Wren jolts, and I do too, when we hear sounds at the front door. “Someone’s here.”

Well, fuck.

We break apart like guilty teenagers caught doing dirty things. At least five feet of distance separates us. Maybe six. Too much.

It’s probably Porter coming by to issue a cockblock. He was pretty pissed off about the time I spent with Wren yesterday. I wouldn’t put it past him. Bastard.

I only have a few seconds to mentally prepare for whatever he is going to say. Porter, she’s going home. I told you I was picking her up and taking her to her car this morning. Remember?

My mental preparation is all in vain when I see who opens the door. What the hell is he doing here?

“Ollie,” Wren yells as she runs to him and throws herself into his arms, “I’m so happy you’re back.”

He looks at me with wide eyes over Wren’s shoulder and mouths, “What?”

I’ve had no communication with Stout in a week. He had no idea his sister was here. He’s completely in the dark concerning what I’ve told her about his alibi. This could mean trouble for him. And me. I don’t think Wren is the kind of woman who tolerates lies.

“Look at you. Back from Memphis so soon?”

He looks like a deer in headlights. “Yes, but only briefly.”

“I guess your friend must be doing better? No longer threatening to do anything stupid after the divorce?”

Stout clears his voice. “He’s stable, but I’m going back. I just drove down so I could be at the festival for a little while today.” Shit. I guess he took a cab from the rehab. I hope she doesn’t decide to ask questions or snoop in regards to the company car, which doesn't exist.

“We’re glad to see you. Especially Lawrence. She was pretty disappointed when she showed up Friday to surprise you but found out you’d left town to see Raleigh.” I think I’ve given him a basic rundown of what Wren believes is happening.

She hugs Stout one-armed, holding the one she used to jerk me off behind her back. “You are such a good friend to give up being at the festival for your friend’s welfare.”

Fuck. The scent of her juices is on my hand. Maybe even my mouth since I licked my fingers after touching her. It’s all I can smell. Or does the room smell like sex? I can’t tell.

“Are those my pants?” Fuck.

Wren spins around. “Lucas spilled tea on his so I gave him those to wear while his jeans are in your dryer. I hope that’s okay.”

“I guess.”

Wren cues me with her hands to cover my crotch. Shit. I register the enormous wet spot beneath my hands when I touch it. Fuck, hope Stout didn’t notice. He’s not stupid.

Whether he knows it or not, he doesn’t want these pants back.

Stout has two duffle bags on his shoulder. “You have dirty clothes in those?” Wren asks.

“Yeah. A lot.”

“Why so much?”

He looks at me and then back to Lawrence. Sorry. Can’t help you with that one, dude. “I just threw a bunch of shit in there. Some clean, some dirty. I wasn’t sure how long I’d be gone.”

“Ugh, Ollie. You’re such a guy. The dirty is going to make the clean stink. All of it will need washing now.” She holds out her hands. “Here. Pass those to me and I’ll get a load started for you.”

Stout kisses the side of Wren’s face. Right where I just kissed her but in a much different manner. “Thanks, sis.”

I sit on the couch and try to remember all the things I need to tell him. Already covered his alibi. Now I need to cover mine. And check the couch for wet spots.

Fuck. Is it just me or does it smell like sex even more over here? Stout is going to rip me a new one if he figures out what I’ve done.

He stands over me, hands on hips. “What the hell has gone on here while I’ve been away?”

I lower my voice. “She showed up at the festival yesterday. Said she was here to surprise you. I came up with a bullshit story about a suicidal friend in Memphis.” Not my best work.

“That’s dumb as hell.”

“Forgive the fuck out of me. I had maybe three seconds, at best, to come up with something to cover your ass.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to seem ungrateful. I’m just sort of freaking out. I wasn’t expecting this.” Just like I wasn’t expecting him to walk in at the exact moment I’m on the way to his guest room to fuck his sister.

“It’s okay.”

“What the fuck are you doing in my apartment with her?” I bet his mind is spinning like a damn hamster in a wheel right now.

“She was planning to go back to Savannah this morning. That’s why I’m here. To take her to her car.” Half-truth. I came to drive her but not before I fucked her.

“Where’s her car?”

“Still parked at the festival. Had the service drive her home as she’d had several beers.” We don’t need two DUIs in the Thorn family.

“Lawrence never has more than a few beers.”

“She did last night.” I might as well tell him now. “She helped me judge the home brew comp. She got a little tipsy but don’t worry. I took care of her.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “In what way?”

“I saw her home safely.” Stout’s eyes grow large and his mouth forms a tight line. I know what he’s thinking. “I did not fuck your sister. I swear.” But I was damn sure about to when you came home just now.

“Give me my phone.” He’s going to see last night’s texts. That means I’m going to have some explaining to do.

“What is this shit about her wanting you to kiss her?”

“I guess she likes me.” And I know I like her. But I can’t let him know that. Fuck do I need to get out of these wet pants . . . and away from the scent of sex.

“Yeah. She likes you all right. She says so right here in this message.”

I didn’t take advantage of my position. I ignored that devil sitting on my shoulder whispering in my ear. “You can see how I responded. I told her I wasn’t for her because she didn’t know how I was. And not knowing me would be no great loss. I figured that’s what you’d say since you don’t think I’m good enough for your sister.”

“It’s not about being good enough, Tap. You’ve screwed over a lot of women. I don’t want my sister to become the latest addition to that very long list.”

Stout has a severe case of the pot calling the kettle black. “You act like I’m such a dickhead, and you never fuck around with women.”

“This has nothing to do with me. We’re talking about my sister and what you’re not going to do with her.”

“I would never mistreat Lawrence.” I wouldn’t. I mean that.

“Maybe you wouldn’t as long as she met your needs. But what about when you no longer want her for a piece of ass?”

“That’s not true. But even if it were, she lives four hundred miles away. This whole argument is bullshit.”

I’m tired of defending myself to Stout. “Why are you here? I thought you had two more weeks to go.”

“I do. Got a day pass because I’ve been doing so well with my recovery. Which isn’t hard given I’m not an alcoholic. It’s a great program for people with addictions, but it’s not really set up for someone like me. Anyway, I have to return by five, which really sucks. Wish I had longer since Lawry is here. I haven’t seen her in six months.” No way she’s leaving this morning now. And I’m not sad about that.

“I’m gonna take off so you can have some brother-sister time.”

“Sorry I was such a hard ass about Lawrence.”

“I know you love her and only want the best for her.” I gesture toward the laundry room. “I’m just gonna grab my jeans out of the dryer before I go.”

Wren is shoving clothes into the washer when I sneak up behind her. I wrap my arms around her and kiss the side of her neck. “Hey. I’m gonna go so you can spend time with Stout before he leaves again.”

She turns in my arms and kisses my chest. “Will I see you late


“I certainly hope so.” I gesture to the jeans folded on top of the dryer. “Mine?”


I push the waistband of the linen pants down and step out of them. “Can these go in with that load?”

She bites her bottom lip to unsuccessfully suppress her mischievous grin. “Throw ’em in.”

I pull on my boxer briefs and then my jeans, Wren’s eyes watching my every move. She is checking out my junk with no shame. “Text me if we don’t catch up at the festival by the time Stout gets ready to leave.” I’d love to make plans to meet up after he’s left.

“I will.”

I hold her face and kiss her breathless. Again. I stop when I hear Stout rambling in the kitchen on the other side of the wall. Can’t risk being caught. “See you later, Wren.”

Lawrence Thorn

Holy shit. I can’t believe Ollie walked in on Brou and me as we were going to the bedroom. Damn, that was a close one.

I don’t care what Ollie says about me being with Brou. My brother doesn’t get a say about who I’m with. But at the same time, I don’t want Brou to encounter a problem at work because of me.

I flop on the couch next to Ollie. He puts his arm around me and squeezes. “To what do I owe this surprise visit?”

“You were right when you said it had been too long since I’d been to see you. I thought it was time. And I wanted it to be a surprise so I could check up on you. You’ve been weird lately, but the last two weeks have been the topping on the proverbial weird cake.”

“Weird, huh?” He laughs.

“Yeah. It doesn’t feel like you on the other end answering me.”

“I’m sorry about that. Things have been a little crazy lately. Let me get through the next couple of weeks, and I promise everything will be back to normal again.”