“You’re sure? I can call her back after we’re done.”

“Aye. Just a couple more stitches and we’re finished.” I’m wasting no time getting this done so I can get this bastard out the door. I’m ready to have my girl.

“I won’t be long.”

Logan flinches and grips the mattress when I introduce the needle into his skin for the next suture. “Motherfucker. That hurts.”

I’m enjoying this far more than I should. “Almost done.”

“I hope the fuck so.”

“Don’t rush me. You want to look pretty on your wedding day, don’t you?” I shouldn’t bring it up. It’s inevitable that he’s going to say something to piss me off even more. But the part of me who considers Ellison all mine can’t keep his mouth shut.

“I don’t like it that my future wife is living in the same house as you.” His future wife?

He’s known her all of three fucking minutes. He isn’t allowed to have an opinion about any part of her life, especially where I’m concerned.

“I didn’t know you had made a formal declaration.”

“I made a public announcement and intent last night.”

Not the same thing, you arsehole, so stop acting like she’s yours. “I was there and heard what you said. I also heard Sin say he wouldn’t accept an official claim until after the takeover.”

“It’s just a matter of time.”

And just a matter of her accepting. And Sin approving. And me not killing this fucker. “Have you discussed a match with Ellison?”

“I told her I intended on claiming her.”

“She supports your claim?”

“She didn’t oppose it so you’d better be looking for a new nurse. When we marry, she’s done here. She’ll be at home with me raising our children.”

“Raising your children? Is Ellison aware of this plan at all?”

“Very aware. She wants a baby so I told her I’d give her one as soon as we’re married. She said I would make a wonderful father.”

What. The. Fuck? I don’t believe for one second that Ellison agreed to any of this.

“You sure as hell made a lot of life decisions during a three-minute dance.”

“She needs a Fellowship husband. I’m ready to take another wife. There wasn’t a lot to decide. Makes sense for us to be together.”

Logan isn’t the man for my girl, and I think it’s time he realizes it. “Ellison is the sister-in-law of a Fellowship leader. Her safety is at risk but the danger will be even greater when Sin takes Thane’s place. She needs a husband who can keep her safe.”

“I’m prepared to do that.”

I’m prepared to. Not good enough for Ellison. She deserves more. A man who will worship her, not add her protection to his list of jobs.

Fuck that.

I hate bringing up Emilia but Logan needs to see this for what it is. “Saying it and demonstrating it are two different things.”

“I won’t lose another wife to those bastards. She will always be safe with me. I’ll never let her or our children out of my sight.”

I respect Logan’s intention but he needs to find a different wife. This one isn’t for him.

Ellison returns from taking Bleu’s call and stands behind me, looking over my shoulder. “Almost done?”

“Last one.”

“Good because that was Sin. He needs us to come over as soon as possible to keep the babies. I think we’ll be spending the night there so I went ahead and packed an overnight bag for us.”

“Did you get my charger off the bedside table?”

“Yup. But I forgot mine. Be right back.”

“Hey, grab my laptop and its charger while you’re up there. I need to review some obstetric stuff before my next clinical.”

I finish the last stitch and clip the end. “All done. Sit up and let me have a look at you straight-on.”

Logan sits up on the side of the stretcher. “Looks pretty damn good if I do say so myself. You should have minimal scarring.”

“What the hell is going on at this infirmary?”

“What do you mean?” I know exactly what he means.

“The conversation I just heard between the two of you doesn’t sound anything like a doctor-nurse relationship.”

I think about the exchange of words Logan just witnessed between Ellison and me, and he’s one hundred percent correct. Our intimacy in the bedroom just blatantly carried over into the way we interacted with one another. For him to hear.

“I’ve known Ellison almost a year. Not three minutes. We live in the same house. We work together as partners. You aren’t the first patient we’ve treated together. We know each other well so we have a rapport.”

“Are you fucking her, Jamie?” He knows. I see it in his eyes.

“Do you think I’m fucking her, Logan?” I can’t hide my smirk. And I don’t want to. I’m happy for him to suspect I’m pounding my cock into her every night. That would put an end to this marriage nonsense.

We’re in full-on stare down mode when Ellison comes back into the exam room. “Bags packed. I think we’re all set to go if you’re finished.”

Logan gets up from the bed and gets in my face. “This conversation is ending because our leader summoned you, but it’s not over by a long shot.”

“Back the fuck off me, Logan.”

Ellison pushes her way between us, her back turned to Logan and her hands on my chest. “What is going on here?”

“I think it’s pretty clear what’s going on here.” Logan steps away and moves toward the door to leave. “Enjoy fucking each other.”

The front door slams and Ellison stares at me, mouth agape, before she grins and bursts into laughter. “Think that means the wedding is off?”

“I definitely think the wedding is off. And the baby.”

Ellison covers her mouth with her hand. “Oh, shit, Jamie. He’s going to tell the brothers. Should we go after him? Convince him he’s wrong?”

“Is that what you want? To convince him he’s wrong? ’Cause if you do, I’ll go after him right now. I’ll make him believe there’s nothing between us.”

“No.” She shakes her head. “I know it’s crazy and stupid and careless but I don’t want that.”

I pull my girl close and press my forehead to hers. “Aye. It is crazy and stupid and careless. But I don’t want that either.”

If I were smart, I’d go after Logan. But I’m not smart.

I’m in love.

Bleu is lying in the fetal position on the couch. Sobbing. That’s not at all like my tough, badass sister. Physical pain doesn’t make her cry. She grits her teeth and bears the discomfort. Been that way since we were kids. Even when she was eight and had a compound fracture of her arm, she didn’t shed a single tear. She’s never allowed herself to display weakness or vulnerability.

I sit beside her on the couch and rub her shoulder. “What’s going on, Kung Fu?” I gave Bleu that nickname when she started Muay Thai lessons. It’s always brought a smile to her face, but not now.

“I’m having a lot of pain in my lower stomach. It feels like it did when I lost my ovary.” Oh hell.

I still remember Bleu’s misery. It went on for days before she’d finally had enough and agreed to let the doctor remove her cystic ovary. “How long have you been in pain?”

She doesn’t reply—because she knows I’ll give her hell for sitting on this—so I look to Sin for the answer. “It started about the time we went to bed but she’s been in a lot more pain today. It’s gotten much worse the last hour or so.”

I’ve spoken to her twice today and texted multiple times. She didn’t mention a word about being in pain. That’s so Bleu.

“What did her doctor say?” Sin better have called her doctor or I’m going to kick his ass.

“He’s going to meet us at the hospital.”

Bleu moans as she turns onto her other side. “I don’t want them to take my ovary.”

I understand my sis

ter’s desire to hang on to her last ovary a little longer. She isn’t ready to give up on having another egg retrieval in case they want more children after Lourdes and the boys are older. I get it. But that ovary is no good to her if it’s filled with cysts. If that’s the case, there’s no point in her suffering.

“You have eight embryos in cryo.”

“Half of those will be viable for transfer if we’re lucky.”

“Then you have more four more chances at another baby if you lose this ovary. Plus, the frozen eggs you have banked. I know they aren’t as successful but you still have them. It isn’t hopeless.”

“I know.”

“Bonny, we have three beautiful, healthy children. This isn’t the dire situation we were in a year ago. If your ovary needs to come out then I want it out. I can’t stand seeing you in this kind of pain.”

I’m happy to hear Sin tell her he wants the ovary out if it’s causing her pain. She doesn’t need the added stress of feeling like he wants her to keep it so they can continue trying for more babies.

“A ruptured cyst can become serious if left untreated. You can’t sit on this any longer. You need to go now.”

“Which ovary do you still have?” Jamie asks.