

“He’s already here? There’s not a car in the drive.”

“Kris. He lives next door, sweetie. He isn’t going to drive his car to Adelyn’s house.”

“Damn. I forgot all about that.” She giggles. “We had a lot of wine last time we were here so that one can’t be held against me.”

“Listen, guys. He’s nervous about meeting you. He really wants you to like him so please take it easy.”

“Aww, that is so sweet. And so wise. I think I already like him.” Kristin likes everyone, especially guys. She’s not really the one I’m worried about.

I grin and make big eyes at Oliver when I lead Jill and Kristin into the living room. “Introductions. Oliver Thorn, this is Kristin.”

“It’s so good to finally meet you, Oliver. We’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about you from Addie.”

“I could say the same about you.”

“And this is Jill.”

“Very nice to meet you.” Oliver is smiling until he sees the way Jill is staring at him with narrowed eyes. And I immediately know something isn’t right.

“Jill, what’s wrong?”

Jill looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “Addie, how can you not know?”

I have no idea what she is talking about. “Know what, Jill?” She’s never been one to mince words, so the fact she isn’t spitting this out is worrying me. I look back at Oliver, and he is looking at me with the same confusion as I feel. Does he recognize her too?

“I don’t know what to say about how this happened, but Oliver was the man in court supporting your brother’s killer. He sat alongside Vance Horton throughout the trial. How can you not remember him?”

What the hell? I think back to the very dark time in my life, when I watched the man responsible for Tommy’s death be sentenced to prison. I don’t remember much at all. My heart was still broken beyond repair.

“I think you’re mistaking him for someone else. Tell her, Oliver. Tell Jill she’s wrong.”

He closes his eyes before covering them with his hand. “Oh, fuck.”

What does oh, fuck mean? “Tell her she’s confusing you with someone else.”

He takes his hand from his face and grasps my upper arms. “Max.”

The tone of his voice says everything I don’t want to hear. “No. Say it isn’t true.”

I see in his eyes he can’t do that. “Baby.”

“No. I need you to tell me it isn’t true. That you weren’t there supporting my brother’s killer.” Because it isn’t possible I love a man who would do that.

“Please let me explain.”

He. Was. There. Supporting Vance Horton.

“What could you possibly say to explain? What’s a good enough argument to justify why you’d be there on that killer’s behalf?” I feel as though this is a bad dream, and I am yelling as if I have lost touch with reality. How is this happening?

“Time out.” Kristin steps between Oliver and me. “Sweetie, Jill and I are going. We don’t need to be here.”

I nod in agreement because I don’t want them to be part of this conversation. Especially Jill. “Okay. Yeah.”

We stand in the living room, unmoving, neither of us saying a word. A minute passes and it feels like sixty eternities ticking away.

Oliver takes a step toward me but I put up my hand. He goes motion

less and stares at me. “Don’t come near me.”

“Oh, Max. Please don’t.” He is breathing heavily, and his eyes are imploring . . . begging. Begging me for what? Forgiveness?

“I don’t know who you are.” My happy world has been yanked from beneath me and I’ve fallen face first into hell.

“I’m the man who held you after we made love this morning. The one you say you want to marry. The one you want as a father for your children.” That was only twelve hours ago yet it feels like an eternity ago.

And I can’t think about that right now. “I have questions.”

“I will answer anything you ask.” His eyes are pleading.

“Were you in the courtroom at Vance’s sentencing?”


“Do you remember me?”

“No. I don’t recall seeing you once.” I guess I can believe that. I don’t remember seeing him either. But then again, I was pretty jacked on Valium that day.