This is a huge resort; it isn’t a bad idea to scope it out. Identifying the places I can and shouldn’t go is essential.

The first sign I stumble upon directs me straight ahead for the beach area. Perfect. I would love to feel the sand under my feet.

I reach the beach’s edge and bend down to remove my shoes.

“Taking a walk on the beach?” It’s that deep, smooth, southern voice again. Beau.

Tingles dance across my skin. I nibble my bottom lip to suppress the delight I feel. “Yeah. I’m too anxious to wait until tomorrow.”

“Mind if I join you?”

“I’d like that.”

Beau holds up a finger. “Give me a few minutes.”

He disappears and returns a few minutes later holding a drink in each hand. He holds out a cocktail for me. “Pineapple-coconut martini.”

“How did you pull this off?”


I look around and spot a freestanding bar. “The only magical thing about this will be if I don’t have a huge hangover tomorrow.” I sip the fruity concoction. Yummy. “I believe you, Mr. Beau Emerson, are a bad influence.”

“Not the first time I’ve heard that.”

“I bet not.”

“In case you’re unaware, there are two beaches. Planning to go nude or prude tomorrow?”

Those are my only options? “Choosing to cover my T&A doesn’t make me a prude.”

“Maybe not anywhere else in the world but it’s different here. Covering your tits and ass means you’re uptight.”

I haven’t been a goody-goody a day in my life, but it seems I could be labeled a saint by these standards. “I won’t be getting naked so show me the way to the prude side.”

“You got it.” Beau leads me down a path lined with glowing torches and trees. The overhead foliage is so heavy I can no longer see the sky or stars. It’s an odd sensation, like walking through a tropical labyrinth.

We come to the end of the maze where the path meets the beach. With shoes in one hand, and my martini in the other, I step into the sand. Beau stands with a hand in his pocket, unmoving. “Now who’s the prude? Roll your pants up and come with me.”

I advance toward the water, leaving him behind. I rake my toes through the sand. I close my eyes and listen to the rush of water. Its pattern is predictable. Anticipated. I like that.

Peace. Tranquility. Deliverance. This is what brought me to this place.

“I love the feel of sand at night. The sun has gone down, and it’s had time to cool. The deeper you dig your toes in, the cooler it gets.”

He plunges his toes in. “I’ve never given that any thought but you’re right.”

“Shh. Be still and listen for a moment.”

Beau stands beside me, shoes off, pant legs rolled to mid calves. Silent.

“I love this sound. I have a noise maker set to ocean waves, but the real thing is so much better.”

“Then we should listen for a while.” He lowers himself to sit in the sand.

I plop down to join him. Nothing graceful about it. The martinis have made my joints loose and turned my bones to gelatin. “We lived on the Mississippi coast until I was fifteen. Our house was across the street from the beach. I could look out my bedroom window and see the ocean until it dropped out of sight. My dad was still living then. My happiest memories are from when we lived there. Maybe that’s why I find the sound of the water so soothing. It feels like home.”

“I thought your Georgia peach accent was a little on the thick side. That explains it. You’re a transplant.”

“I’ve lived in Georgia for nine years but my Mississippi twang still pokes its head out to make its presence known. I’ll never shake it. Trust me. I’ve tried.”

“I like it.”

“Drake didn’t. He said it made me sound like a hick.”

“Your ex sounds like a real ass.”

“He is, but all the shit he did provided me a vacation in Jamaica. I can’t regret that part.” At least not yet.

“This is the right place to help you forget your troubles.”

I want to know what brought Beau here. “This conversation is one-sided. You never told me what it is you’re trying to forget.”

He doesn’t take the lead to talk so I backpedal. “We can talk about it . . . or we can get up and run into the ocean.”

“I vote for skinny-dipping.”

“I said run into the ocean. There was no mention of getting naked.” Just like a man to assume that.

“Go in your dress if you don’t want to take it off.”

I stand and use my contortion skills to lower my zipper down my back. “I love this dress. It would be a shame to ruin it.”

He watches me struggle. “Want me to get that for you?”

Letting a stranger unzip me doesn’t feel right. “Nah, I’m good. I got it up by myself. I can get it down.”

My brain is screaming that skinny-dipping with a stranger is a terrible idea, but the liquor I’ve consumed convinces me it’s brilliant plan.

Beau removes his button-down and pulls his undershirt over his head. He tosses both and reaches for the button of his gray trousers. He pushes them until they’re crumbled with his boxer briefs at his feet.

What I’m about to do suddenly becomes a little more surreal. I’m questioning my actions. I hold the front of my dress, thinking it over. It’s not too late to turn back.

“You’re not changing your mind?”

“I’ve skinny-dipped plenty of times but never with a stranger.”

“This was your idea. Not mine.” He’s standing completely bare, illuminated only by a sliver of the moon.

“I know.”

“Listen, Peach. I don’t have to get a girl like you liquored up and naked to score some ass.” He waves his hand toward the resort. “There are plenty of women up there who’d be more than happy to give me whatever I want, so let’s just forget this.”

Beau reaches for his clothes, and I realize him leaving is the last thing I want. “No. Don’t go.”

I let go of my dress. The top catches on my hips so I push it down until it drops on top of my feet. Since I went braless, I’m standing before him wearing only my panties. “You didn’t even have to buy me dinner to get me naked.”

“You’re not naked yet.” He turns his back on me and goes toward the water. I’m grateful. I didn’t want to wiggle out of my panties while he pretended to not ogle.

I bolt into the water. The temperature has dropped with the night, but I drudge through so I’ll have its coverage. “This is a helluva lot colder than I expected.”

“The sand isn’t the only thing to cool after the sun goes down.”

I go out far enough to submerge my breasts. The girls pull the buoyancy card and float so I go in a little deeper.

“You have great tits. It’s a damn shame you don’t plan to observe the clothing optional choice.”

Is he kidding me? “I’d call this clothing optional. I’m pretty sure I can’t get more naked.”

Beau cackles. “You have the coverage of night and water. Not the same thing.”

“You seem to have no problem checking them out by moonlight.”

“That’s because I have excellent night vision.”

“So do predatory animals.”

“You consider me a predator?”

“I don’t know what I consider you right now.”

He goes under the water, disappearing for longer than I’m comfortable with. “Come on, dude. Not funny.”

I spin around to see if he’s hiding behind me. “Beau.”

No answer. This is so not funny.

“Beau,” I call out louder.

I see nothing. Hear nothing. My heart takes off in a sprint. “Beau,” I scream.

He bobs up directly in front of me, after what feels like an eternity, and grabs my waist. “Miss me?”

I push at his shoulders, making him stumble backward. “Asshole.”


; He gains his footing and reaches for my midsection. “I’m sorry, Peach. Don’t go.”

My back is to him, but he holds my hips firmly. I imagine what it would be like if he took one step closer, maybe two, and our bodies touched.

Damn. It would feel so good to be touched again. It’s been so long.

This is crazy. Completely irresponsible. I’m showing no better judgment than the kids I teach.

“Why should I stay?”

“Because I like you. And I enjoy talking to you.”

“I think you like listening more than you like talking.”


He doesn’t get to inquire about my personal life and spill nothing in return. “I think I should turn in for the evening. It was really nice to meet you.”

He releases his hold on me. I spin around to leave but stop when he calls out, “Her name is Erin.”

He has my attention. “And?”