I considered the source of the blood and doubted it was from a willing patron, but Sol and I accepted the offer in an effort to avoid any undesired attention. We knew we would eventually be forced to drink to maintain our cover, but it was an action that neither of us took lightly.

“Gentlemen, drink up. There is plenty more where that came from,” a lovely, blonde vampire said as she joined us. The jade green evening gown she wore matched her eyes perfectly and she seductively slithered next to me before adding, “I don’t believe we have met. I’m Gloriana, Vincent’s sister.”

I looked at Sol and then reached for her hand before bringing it to my lips to kiss. “Thank you for having us in your home. I am Michael Garrett and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” I gestured toward Sol and continued, “This is Phillip Andrews.”

“Are you friends of my brother’s?” Gloriana asked before she lifted her crystal glass of blood.

“No, we have not had the pleasure,” Sol answered.

“Don’t worry, gentlemen, it’s a long night,” she laughed. “You’ll have the opportunity to meet Vincent a little later. We have something special in store for our guests tonight, so don’t even think about leaving before you have had the opportunity to partake. It’s guaranteed to blow your mind.” She watched me attentively as she spoke and I knew it was my reply she wanted to hear.

“The promise sounds intriguing and we wouldn’t dream of missing out on a mind blowing experience,” I said as I raised an eyebrow at the blonde vampiress.

“Excellent, gentlemen. Unfortunately, duty calls and I have other guests to tend to so I will speak with you a little later,” she said as she seductively looked up at me through her long brown lashes.

She slithered on to visit with her next guest and Sol said, “Wow, Michael Garrett, does your wife realize you are a total babe magnet?” Sol laughed.

I glared at Sol and said, “Not one word, Phillip Andrews. Is that understood?”

He laughed mischievously, a sound I knew well, and I repeated, “I mean it, not one word. Are we clear?”

“Clear as a bell, Michael” he answered, but continued to laugh.

“One word to Chansey and it will be your funeral. I’m not kidding you,” I threatened.

“I’ve got it, Bro.”

As we socialized and mingled through the endless crowd of vampires, we made note of how all of them seemed to be young, under 100 years old. As we quizzed the vampires we met, there was one common denominator among all of them-they were all in the dark about what the special presentation would be.

The speculation among the guests ranged anywhere from minimal to unrealistic expectations and I worried about the reaction of so many enclosed vampires when Avery’s blood was presented. Sol and I alone would be unable to control a frenzy among them and I hoped the intake of the offered blood during the wait for her appearance would prevent a hysteria.

We finished our flutes of blood and a waiter appeared immediately to my left offering a refill. Gloriana returned to visit just as I was about to decline a second glass, so I accepted the offered blood to prevent a red flag from being hoisted.

Gloriana took another glass of blood from the tray and said, “Vincent is about to reveal the surprise, but I want you to meet him before he does if you haven’t already.”

“No, we would very much like to meet Vincent.”

“Wonderful.” She took my hand and led me across the floor. “He’s over here.”

The touch of her hand on mine stirred nausea in my gut and my instincts screamed for me to recoil, but I couldn’t risk making her suspicious so I obediently followed her toward her brother. Solomon walked closely behind me per our agreement to not be separated, but she was obviously only interested in introducing me.

Even if Jenn had not described Vincent to a tee, I would have been able to pick him out of the crowd because his arrogance was tangible. He looked up from his conversation with a lovely red head as Gloriana and I approached and said, “Well, dear sister, who do we have here?”

“This is Michael Garrett and Phillip Andrews,” Gloriana introduced with a broad smile upon her face.

He inspected each of us, no doubt sizing up each of us, but appeared pleased with his sister’s catch of the day. “Welcome to my humble home, gentlemen, and I must add that the gods are smiling upon you tonight because you are most certainly in for a treat like none you have ever experienced.”

“We keep hearing about this special treat and I must say that my curiosity is definitely roused,” I said.

“Well, let us keep you in suspense no longer,” he said so formally. Everything about him was formal-the way he spoke, the way he carried himself and the way he snapped his fingers to summon a pair of fledgelings. They immediately appeared at his side and he instructed, “It is time.”

Without further direction, the pair was gone and Vincent turned his attention back to us. “It will only be a moment, gentlemen. Come, sister, and bring your new friends. Let us take our place at the front of the crowd.”

We were led by Gloriana and Vincent through the maze of vampires and reached our destination in front of what appeared to be some type of medieval looking throne. I was not shocked to see that Vincent thought himself worthy of being seated upon a throne and I laughed to myself at the ridiculousness of his grandeur. As I fought against the urge to laugh aloud, he began to speak for his loyal subjects to hear.

“Brothers and sisters, we have come together tonight to celebrate a magnificent discovery and I will be introducing you to a lovely young lady in a moment.” The waiters began passing out small vials as Vincent spoke and Sol and I knew what was contained within the tiny vessels.

I lifted my vial from the serving tray and Gloriana ordered, “Don’t drink it yet.”

Solomon and I swapped looks with one another and wondered how we were going to get out of drinking the blood of The Blood Jewel. Standing next to the hostess during the toast was not part of the plan.

Vincent held up the vial and continued, “This is the most exceptional tasting blood you will ever find and that I will guarantee. All other bloods pale in comparison and the euphoria you will experience as a result of consuming it will be like no other. Now, I would like to present the donor of this delicacy. Please join me in welcoming my Blood Jewel, Avery.”

17 Sweet Avery

Everyone turned their attention in the direction of twelve armed vampiric guards as they escorted a young, human female into the banquet hall we occupied. She was dressed in a deep red strapless ball gown and her long, blonde hair flowed over her bare shoulders onto her upper back. She was extremely pale because of her recent draining and afflicted with dark circles under her pale golden brown eyes. She was a lovely girl and I saw the family resemblance to Jenn, but her face was void of emotion and I knew the look well. She had accepted her fate of death.

The guards led her to the throne as they surrounded her, ready to strike at the first sign of threat. The incredibly heavy security was unexpected and it threw a whole new wrench into our plan to rescue her.

Vincent went to stand at Avery’s side and motioned for his sister to join him, making it possible to pull off the deception of Sol and me drinking her blood. I was relieved, because otherwise, I would have been forced to drink the addicting substance or risk blowing our cover.

Vincent raised his vial into the air and said, “Now, let us all partake of the precious Blood Jewel together.” As he and his sister toasted their vials together, Sol and I lifted ours as well and then pretended to consume Avery’s blood.

Waiters with trays walked through the crowd collecting the empty vials as the murmurs became louder about the delightful taste of the blood.

I saw Gloriana work the crowd as she inched her way closer to me and I dreaded the moment she returned to my side. I could only think about how uncomfortable she made me and I thought of how pissed Chansey would be about another woman getting this close to me.

I lost sight of Glor

iana and searched the crowd for her. As I scanned the room in search of her, I took notice of a bizarre expression on Vincent’s face. He watched Solomon curiously and I immediately feared our motive had been discovered, although I couldn’t guess the source.

I tensed when I heard Vincent call out to Sol from where he sat at Avery’s side. “You there, was it Phillip Andrews?”

Solomon was deeply distracted by something and failed to hear Vincent’s summons, so I elbowed him. “Vincent is speaking to you, Phillip.”

He slowly turned his attention to me and said, “What?”

“Our host is calling you, so why don’t you go see what he wants,” I gritted through my teeth, a clear indication for him to get his ass in gear.

“Oh, sure, sure,” he stumbled out then very cautiously walked to where Vincent lounged on the ridiculously grand armrest of the throne where Avery was seated. Solomon was silent, waiting to hear what it was that Vincent was up to and I listened from across the room.

Vincent reached out and stroked Avery’s cheek slowly as he said, “I couldn’t help but notice your special interest in my sweet, sweet Avery.” He looked up at Sol and asked, “Did you enjoy her blood?”