“You were at the sentencing because Vance is your friend?”


“You knew my brother was killed by a drunk driver two years ago. You also knew your friend killed someone under the same circumstances. Did you know when we met he was the one who killed Tommy or did you figure it out later and choose to not tell me?” Surely fate couldn’t be this cruel.

“I had no idea. I didn’t make the connection until just now. Same as you.”

“Vance is still your friend?”


“And you visit him at the penitentiary?”


This is wrong. “I can’t be with someone who is a friend to my brother’s killer. That’s just completely fucked up.”

“The situation leading up to the accident is probably very different from what you were told.”

“Nothing excuses what he did, and you can get the fuck out if you think you’re going to convince me otherwise. In fact, I don’t even want to look at you right now. Get out.”

“Please don’t.”

I’m hurt. Angry. Confused. Feeling betrayed by the man I love. “I don’t want you in my house.”

Oliver moves toward me and I launch myself at him, pushing at his chest over and over. “I said get out! Go! I don’t want you here.”

Oliver manages to get his arms around my body and subdues me against his chest. “Stop fighting me and listen.” Wrapped in his arms, feeling his warmth, hearing his deep, soothing voice, somehow I feel less . . . less desolate.

He’s a friend to my brother’s killer.

He protected you from Martin.

He visits the man who destroyed my life. Jill’s life.

He wanted my friends to love him because he loves me. Wants me.

Despite all of these volatile thoughts, I lean into him. How can I feel calm in his arms?

“I understand you need time to absorb this so I’m going.” He kisses the top of my head. “I strongly suspect you’re going to question your love for me in the very imminent future, but do not question my love for you. You are my world. My everything.”

He releases me and holds my face. “The only reason I’m leaving is because it’s what you want. I hate to leave you like this, but I have to go to this meeting in Macon. I’m tempted to come back to you afterward, but I know that’s not what you want right now. I’ll go to Savannah as planned. You need time to think without distraction from me, but we’ll have to talk about this after I come home.”

He closes his eyes and kisses my forehead. “I love you, Max. We will work this out.” I love you too.

But he’s wrong.

I don’t think we can work this out at all. I will not—cannot—embrace a man who considers himself a friend of my brother’s killer. I cannot be with a man whose compassion lies with a man who took my brother’s life.

When I left Martin, I was physically broken, and injured in too many places to count from his parting gift. As I watch Oliver walk out of my house, I feel as though my heart is completely breaking into a thousand pieces. Only this time, I am not sure I will actually heal. This time, I may remain broken.

Oliver Thorn

Three days and three nights away from my Adelyn. I’ve sent her a text every night since our fight, each closing with the same words. I miss you and I love you. Not a single reply. Agony.

I hadn’t any clue Vance was related to her brother’s death. How could I have known? I can understand Jill’s reaction to me, her instant distrust. She lost her fiancé. But I can’t lose Adelyn over this.

I can’t stay away another minute. I need to see my girl. I have to know we’re okay.

I didn’t want to leave her. But she needed time to calm down so she’d be able to listen to what I’m saying when I explain about Vance.

If there was anything I learned from my dad it was to give a woman you love space to think. “They are smart, incredible beings, Ollie. When you have earned the love of a woman, when they are emotional, back away and wait. Let them work through the many facets of a situation that we mere males have no clue about. Then take the time to listen and wait your chance to talk.” She wasn’t in a place where she was capable of hearing or processing anything I had to say three days ago. I’m hoping tonight will be different. I need tonight to be different.

The last time we spoke, she wasn’t in a place where she was capable of hearing anything I had to say. I’m hoping tonight will be different.

I’m at the patio door about to knock when I see her in the kitchen. And all her cooking supplies spread across the island. Oh shit.

She’s baking. Because of me. And that kills me.

She jumps and whirls around when I tap on the glass. She shakes her head from side to side when she registers it’s me. “No. Go away.” I barely hear her voice through the door.

I tap again but she refuses to look my way. “We need to talk.” I say the words loudly; I need to know she hears them.

She ignores me as though I don’t exist. “Please. I have things to tell you. I truly believe you’ll understand everything when I’m done explaining.”

Nothing. No response at all. In fact, she leaves the kitchen altogether so I can’t see her from the patio door.

I check the knob and it’s locked. No surprise there so I take out my phone and send a series of pleas.

It’s been 3 days. You can’t ignore me forever.

We have to talk about this.

Please, Max. I love you.

Leave me alone.

Well, at least I got a response. Not the one I want, but it’s better than being ignored.

Adelyn doesn’t know the whole story about Vance or why I stood by his side. Until she understands, she isn’t going to forgive me. I’ll be considered the enemy. I’ll lose her.

I can’t let this continue to fester.

What I’m contemplating may be the worst move I could make with Adelyn. But she’s refusing to see or talk to me. I don’t feel like she’s giving me much of a choice.

I take out her house key and do what will either be the best or worst thing for our relationship.

I unlock the door and let myself into her house. She’s nowhere in sight. I hear a creak in the floor above me. Bedroom.

Good. That’s where I want her. Saves me from throwing her over my shoulder and carrying her up there.

I’m in the house and I’m coming up.

I give her a heads-up because I don’t want to scare the shit out of her by popping into her bedroom unannounced.

“Don’t you dare come up here, Thorn.” I’m standing in the doorway when my name leaves her mouth. “Get out now.”

“No. You’re talking to me. Or at least listening.”

“I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.”

She’s already changed for bed. T-shirt and panties. Two items more than what she’s worn to bed every night since we’ve been together. “Don’t look at me like that. You can forget it.”

Her nipples are hard and poking the fa

bric of her shirt. Of my shirt. She’s wearing one of my Lovibonds. Who knew they could be so fucking sexy?

“I know. I’m not here for that.” I march toward her, ready for a fight, and she doesn’t disappoint.

“No. Stop.”

She jumps on the bed on all fours and attempts to crawl away but I catch her around the waist. I pull her beneath me and lie on top of her. “No, Max. You won’t listen to me so I have no other choice than to make you.”

She bucks but I wrap my body around her, restraining her so she’s unable to move. “You made me your man. I may not control you anywhere else, but I do in this bedroom. You gave me that power. You insisted I dominate you because it’s what you like and want. This is me exerting my power over you. You don’t get to turn it off because it doesn’t suit you at the moment.”

She stops struggling but I continue to hold her tightly. “This is who we are, Max. Because it’s who you made us. Who you asked me to be for us. I control. You submit.”

She’s breathing heavily. I’m not sure if it’s an aftermath of our physical struggle or because she’s turned-on. Maybe both. But right now isn’t about fucking.

“It’s so peculiar how the events of a single night more than two years ago could lead to this conversation.” I loosen my hold and roll us on our sides so Adelyn’s back is pressed to my front. “Get comfortable. This isn’t a short story.”

Adelyn adjusts and doesn’t pull her hand away when I lace my fingers through hers. I feel reassured. She believes in us. My anxiety is eased . . . a little.

I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss the top. “You know I went through a bad spell after Eden. I partied and went through women. It was all in an effort to get her betrayal off my mind. I hate saying that to you, but it’s just how it was at the time.”

“You don’t hate saying it more than I hate hearing it.” Finally. Words other than get out or leave me alone.

“You know how I behaved; what I didn’t tell you about was the night it all came to a screeching halt. The night things were put into a completely different perspective for me.”