I know Oliver isn’t exaggerating. Only an hour ago, I saw Mr. Thorn smack Oliver’s mom on the bottom when he thought no one was looking. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything to Oliver since he says they embarrass him. But I thought it was cute.

Is that what my life with Oliver might be like at that age after being married thirty-five years? Can’t say I’d mind if it were.

Ivy uses her palms to demonstrate a balance. One goes up while the other goes down and then vice versa. “So what is it, Adelyn? Fuck buddies or dating?”

Oliver and I haven’t given it a label, but we agreed to try a relationship. And he called me his girlfriend. He wouldn’t have done that if we were fucking and parting ways. “We’re dating.”

A proud-big-sister smile spreads on Lawrence’s face. “You can’t imagine how happy that makes me.”

“How happy that makes us.” Mrs. Thorn’s smile rivals Lawrence’s.

And they can’t imagine how happy their joy makes me.

I’m not accustomed to this kind of warmth. Martin’s mother hated me. She was old and bitter and jealous. She viewed me as competition for her son’s affection, which was always super creepy. And his sister was just indifferent. She looked at me like I was some kind of insignificant twit who was after her brother’s money.

“Tell us how it happened.”

Umm, yeah. I won’t be doing that. “We started hanging out right after Oliver moved next door. We became fast friends. And then the friendship turned into a flirtationship but things didn’t click into place until last week.”

“I think it’s great you were friends first,” Kelsey says.

“My parents came to visit earlier this week. They can’t make it to Birmingham often because it’s such a long drive. Oliver wanted to meet them and be introduced as the man in my life.” They’re all wearing the same stunned expression.

“That’s a huge move on Stout’s part. It says a lot about his intentions.” I hope Ivy’s right. The man is incredible. His fury last night, although frightening at the time, was beautiful. He was beautiful. So genuinely agonized by what Martin had done to me. How could I not be completely captivated?

“It especially says a lot when he insists on meeting your father who is a Southern Baptist preacher.”

“Wow. Stout is dating a preacher’s daughter.” Ivy looks amused.

“He wasn’t at all scared off by my daddy being a preacher. He even survived his Adelyn-was-raised-in-the-way-of-the-Lord talk.”

“Oliver hasn’t entered this relationship halfheartedly. My son is going in headfirst.” Same as me. “How did meeting your parents go?”

“They liked Oliver very much. They were very impressed.” Totally different scenario with Martin. They didn’t care for him at all. My daddy would have had a heart attack had he known we were living together outside the boundaries of marriage.

“Ollie went through a bit of a rough patch after his last girlfriend. He hasn’t been interested in anything more than . . . very short-term relationships.” Lawrence is politely referring to all of his one-night stands.

“He’s been very honest about his almost-fiancée and his life after their breakup.” Oliver has told me all about his wild streak.

“It’s been three years and you’re the first woman he’s had any interest in dating. You can’t imagine how happy I am about this. I really want it to work out.”

“Me too. I like Oliver.” A lot. I think we could be really good together.

I have almost everything I could desire. A successful job. A fine car. A beautiful place to live. But four years is a long time to come home to an empty house.

I want more. I’m ready for more.

A man who’s interested in sharing a life together. Maybe a husband. Maybe a father for children.

I could see Oliver fitting into all three of those roles.

“I found happiness, and I want that for my brother too.” Lawrence lights up when her husband comes into the kitchen. “And right here is the source of my happiness.”

I can see why Lawrence would be happy. Tap treats her well. He’s so loving. And he is one good-looking Cajun.

But Oliver is hotter.

“I like walking in on conversations where I hear I’m the source of your happiness.” Tap kisses the side of Lawrence’s face. So damn sweet. “But you know you’re mine too, babe.”

They’re such a cute couple.

“You got volunteered to make the beer run?”

“Yes I did, wife. And Stout volunteered me to check on the guacamole.”

“Tell him five minutes. Adelyn is cutting the avocados right now. And tell him I’m showing her how to make it just the way he likes it. Extra lime and cumin.”

“You got it, babe.”

These are the people Oliver is closest to. And they have made me feel so welcome in their circle. Everything about them is so honest and open. I feel like I can be me. The real me. Not the person who puts on a front and lies to hide my blatant sins from Rachel and Michael Maxwell.

It’s incredibly clear how much Oliver loves his family. And I can’t help but find that sexy and wonderful. Who wouldn’t want a man who loves and treats his family well? It’s a direct reflection of how I could expect him to treat and love me.

I return to cutting avocados so my man can have his chips and guac. “Master the guacamole and you’ll win his heart for sure. He loves that stuff.”

“I think Adelyn’s well on her way to winning his heart regardless. I know what I saw last night. He’s quite smitten with you. I’ve never seen him that way with a woman before. You’re special to him.” I love hearing how confident she is. Moms know.

“I hope so. Because he’s very special to me.”

Everything about our relationship feels like it has been put into forward motion. My thoughts. My feelings. My expectations.

I’m dancing around the words but it doesn’t make them any less true.

I’m falling in love with Oliver Thorn.

* * *

I get off Oliver’s motorcycle and remove my helmet. “That was fun. I’m glad we decided to take the bike.” I’ve wanted to ride again since the day he took me to the brewery.

“I’ll take you cruising anytime you want.”

I lower the zipper of my leather riding jacket. “If we make a habit of this, I’m going to need my own jacket. This one squeezes my boobs so tight I can hardly breathe.”

“Lucky jacket.”

“Don’t be jealous. I’ll let you squeeze my boobs whenever you like.”

“That’ll be hard to do if you’re at your place and I’m at mine.” I don’t want to be apart tonight but I’m not sure it’s a good idea to push for another sleepover. It may be better to let Oliver make that proposal.

“What do you suggest we do about that?”

“I want you to stay with me tonight.” I’m relieved he isn’t asking me over for sex and then kicking me to the curb.

“I would like that very much but I need to go home and get a few things first.”

“Doable. Want me to go with you?”

The obsessed if-I-can’t-have-you-no-one-will look in Martin’s eyes comes to mind. He intended on having me one way or another. I’m not sure being in Oliver’s chokehold changed his mind about that.

I hate feeling like a frightened rabbit. But I’m scared to go alone. “I think I’d feel more at ease if you went with me.”

“I know I’d feel better if I went with you. Just in case.”

I have no worries about Oliver’s ability to protect me. He easily overpowered Martin. He literally held his life in his hands. In the crook of his arm to b

e exact. That doesn’t go unnoticed. And the irony isn’t lost on me.

Oliver Thorn is slowly capturing my heart with his concern for my safety. I’ve never felt that before.

I’m not as shaken as I pack my bag this time. I even feel a little playful.

I open my nightstand drawer and remove the box of condoms Oliver left at my house. “Should I pack these?”

He comes to me, takes the box from my hand, and slings it across the room. “Woman, you have ruined me forever. I will never voluntarily put one of those things on again.” He leans in and kisses that spot below my ear before reaching into my drawer and taking out my bullet. “But this, on the other hand, you should definitely pack. I can think of all kinds of fun uses for it.”

My new black lace lingerie set, Oliver’s birthday gift, is still lying on the bed. “And this? Want your belated birthday gift tonight?”

“So fucking much I’m well on my way to tenting my pants.”

“It’s a little early for that.”

“No one says we have to wait until tonight. Don’t forget my birthday was yesterday.”

He kisses down my neck and slides his hand up my shirt. He palms my breast and thumbs my nipple, making it hard. “True but since we missed celebrating it on the actual day, I would like to take the time to make it special for you.”

He kisses my shoulder and lightly sucks my skin into his mouth. “You have no idea how badly I want to toss you across the bed and convince you we need to fuck right now. I could talk you into it, you know? You taught me how to do that.”

It probably wouldn’t take much persuasion. “Yes. That’s what an alpha would do but a good alpha recognizes what is important to his partner.” I point to my lace ensemble. “And wearing that for you is important to me.”

“I’m sure you’d look beautiful in it. But I like you wearing nothing pretty well too. And if I take these clothes off you that’s what I’ll find underneath them.”

He is such a man. “Thorn. It will be worth the wait. I will be worth the wait. Promise.”