“It’s definitely no place for children.”

“No way he’d risk anything happening to those little girls. He’s crazy about them.”

“I see that.”

“Those boys took one of their Saturdays off to paint the room pink and childproof it. Then they filled it with brand new toys. Better than any daycare I’ve seen.”

I can visualize the three of them rolling pink paint on the walls while drinking beer. “That is precious.”

“Oliver’s going to make a great father one day.”

“I’m seeing that too.” I really want my—our—kids to have him as their daddy.

“Those three were so hard a few years ago. Brutes wouldn’t be a bad word choice to describe them. But now . . . they’re so different. Softened in all the right ways. You’d be a smart girl to latch on to him before some other woman gets her hooks in.”

“Don’t worry. I have every intention.” I’m going to hold on to Oliver Thorn and never let go.

* * *

I’ve called Oliver over and over. No answer. I’ve texted multiple times. No response. And I’m scared. Terrified I’ve messed up far more than I originally thought.

I thought we were okay. I love you, baby. We will work this out. Those were his last words to me. So why aren’t we working it out? Why isn’t he taking my calls or replying to my messages?

There’s only one thing to do. Find out what’s happening through Lawrence.

Please call me when you can: I’m worried about Oliver.

He isn’t taking my calls or answering my texts.

Lawrence’s reply is almost instantaneous.

5 mins. Need to get away first.

Get away from who? Oliver? The fact she needs to get away from anyone worries me.

What the hell is going on in Savannah?

I answer the phone on the first ring. “Lawrence, hey.”


“I’m so sorry to hear about your mother. I absolutely adored Libby.” I tear up saying the words. I’m so sad I won’t have a chance to know their mom better.

“Mom’s fine.”

What? “Molly told me your mother died.”

“Our birth mom.” Oh. Thank God it wasn’t Libby.

I obviously don’t know the full story, but I’m so glad it wasn’t Libby. I don’t know how Oliver would cope with that loss. But he still hasn’t responded to me. Are we okay?

“Oliver’s ignoring my calls and texts.”

“I promise he’s not ignoring you. There’s been a lot going on. It’s been a complete shit show from the moment we got here. These people are out of their fucking minds. Certifiably crazy.” It’s bad if Lawrence is saying that. She never says anything unkind.

“He didn’t tell me anything. He just left without a word.” I know we were in the middle of a fight, or whatever you want to call it, but it still hurts.

“We talked on the way down. Ollie knew you’d insist on coming if he told you our birth mother died. Trust me, he did right by not letting you get involved in this. I wish I weren’t.”

“He should have told me.” No. He wasn’t sure if I still loved him. He couldn’t tell me. How did I ever doubt the magnitude of his love?

“Can you honestly say you wouldn’t have insisted on coming if you knew?”

“No. I would have wanted to be there for him every step of the way.”

“That’s why he didn’t tell you. Rather than risk you coming, he thought it better to ask your forgiveness after it’s all said and done. Please don’t be angry with him.” I don’t know what I am right now. A part of me is hurt but then there’s another part who likes that he went to such extreme measures to protect me. Again.

“Well, I know now so tell him to call me. I want to talk to him.”

“Yeah . . . that’s gonna be a problem considering Oliver’s in jail.”

Shit. “What happened?”

“Long story and it’s one for him to tell. Not me. But Brou’s down at the station seeing what he can do to get him out. Hopefully he won’t have to stay overnight.”

My gut tells me Jimmy was involved. God, I hope Oliver didn’t finish what he started twelve years ago. “I’m coming.”

“That’s exactly what he doesn’t want.”

“I don’t care. I love him and I’m coming.” There’s no way I’m sitting here while he’s going through hell.

“I strongly advise against that, Adelyn. Oliver loves you so much. He doesn’t want these toxic people in your life.”

Those toxic people are a part of his life. That means they’re a part of my life. “I’ll call when I make it to Savannah. You can tell me then if I should go to your parents’ house or the jail.”

“He’s going to lose his shit when you show up here.”

Shit. I already know there are no direct flights to Savannah. Flying won’t get me any faster than driving. With the layover and early arrival to check in, maybe even longer. “I’ve gotta pack a bag but I’ll be quick. I should be there around midnight.”

“We’ll be looking for you. I’ll text if he’s released before you get here. And I’ll text my parents’ address. That’s where we’ll be staying tonight. There’s highway construction on this side of Macon so be careful.”

“I will. See you soon.”

* * *

Quentin and Libby meet me at the front door when I arrive at their home.

“Adelyn. Come here, sweet girl.” Libby takes me in her arms, squeezing tightly. “It is such a pleasure to finally have you in our home.”

“I’m not sure Oliver is going to feel the same when he figures out I’m here.” I was feeling so brave in Birmingham but I’m not as confident now that I’m in Savannah. Especially after an exhausting drive.

Libby is happy I’m here. She’s all smiles. “We’ll put him out in the shed if he complains.”

“Or send him back to the jailhouse.” Quentin laughs.

It eases my mind to hear Oliver’s father make a joke about his arrest. I hope that means the charges aren’t too serious if they’re laughing about it.

Lawrence and Tap are in the living room when we enter. “God, I’m glad you made it. I’ve been worried about you driving alone on that stretch of construction. It’s a little dangerous during the day so I can only imagine what it must be like at night.”

“It wasn’t that bad but it did slow me down.” I’m here about an hour later than I anticipated. “Where’s Oliver?”

“Shower. That’s the first thing he wanted when he walked through the door.”

“So, he just got here?”

“Yeah. About five minutes before you.”

“I believe you’d call that perfect timing.”

“I think so too.” Libby offers a follow me wave. “Come on, sweetie. You should be in his room when he gets out of the shower. It’ll be a nice surprise for him after the last two days.”

Lawrence moves to get off the sofa. “It’s after one so we’re going to bed. We’ll see y’all at breakfast.” She points finger guns at me. “Good luck to you, sista.”


I follow Libby down the hall to Oliver’s room. “I’m very happy you came. Despite what Oliver thinks, he needs you.”

I dread his wrath. “He’s going to be angry with me for coming.”

“Probably but it’ll be short-lived. Give him a little and he’ll get over it.” Give him a little? “My son has been cooped up in jail with strange men for hours. I’m certain he’ll gladly welcome any female affection you offer.”

Liberal Libby is encouraging me to have relations with her son. Under her roof. Any concerns I was entertaining about that being disrespectful are no longer in question.

I love him, and tonight I will make sure he knows he is all I’ll ever want. My answer will be yes. Yes, I can see the bigger picture and love him even more for his care of Vance and his family.

Oliver Thorn

I meet Mom in the hall on my way out of