“Don’t be giving them any ideas. I need a break from their bickering with Solomon,” I informed her.

“I guess I don’t understand the whole vampire mating thing, but why would Solomon not consider one of them as a mate?” she asked.

I wasn’t sure I understood the vampire mating thing either. “I think of Gia and Lairah like sisters. I don’t know how Sol feels about them. We’ve never discussed them like that, but they fight like brothers and sisters so I’m guessing he feels the same way I do.”

“But it hasn’t always been like that,” she argued. “I’m sure you didn’t consider them sisters when you first met.”

“When they came, there was no time to think about things like mates. They arrived at the compound to be trained as mentors.”

“Gia and Thatcher seem close.”

So, I wasn’t the only one that noticed their closeness. I’d been having suspicions about Gia and Thatcher for years. “I think they have a little something going on between them. They hide it very well, but I occasionally catch a look passing between them that makes me think they are in love or something.”

“Why wouldn’t they openly admit their love for one another?” she asked. “No one would judge or criticize them. I think it would be sweet.”

She was asking the wrong person. “I don’t know, Love. You’d have to ask Gia and Thatcher that question.”

“Gia and I have become close, so I might just do that. It just seems so sad. Gia seems like she wants to be in love so badly. Lairah, too. Maybe an Agápe will come along for them. Do you think that’s a possibility?”

It was something I had not given much thought to. “I’m not certain, but I’ve never heard of male Agápes.”

She huffed, “Well, that’s completely unfair for the female vampire population.”

Yes. Leave it to Chansey to want to fight for female vampire equality. “After finding you, I place absolutely no limits on what is possible. Maybe you should lead the protest for equal rights.”

˜ ˜ ˜

We stayed in bed exploring our bond all morning as we waited for the sun to rise completely and then we ordered room service for breakfast instead of getting ready and going out.

Chansey pushed her food around on her plate trying to make me think she was eating, but I could feel her anxiety and I wanted to talk to her about it. “You’re not hungry, Love?”

She realized she wasn’t fooling me and she laid her fork down on her plate. “I guess not.”

“Do you feel sick?”

She shook her head as she stared at her plate. “No, I’m not sick. I think it’s just a nervous stomach because I can’t stop thinking about what you and Solomon are going to do when we get to Savannah. We won’t even be settled in before you are off on some type of dangerous rescue mission.”

“Come here.” I pushed away from the table and patted my leg for her to sit in my lap. “I don’t want to spend the rest of our honeymoon dwelling on this. I want to have a good time.”

She draped her arm across my shoulders and placed her head against mine. “I thought we were having a good time. Was I wrong?”

I gently squeezed her leg. “No, you are not wrong, Love. We have had a wonderful time and I’m sad to see it end so suddenly. Maybe we can come back again since we are cutting this trip short. What about our anniversary? Would you like that?” I suggested, although I knew she didn’t intend on being human a year from now.

“Maybe,” she answered, giving me the surprise of my life because I had expected to hear her tell me how it wouldn’t be a possibility.

“Really? Maybe?” I asked, wanting her to expand on her surprising consideration.

She lifted her head from mine to look at me. “Don’t read too much into it, Curry. Maybe just means maybe,” she said.

“Maybe is way more than I expected,” I said, still shocked by her reply.

She reached for my leg and ran her hand up and down my thigh slowly. “What can I say? I like the way this is going.”

“I sort of like the way this is going, too, but if you keep stroking my leg like that, we’re going back to bed instead of the beach,” I threatened. “Don’t get me wrong...that’s fine by me, but you said you wanted beach time today.”

“That’s right. I want to enjoy my last day of white sand and blue water with a bright sun over my head.”

I pushed her up from my lap and tapped her bottom. “Then, what are you waiting on? Quit wasting time and get your swimsuit on so we can hit the beach.”

Chansey came out of the bathroom wearing a bikini I had not seen this week. It was white and left very little to the imagination. “Oh, hell, no! You’re not wearing that out there.”

She took her angry Chansey stance with her hands on her hips. “Why? What’s wrong with my swimsuit?”

“There’s nothing wrong with it except you’re wearing dental floss. You’re saving that one for the pool at home, so put on a different one for the beach. I don’t want to spend the day pissed because every guy on the beach is ogling you in hopes you’ll bend over just right.”


“It’s true. Now, I understand what human men are thinking about every two seconds.” She looked at me like I was exaggerating and I shrugged. “Hey, I’m just being honest.”

She stuck her tongue out at me before she went into the bathroom to change and she returned wearing a much tamer red bikini. I could have said something about the color attracting unwanted attention, but in truth, it wasn’t the swimsuit that would captivate men. It was all Chansey because she was so breathtakingly beautiful and she was mine...Always.

14 Sweet Dreams

We sat in the airport the next morning waiting to hear the boarding call for our flight and I noticed Chansey smiling as she watched two little girls playing in the aisle of the seating area. Her mood felt so similar to yesterday morning’s while she was dreaming and my curiosity got the better of me. “What were you dreaming yester

day morning before Solomon called?’

She shrugged her shoulders and wrinkled her forehead as she squinted her eyes. “What?”

“I know it’s a strange question, but there is a reason I’m asking. Consider it an experiment of sorts...about our bond,” I mysteriously said because I wanted to peak her curiosity enough to tell me about her dream.

She cocked her head. “What kind of experiment?”

“If I told you, then it might alter your answer and the experiment would be null and void.”

“Okay. Give me a minute,” she said and she began to laugh. “Oh, yeah, the bizarre one.”


She giggled like a teenage girl. “Yeah. I feel a little weird telling you about it.”

“Why? Were we being naughty?”

“No, we were not being naughty, Pervert.” She shrugged her shoulders and added, “It’s just awkward to talk about it.”

“I was hoping you were having some kind of sexy dream I could think about while we were in the sky.”

She rolled her eyes. “Sorry to disappoint you, but we were being...very human.”

“Tell me how we were being very human.”

She laughed as she said, “I’m warning you not that it was silly.”

“Okay, tell me already,” I pleaded.

“I was pregnant. Like really big pregnant and you were so stoked about it. You were so convinced it was a boy and you wanted to name him James after yourself and your father, but she ended up being a girl. We named her Claudia after your mother.”

Coincidence? It had to be. I had never told her that I would have wanted to name my son James. How could she possibly know that? I guess it wouldn't be that hard to put the pieces together considering James was my first name and I was named after my father.

“So, did my dream prove your theory?” She smiled expectedly and waited for my answer.

“What theory?” I dumbly asked.

She huffed dramatically. “Whatever kind of experiment you were conducting about our bond?