“I’m a doctor. My recent years have been spent in a classroom and hospital. Not in the crossfire gaining the experience I’d need to protect her.”

“You’re Fellowship, Jamie. You have all the experience you need to keep her safe. And you have four weeks to figure that out before another man steps forward to take her. I’m hoping you’ll come around. It would be a shame for you to spend the rest of your life regretting this decision.”

I’d rather regret seeing her with another man than regret taking her life into my hands and something happening to her.

Sin takes front and center on the raised platform and our people give him their undivided attention. Here we go.

“Good evening, Fellowship members. It’s with great pleasure that we call you together tonight to make a couple of new and exciting announcements.”

Sin finds Ellison in the crowd and motions for her to join him on the platform. “This is my lovely sister-in-law, Ellison MacAllister, Bleu’s sister from the U.S.”

A soft murmur spreads across the crowd and it’s impossible to not make out some of the comments around me:

“She’s beautiful.”

“She’s so bonny.”

“She doesn’t look like Bleu at all.”

“She’s fucking hot.”

“I’d love to get between those legs.”

“Would you take a look at those tits?”

I spin around to see who made the last few comments. A trio of young wankers with big gobs. I bet neither have more than three hairs on their balls. “Keep your fucking comments to yourself and listen to your leader.”

The trio goes silent and stares ahead. Gobs shut.

Sin continues, “You may or may not know that Ellison has been living among us for the past nine months.”

The murmurs around me grow louder but at least this time there are no fuck comments made.

“She was unaware of The Fellowship’s existence until several months ago. Bleu and I had every intention of keeping the brotherhood secret, but that proved impossible one night when a situation presented in our home while Ellison was there.”

Sin’s talking about the night Leith was shot. That was the first time Ellison and I worked on a patient together. It’s when I recognized how much stronger my attraction had grown for her since our first meeting.

“There was no going back from that moment. Following the incident, Bleu and I spoke in-depth with Ellison about The Fellowship. She had already expressed interest in staying in Edinburgh permanently so I wasn’t surprised when she made the decision to become one of us.”

The multiple female voices around me buzz with displeasure:

“Great. Just what we need. A shiny new toy for the brothers.”

“And one with a face and body like that.”

“No one tried to put up a fight for Bleu because she belonged to Sin but the brothers are going to fight over this one. No doubt.”

“Paden is so close to claiming me. I hope this doesn’t change his mind.”

I want to tell the grumbling women around me to ease up. Their men aren’t going to make a claim on Ellison if I have a say about it.

“We have a battle approaching. I need every able-bodied brother fighting so I can’t allow anyone to stand in Ellison’s place for endurance until after the takeover.”

“Will you allow me to claim her now and postpone endurance until after the takeover?”

What. The. Fuck?

I turn to the brother who just called out to Sin from the back of the room. Logan Breckenridge. Our second cousin. Grandson of our grandfather’s younger brother. A Breckenridge by blood. He actually has more claim than me toward a seat on the council but he’s never made a commotion. Guess he hasn’t been interested.

But he is interested in the woman I love.

I’ve never known Logan to be a drunkard or brawler. He’d probably make a fine mate, but he’s already proven he doesn’t have what it takes to protect his woman against The Order. He doesn’t have what it takes to protect someone like Ellison. No. I don’t trust him to ensure her safety.

Sin looks at me in the crowd and then back at Logan. “Ellison’s official claiming will be postponed until after the takeover as well.”

“Cousin, I’d like to make my interest and intent known now publicly for all to hear. I plan to claim her.”

Grumbles about Logan’s announcement grow louder and at least a dozen brothers voice interest in claiming Ellison. I want to choke the fuck out of all of them.

“I’m sure my sister-in-law would like to meet and become acquainted with any brother vying for her. You’re welcome, and encouraged, to introduce yourself tonight but formal intentions won’t be considered until after the takeover.”

This whole night is about to turn into a shite show when the brothers are turned loose on Ellison.

“Now for the second part of the announcement. There will be injured brothers when the takeover occurs. It’s an unfortunate aftermath of war, but we’re fortunate enough to have a skilled physician who will be on hand to treat the wounded.”

I go to stand front and center between Sin and Ellison when he motions for me to join them on the platform.

“Jamie is going to tell you about his proposal.”

I take the microphone from Sin, and without any thought, pace the platform from one side to the other just as he does when he speaks. “I have concerns for long-term, following the takeover. I have proposed a Fellowship infirmary—something along the lines of an emergency room—where I can treat you and have the needed supplies and acceptable equipment on hand. Like a medical bed instead of my sofa. And you’ll have a proper nurse assisting me with your injuries.

“Ellison is a highly experienced emergency room and trauma nurse so I feel very lucky she will be joining me at the infirmary. She and I have spent the week converting a house into The Fellowship’s new clinic. I’ll be living there full-time so I’m available to you when needed.”

Do I also announce that Ellison will be living there with me? Doing so could cause problems with suitors.

“Ellison will be living at the clinic full-time as well, so we’re able to provide the best possible care for you.”

I smile on the inside, knowing I just caused everyone to wonder what will be going on between us behind the closed doors of the clinic.

Sorry, not sorry.

I return the microphone to Sin. “That concludes tonight’s announcements. Eat, drink, and have a great time.”

Ellison reaches for my hand and I help her down from the platform. “You announced to everyone that we’re living together.”

“They were going to find out anyway. Better to own it now.”

Her grin tells me she doesn’t buy that explanation. At. All.

We’re barely off the platform when my cousin Logan approaches. “Good evening, Jamie. Would it be all right if I stole Miss MacAllister away for a moment?”

We both know he has no intention of returning her to me. He’ll hold her captive until the next brother mans up and comes along to ask if he can steal her away. It’s how this game is played.

I’m not in a position to say no. Or act like this bothers me. “She’s all yours.” Fuck, I hate those words. I hate those words. I hate that one day I might say them and never get her back.

This night is definitely about to go to shite for me. There’s only one hope for not losing my mind.

The bar.

I’d like to make my interest and intent known now publicly for all to hear. I plan to claim her. Wow. I wasn’t expecting anyone to publicly express interest in me. And I sure wasn’t expecting a brother to ask if he could claim me now.

The man knows nothing about me. Why would he do something like that?

“Miss MacAllister, I would like to formally introduce myself. I?

??m Logan Breckenridge.”

“Breckenridge?” I’ve never heard Bleu mention Breckinridges beyond the ones I’ve met. Logan must not hold a powerful position in The Fellowship.

“Yes. Sin and I are second cousins.” I’m attempting to sort out the different options of how that lineage might fall when he answers my unspoken question. “Thane’s father was my grandfather’s older brother.”

Logan grins and something in his expression reminds me of Sin. Maybe something around the eyes. I can’t quite place my finger on it, but it’s very attractive. “I could tell you were trying to figure out the connection.”

“It may sound silly but I was actually wondering if Fellowship cousins are the same as familial cousins. I see now they are.” I offer my hand for a shake. “I guess you already know I’m Ellison MacAllister. It’s nice to meet you.”

Logan is a handsome man. Dark hair and eyes. Tall with broad shoulders and what appears to be a muscular chest beneath his shirt. He’d be just my type—and probably someone I’d pursue—if I weren’t in love with Jamie.

“It would be an honor if you’d have this dance with me.” Shit.

Dancing with Logan will not sit well with Jamie. At least I don’t think it will. It shouldn’t if he cares about me at all. I don’t want Jamie to be okay with me dancing with Logan or any other man vying for me.

I don’t want to be that bitch who rubs other men’s interest in me in Jamie’s face, but maybe he needs to see me with another man. Maybe he needs a small taste of what it will feel like if he allows another man to claim me. It’s just a dance—a safe way for him to see how he’ll feel seeing another man’s hands on me.

“I’d love to.”

The band is playing a rendition of “Oceans” by Seafret. The only reason I’m familiar with it is because Bleu introduced me to that band months ago. The song describes Jamie and me so well.

Logan pulls me closer than I’d like when we’re on the dance floor. Yep. That’s definitely a muscular chest pressing against me.

“How long have you been a nurse?”