We embrace one another as though we may never see each other again. Will I see her again? “You stay strong.”

And then I’m left alone again. And the tears start. Again.

It’s night three at The Order compound. Solitary confinement. Prison. Bastille. Whatever you want to call this place.

Each day has been identical. I’ve become accustomed to hearing the jiggle of the lock followed by the same Order member bringing in my meal tray. I wonder if it’ll be fish and chips or stew and soda bread.

Tall, dark, and not-so handsome with a huge scar across his cheek isn’t holding my dinner tray this time. “Come.”

“Come where?”

No reply. Total shocker.

I get up and follow The Order member. “Where are you taking me?”

“Boss is taking you home.”

Home. To Jamie. My knees nearly buckle and it’s me who’s speechless this time.

Kieran and Westlyn are already in the back of the black Sedan when I get inside. It’s impossible to describe the alleviation I feel when I see her. “Oh my God, Wes. I’m so relieved you’re in this car.”

I look at Kieran over her shoulder as Westlyn hugs me and I want to scream “you fucking monster” in his face. But I don’t. I’m sure it’s better to not push my luck at this point.

It’s dark in the backseat of the car but I don’t mistake the possessive hold of Kieran’s hand on Westlyn’s thigh. He’s holding it like he has the right to touch her. Like she belongs to him. Like he isn’t ready to let her go back to The Fellowship. Makes me sick. Your nightmare is almost over, Wes. Not much longer.

I’m relieved when the car pulls into Thane’s drive but a pang of fear comes over me when I see Jamie, Thane, Sin, and Mitch standing in front of the house.

Will Jamie turn away because he sees me as tainted?

Will he believe me when I tell him they didn’t rape me?

Will he end our relationship because the burden that comes along with me is too much to handle?

The car comes to a stop and one might expect me to try to fling the door open and run into his arms. Instead, I don’t move a muscle. I’m scared to face him. Terrified that he won’t believe I wasn’t raped. Petrified he’ll be done with me for good.

The driver of the car gets out and walks around to open my door. I still don’t move.

“You’re free to go, Miss MacAllister.” Freedom is one step away. It’s dumb that Kieran has to say those words to remind me.

I slide over and get out but Westlyn doesn’t follow. What is she doing? “Come on, Wes. Let’s go.” Now. Before the monster changes his mind.

“Miss Breckenridge and I need a private moment. She’ll join you in a minute.” I don’t move because leaving Westlyn behind feels wrong. “Go, Miss MacAllister. Now.”

What could he possibly want with Wes? Surely, he doesn’t intend on violating her on Fellowship property. Would he be that evil?

“Mac.” I turn at the sound of Jamie’s voice and see him rushing toward me. I take no more than two steps before we collide and I’m in his arms.

He holds me for a moment and then loosens his embrace so he can look at my face. “Those bastards hit you.”

“I’m fine.” I realize how lucky I am to have come out of this with only a punch to the face.

“Fuck. I’ve been going crazy. I thought I’d lost you forever.” He squeezes me tightly and kisses the top of my head. “I love you so much, Mac. I haven’t told you that near enough. But I’m going to.”

“I love you too.”

Jamie twists us so his body is between the car and me. “Get away from them. Go inside the house while we get Westlyn back. Bleu’s waiting for you there.”

He releases me and walks toward the car. I have no idea what he’s going to do but it can’t be good with that unhinged look in his eyes. “Whatever you’re going to do . . . don’t.”

“That fucker still has my sister.”

“And Kieran’s going to release her in a minute. Unharmed. Please don’t do anything that’s going to put her in the middle of a challenge.” I hold out my hand for him to take. “Westlyn is fine.”

He looks at the car for a moment and then back at me. “You’re sure?”

“Yes. He said she would join me in a moment. I believe him.” I’m not sure I do but I can’t let Jamie go crazy on Kieran. That won’t be good for anyone.

He looks like a wild animal trying to decide if he’ll attack or draw back. “Come to me.”

“Retreat, Jamie.” Thane’s voice has an ultimate alpha tone to it. “You already know he enjoys provoking you. Don’t give him another opportunity.”

He glares at the car before turning away. “Fuck me. He’s holding on to her just to antagonize me.”

“Move away from the car. He’ll be more inclined to release her if you’re not standing over him.” I have no idea what has gone down between Jamie and Kieran but I definitely pick up on some kind of pissing contest.

I see the anguish on Jamie’s face as he walks toward me. I feel it when he yanks me into his arms and squeezes hard, almost painfully so. “I’ve never wanted to kill anyone more than I want to kill that fucking Kieran Hendry.”

I feel the same. “I may help you kill him.”

Jamie grasps the sides of my face. “What did that motherfucker do to you?”

I don’t misread the fear in his eyes. It’s real. And although he’s asking, I suspect he doesn’t really want to know the answer.

The car door opens and Westlyn emerges from the black sedan. “He’s letting her go.”

Jamie releases me and races toward his sister. He puts his arm around her and uses his body to shield her from Kieran’s sight. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Jamie.”

Kieran lowers his window. “We’ll contact you in three days to set up the next meeting.”

What next meeting?

The tires crunch against the drive as Kieran Hendry departs the Breckenridge property. I’m glad to see him go, but I fear it won’t be the last time The Fellowship has to deal with that animal.

“Everyone inside. Bleu and Isobel are desperate to see Westlyn and Ellison.”

My sister rushes to me as soon as I enter the front door. It hasn’t been that long since she was the one in my shoes. The one being held captive. But her experience was so much worse.

“Oh my God, Elli.” That’s all she says. And no other words are needed.

“I know, Bleu.”

Her embrace. The tears. I understand the language my sister is speaking without hearing a single word.

Isobel hugs Westlyn. “Thank God you came back to us safely. The entire brotherhood has been in a state of chaos.”

The tou

gh exterior shell I’ve been wearing shatters into a million pieces and the tears rush forward. “I was . . . so scared. I didn’t think . . . I’d ever see any . . . of you again.”

Bleu hugs me tighter and kisses the side of my face. “It’s over, Elli. You’re home, and this is where you’re staying. Safe with us.”

“I understand it’s the last thing either of you feel like doing right now, but the council needs to question you about the abduction.” He can’t be serious. I’ve just spent three days in captivity with barely any sleep. I’m delirious.

“Can they wait until tomorrow? It’s late and both of them are exhausted.” I swear I could kiss Isobel for making that suggestion.

“Is that what you want? To come back for debriefing tomorrow instead of getting it over with tonight?”

I don’t typically like to procrastinate, but I’m an emotional mess. “I haven’t slept in three days. I’d probably be more help if we waited since I’m not sure I’m thinking straight right now.”

“Can you give them something for sleep?” I remember the problems Bleu had with nightmares following her abduction. She hasn’t forgotten either since she’s asking Jamie to give me medication.

“I have some mild sedatives.”

It may be a different story when I lie down and close my eyes but right now I feel like I could sleep a whole week.

“Nothing for me. I don’t need anything but a bed.”

Westlyn’s behavior isn’t that of someone who has gone through what she has. Too quiet. Too calm. It’s a front. Has to be.

“You’re sure? You could take half if you don’t want to be fully sedated.”


Everything about Westlyn’s demeanor is off. She’s going overboard with the strong pretense. Was she taught to hide her post-attack pain as a sign of strength?

“I’m taking Ellison home. What time do you want to see us back?”

“Let her sleep in. Any time after she’s up and around will be fine.”

“Thank you, Thane.” I’m so glad he’s not pushing this.

Jamie opens the passenger door of his vehicle but pulls me into his arms before I get inside. “I just need to feel you for a minute so I can prove to myself that you’ll really here and safe in my arms.”