“You looked way too serious.”

“I was concentrating. That was my fill-her-with-so-much-cum-there’s-no-way-she-won’t-get-pregnant face.”

I pull out slowly and reach for a pillow at the head of the bed. I motion for her to lift her bum. “Up you go.”

She picks up her hips and I slide the pillow under her arse. “Do you really think this position helps?”

“Doesn’t hurt.”

I kneel between her legs and push her thighs apart. “I will never get tired of looking at your pretty pink, wet pussy.”


“What? I can’t say that about my mate?”

“It’s dirty.”

“Well, you’re a bad girl so you probably like it.”

“I don’t mind it at all.”

I kiss the top of her knee. “Tell me, my beautiful wife-to-be. How would you like to come?”

“I want you to rub me off with those talented fingers of yours.” She takes my hand and places my fingers over her clit. “Right here. You know what I like.”

Touch. It’s so simplistic in certain aspects, and so very complex in others. But I’ve come to know Ellison’s body well in a short time. I know exactly what it needs.

She’s slick from our love making so my fingertips easily glide in a large, slow circular motion. She rocks her pelvis against my fingers. The girl can’t sit still. “Like that?”

She closes her eyes and her words come out as a breathy whisper. “Yesss.”

I use my thumb to stroke her center up and down several times before concentrating on the tight nub at the top of her slit. Her most sensitive spot. I alternate between fast and slow, hard and soft. She’s building. Climbing. Almost soaring. I know by her body’s reactions.

I want to finish her off with a bang. Make her cervix upsuck every last drop of semen inside her.

I lower my mouth and suck her clit. I’m irregular with the pressure and speed so she won’t be able to predict what will come next. “Ohh . . . ohh . . . ohh.”

I smile when I feel the quivers against my lips. My girl’s coming.

Her entire body relaxes when the quivering stops. That’s when I know she’s in that place, the one where she’s blissful and euphoric. There’s no other feeling in the world like it.

“I will never get enough of that. Or you.”

I’m certain it’ll be impossible to ever get enough of Ellison MacAllister—soon to be Breckenridge. I’m completely obsessed with this woman. “You own every part of me, Mac. You hold complete command over my heart, body, and soul.”

I will do anything for her. For them.





It is who I am.

Anything to hold on to her and make her happy and safe.

Rip my sister a new one. That’s what I should do. “Where the fuck have you been the last three days?”

“I’ve been busy.”

Ellison and I have tried calling her no less than a hundred times. “We’ve been worried sick.”

“I’m an adult, Jamie. I was fine.”

Bad things happen to adults too. Does she not remember that she was just kidnapped and raped? “It would have been nice to know you were safe.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry. I should have checked in.” It isn’t like Westlyn to be so inconsiderate.

“I needed to talk to you before the meeting.”

“About what?”

“Ellison and I have a plan we’ve put into action so Kieran can’t take her as his wife. I have a plan for you and Evanna too but we really needed to discuss it before the council shows up.” And now there’s no time. Westlyn has really fucked this up.

And where is Evanna? I thought she’d be here since The Hendrys consider her a potential wife.

“I have my own plan.”

What a relief. “Thank fuck. You don’t know how glad I am to hear that.”

Thane comes into the dining room and takes his seat at the head of the table. “Lennox and Kieran will be here any minute. I understand you have something to tell us before their arrival.”

Westlyn is taking her destiny into her own hands. I highly doubt I’ll ever see something like this from Evanna. She’s content to let Mum run her life for her.

“I do. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the treaty offer and I’ve come to a decision. Ellison isn’t Fellowship. This isn’t her responsibility. She shouldn’t be sacrificed when she isn’t even one of us yet. I’m prepared to marry Kieran.”

What the hell? What. The. Hell? “No fucking way. You’re not marrying him.”

“I am, Jamie. I’ve made up my mind.”

That is the craziest shite I’ve ever heard. “Why would you volunteer to become the wife of a man who brutalized you for three days?”

“You don’t know anything about what happened while I was with Kieran.”

She says his name so comfortably. Like they’re well acquainted friends. Like he isn’t her rapist. “How could I know anything? You haven’t answered your phone. You haven’t been at your flat. You disappeared off the face of the earth.”

I assumed she cut us off because she needed time to herself after the hell he put her through. I think that would be a normal reaction for anyone. But after hearing this, I don’t know.

Ellison is one of her best friends. Maybe she can talk some sense into her. “Tell her this is nuts.”

“Wes. You can’t sacrifice yourself for me again. It won’t be three days this time. It’s the rest of your life. Forever. You’ll never get away from him.”

“I’ve made up my mind. I’m doing this.”

“Then it’s settled. Westlyn will marry Kieran. Which one of you will marry Hendry’s daughter?”

I’m preparing to announce Ellison’s pregnancy when Mitch speaks up. “This treaty dissolves the only complication that has been keeping Jamie and Ellison apart. I’m not in a relationship with anyone, and I don’t have interest in any of The Fellowship women. I’ll take Shaw as my wife.”

Thane nods. “Your decision is the act of a true leader. You make me very proud, son.”

“Not a totally selfless act. I’m really hoping she’s hot.”

One of the guards comes to the doorway. “The Hendrys have arrived, boss.”

“You can escort them in.”

Lennox and Kieran come into the dining room and the younger Hendry’s eyes immediately go to Westlyn. The fucker looks like he could devour her right here and now.

“Gentlemen.” Lennox offers a nod of acknowledgment but Kieran is too busy eye-fucking my sister to offer any form of greeting.

Ellison senses my rage and pats my leg beneath the table. “Calm down,” she whispers.

“Please join us.”

Kieran takes the empty seat next to Westlyn. He rapes my sister and now he torments her further by sitting next to her. The protective big brother inside me wants to go over the table, put him in a chokehold, and squeeze the fucking life out of his body.

“Have you come to a decision about the treaty?”

“Aye. We are pleased to say we have decided to accept. Westlyn has offered herself to be Kieran’s wife—if that’s agreeable with him.”

“Aye. I’m agreeable to taking Westlyn as my wife.”

“I think Kieran and Westlyn will make a good match.” Based on what, motherfucker? This is bullshit.

“And your decision on who will be taking Shaw as a wife?”

“I will,” Mitch says.

“Very good.” Lennox looks pleased. I’m sure having his daughter wed the second son of the leader is more preferable than me—the son of the leader’s adopted brother.

“Kieran and Westlyn will notify the district registrar tomorrow of their intent to wed. Do we agree that the wedding will take place in four weeks?”

“No objection from us,” Thane says.

“Kieran will claim Westlyn tonight unless there are any objectio


I’m preparing to argue when Westlyn shakes her head and mouths, “Don’t.”

Thane flicks his hand in the direction of the empty chair. “I only see one bride here for exchange.”

“My apologies for Shaw’s absence. I’m afraid she needs a little more time to adjust to the idea of marrying someone she’s never met. She is a Hendry and will fulfill her duty. I will see to it personally.”

I’ve known Mitch his entire life. He isn’t quick to anger but I can see he’s annoyed. “Shaw isn’t the only one marrying a stranger she’s never met. It would have been a nice gesture for her to at least come meet the man volunteering to take her.”

It must be a bleak feeling to know you’re going to marry a lass you’ve never met. What if he’s not attracted to her at all? What if they hate each other? It happens. I think Thane and Isobel simply tolerate one another because they’re too tired to do anything else after so many years of marriage.

“It is my solemn vow that Shaw will be delivered to Mitch by the end of the week.”

“Your daughter clearly isn’t onboard with being a treaty bride.”

“Shaw is young. Headstrong. She has her own ideas about what she wants for her life but I will steer her in the right direction.”