“If everyone’s asleep, then it’s just you and me for how long?” she inquired and I knew she was up to something.

“Hmm, several hours, at least. Why? What are you up to?”

She slapped my arm and said, “Thanks for the vote of confidence. Why do you always think I’m up to something? I just thought we could go swimming. It’s a beautiful day. I might work on my tan.”

Her harmless answer surprised me because I completely expected a response involving sex since she was asking about alone time.

I wrapped my arms around her and said, “Okay. I’m sorry my mind was in the gutter.Will you forgive me?”

“I’ll think about it.” She made a thoughtful face and said, “Okay. I forgive you.”

I kissed her forehead and said, “Thank you.”

She slapped me across my ass and said, “Come on. We’re wasting alone time. Go get your trunks on and I’ll be in to change after you’re finished.”

When I finished changing, I found Chansey in the living room. “Your turn.”

“Okay. I’ll be out in a minute. Meet you in the pool?”


I knew my sisters only wore skimpy bikinis, so I was a little afraid of what Chansey would be sporting by the pool today. I hoped it wasn’t the new red thong Lairah recently purchased, but then I caught myself hoping it would be.

Sexual frustration was no joke.

I grabbed my shades and a couple of towels before I headed for the pool. I dove into the deep end and began swimming laps to take my mind off of which suit Chansey would be wearing. I stopped on lap number 12 when I saw Chansey come out of the house wearing my button up shirt.

“I had to borrow your shirt again. I didn’t have a coverup.”

“You know you can have anything of mine. You don’t have to ask,” I told her, again.

I noticed that Chansey looked nervous, which was completely unlike her and it didn’t suit her well. Her heart sped as she walked closer to the pool and she seemed unsure of herself. It felt like she was stalling when she said, “You can finish your laps if you want.”

Curiosity sat heavily upon my mind and I said, “I’m good. Are you coming in or do you want to get a little sun first?”

She crossed her arms over her chest as she replied, “I haven’t decided yet.” She was still stalling for some reason.

Something was off and we both knew it. I lowered my head into the water and raised straight up to slick my hair out of face, then ran my hand from front to back, pushing the water from my face. “You’re being weird. What’s wrong?”

She grinned and said, “Nothing is wrong.”

“Come in with me. You know I won’t bite.” It was a bad joke, but she laughed.

She walked to the steps and began unbuttoning my shirt, her coverup. I floated on my back in an attempt to not stare as she shed the only thing keeping me seeing her in a skimpy bikini.

Curiosity got the best of me and I raised my head just as Chansey tossed my shirt on the lounger and saw she wore nothing but the skin she was born in. She slowly descended into the pool, watching my face for a reaction to her bareness.

What are you doing, Chansey? My mind thought it, but my mouth was unable to say it.

She shrugged her bare shoulders and said, “Sorry. I forgot I didn’t have a swimsuit. What’s a girl to do?”

I began to back away from her and said, “A girl can borrow one...that’s what a girl is to do.”

“Lairah and Gia were asleep,” she weakly argued.

“You could have just gotten a swimsuit from one of their closets. You know they wouldn’t mind.”

She swam closer and said, “There’s no way I’d risk waking a sleeping vampire. Would you really advise me to do that?”

I backed into the wall of the pool and could go no further, which couldn’t have made her happier. “Your back is against the wall and you have nowhere to go, Curry.” She swam until she reached me and placed her arms over my shoulders. Her wet breasts pressed against my chest and she wrapped her legs around my waist. She watched my eyes for a signal to stop and when I didn’t shut her down, she wasted no time in leaning forward to kiss me.

She took my mouth, claiming it as hers, and I freely gave her what she wanted. In that moment, I think I would have given her anything she asked of me. I lifted my face to the sky above and exposed my neck to her. She kissed me along the most sensitive part for a vampire, my carotid, and I groaned, “Why are you doing this to me?”

“Why are you willing to give me anything that belongs to you except yourself? That’s what I want more than anything. None of this other stuff matters,” she pleaded.

Her convincing scent permeated me and flipped an inner switch I couldn’t find to turn off. She slid her hands inside the elastic band of my swim trunks on each side of my hips and I realized that I wasn’t going to tell her to stop.

I placed my forehead against hers and said, “Let’s go inside. The others are asleep.”

She stopped to look at me. She searched my eyes to see if she could trust me to not change my mind from the time we left the pool until we reached my bed. “I’m not going to back out, but the pool is not where this is going to happen.”

She breathlessly said, “Okay, let’s go inside.”

She released her hold on me and took my hand to lead me up the pool steps when we heard the sound of closing car door, then another. She turned to look at me in hopes she imagined the sound, but then we heard the voices of two men.

Oh, hell no. “What time is it?” I grumbled.

“I don’t know. Probably around two o’clock?” Chansey guessed.

“Baby, I am so sorry. It’s Harvey Janson, the contractor. You had me so distracted that I forgot we were meeting with him about the construction today.”

I heard the steps of Harvey and his assistant walking closer and I streaked to our towels and back, covering Chansey before they got an eye full of her nakedness.

She wanted to be furious, but found the whole situation too laughable to hold much of a grudge against me. She gathered her towel under her arms and started walking toward the house. “I’m going to kill you and send you to your true death. Do you hear me? I can’t go on trial for killing someone that is already dead. You understand that, right?”

I could not stop myself from laughing. “I’m sorry, but the look on your face is hilarious.” I kissed the end of her nose and said, “I’ll be inside to get dressed after I tell Harvey to give us a minute.”

She turned to go in the house and I couldn’t take my eyes off of the sway of her hips as she walked because I knew she was naked under h

er towel. I reached out and smacked her across her cute little bottom as she walked past me and a squeal escaped her lips. She whirled around and narrowed her eyes at me. “You think this is over, mister, but it’s a long way from over. I’m not finished with you, yet.”

“Well, you’re finished with me for today because the family will be up by the time we finish with Harvey.”

She gave me a wink. “Only gives me more time to formulate my next plan of action.”

After we were dressed, we met with Harvey at the intended construction site and spent the better part of the afternoon making plans for our quarters at the compound. When Harvey and his partner weren’t looking, I would mouth the words, “I love you,” to Chansey just so I could see her smile.

“Mr. Janson, would it be possible to draw off where our bedroom will be so I can get a better feel for the layout?” Chansey asked.

Harvey was taken by Chansey’s beauty and eager to please her. “Not a problem, Mrs. Brennan. I’ll do that for you right now.”

We both smiled at his honest mistake and watched as Harvey chalked the outline of our future bedroom. She held her arms up at a 90 degree angle and I wondered what she was doing.

“This is the exterior wall with the windows?” she questioned.

“I think that is right,” I agreed.

She continued to hold her arms up with a rather serious, contemplating expression on her face. She took about three steps toward the wall and I finally took the bait. “Okay, you have me. What are you doing.?”

“This is the spot,” she said.

She loved to play games with me. “What spot?

She leaned closer and placed her palms against my chest, then whispered low enough that Harvey wouldn’t hear, “This is where I’m going to rock your world every night, Curry Brennan.”

She turned away from me, as though she didn’t just say the sexiest thing in the world and nonchalantly spoke with Harvey about a room for my art and photography. I smiled to myself as I thought about the surprise on her face when she found out I had secretly planned a room of her own just off of our bedroom. I didn’t have a concrete idea of what she would use it for other than her own private space, but I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that she would want it for something one day.