“I can’t.”

I can’t. I’m stunned by how much those two words sting.

I scoot away and use my dress to cover my near-naked body.


He twists and reaches for my arm but I jerk away from him as though I’ve been burned. Because I have been.

“I’m not saying no because I don’t want you.”

He knew he wasn’t going to claim me when he walked into my bedroom. He knew when he pushed me against the wall and kissed me the way every woman dreams of being kissed. He knew when he carried me to the bed.

He. Already. Knew.

“I don’t want to hear it. Just get out.”

“Please, Ellison. Don’t be that way.”

Is he kidding me? Don’t be what way? Pissed off? Damn right, I’m pissed off. “You knew you had no intention of claiming me, yet you kissed and touched me as if you did. I guess I should say thanks for not fucking me and then breaking the news.”

“At least let me explain.”

“What’s the point in explaining? Don’t want me? Can’t have me? No matter the reason, the outcome is still the same. I end up with someone who isn’t you.”

“You think it’s not going to kill me to see you with someone else? One of my own Fellowship brothers? To know he’s touching you . . . and more? Agony, Ellison. It’s going to be agony.”

Nothing is etched in stone. Not yet. “Do something about it before it’s too late.”

“You don’t understand how The Fellowship works. It isn’t that simple. You’re the sister-in-law of the Fellowship leader. You’re going to be new to the brotherhood and also high profile, making you a huge target. That means you have to be claimed by someone who can protect you.”

“You can protect me.” I have complete faith in his ability. A man who handled a gun like he was born with it in his hand raised me. I see that same second nature in Jamie.

“Medical school takes me away from home a lot. I wouldn’t be there to keep you safe.”

Temporary problem. He’s almost finished with his training. He could claim me now, and we could get married after he graduates.

I know it’s crazy to want to marry a man I’ve only known for nine months, and not even dated during that time, but I feel I know him. I’ve seen his kind heart. His gentle hands. The love he has for friends and family. He is a good man. I’ve never known anyone like him, except for my dad.

I’m in love with him. I would want him even if the circumstances were different.

“Once I take my place as the full-time Fellowship physician, I’m going to be called away in the middle of the night for hours at a time. I won’t always be home to protect you. You need someone who will be around to make sure you’re safe.” Does this mean he has thought about us?

This can’t be happening. He finally admits he wants this—us—after all this time and then immediately pulls away from me.

“I can protect myself when you’re called out on emergency. My dad was an FBI agent. He taught me well how to use a gun.” Maybe I can’t wrestle someone to the ground and choke the life out of them like Bleu, but I can handle any gun you put in my hand. Bleu’s not the only badass in the family.

“You’re going to need a man who will be with you at all times.”

It isn’t possible for any man to be with me constantly, especially a man in The Fellowship. “Sin doesn’t stay by Bleu’s side all the time.”

“Sin is our superior. Bleu and the babies have round-the-clock armed guards willing to give up their lives in place of their leader’s family.”

“It’s a firm no? You won’t even consider the possibility of being together?”

“I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you . . . so it’s a firm no.”

A dagger to the heart would be less painful that hearing him tell me we’ll never be together.

I understand Jamie wanting to keep me safe, but it doesn’t stop the ache in my chest.

Or this feeling of rejection.

The tears pooling in my eyes threaten to spill down my cheeks so I turn my head. I don’t want him to see me cry.

“Shite. Don’t do that, Ellison. I can’t bear it.”

“Then you should probably leave.” Because there’s about to be some ugly-cry face.

He moves toward me—to do what, I’m not sure—but I’m the one pushing him away this time. “Don’t.”

“I wouldn’t hurt you for anything in the world. I swear I’m doing this for your own good.”

“You’ll never convince me anything about this is good.”

Five minutes ago I thought I was getting everything I wanted. I thought my future was no longer bleak. I thought I was finally going to be happy. And now . . . my heart is breaking in two.

I know because the ache in my chest is excruciating.

I knock against the open door of Sin’s home office when he doesn’t take notice of me standing in the entryway. “Working on the weekend, aye?”

“Hell, yeah. Henderson’s case goes to court Monday and the prick has worked me into a corner with his fuck-ups. Evidence is solid. It’s going to be impossible to get him out of this shite. He’ll do time.”

“That’s too bad.” Douglas Henderson has a wife and two young children at home, one a bairn less than a year old.

“Fucking hardhead. He was told exactly what to do and how to do it, but he thought his way would be better. When are these wankers going to learn there’s a reason they’re given specific instructions?”

Sin motions with his hand for me to enter. “I need some good news. Come in and tell me about this epiphany.”

I’m not sure it’s fair to call it an epiphany. A scheme is probably a more fitting label.

“The siege has been on my mind a lot lately.” Almost constantly the last six weeks. But not for the reason it should be. I can’t stop thinking about the event that’s going to take place when it’s over.

Thane hasn’t been well, so our takeover of The Order has been postponed. Can’t go to war when your leader isn’t in top shape. I’m not happy my uncle has been ill but I’m grateful for the delay. The siege brings us closer to a final victory over our enemy, which is excellent for The Fellowship, but not good for the thing I want most in this world.

Time to set my plan into motion.

“No matter how well The Fellowship prepares, there are going to be gunshot wounds and lacerations to treat during the siege. It’s crucial I have a safe and suitable location away from the public eye to triage and treat our brothers. I’m going to need plenty of supplies, medication, and equipment. I think it’s time we consider setting up a place for me to practice. Not just for the takeover. A permanent location where I can treat the brothers. A Fellowship infirmary.”

Sin chuckles. “Already tired of suturing and digging for bullets by flashlig

ht? I thought you liked the challenge, mate.”

I’ve stitched more patients on my sofa than any doctor should have to. Even a Fellowship physician. “It’s been a real joy but I’ve had my fair share. It would be good to perform medical procedures like I’m living in the twenty-first century.”

“Fair enough. Do you have a place in mind?” He didn’t shoot me down. So far, so good.

“I was thinking a detached house would be ideal. I could live there full-time, so I’d be available when needed.” I hope Sin doesn’t suggest a warehouse or commercial building.

“Makes sense. I like it.” Sin fetches his phone from his pocket. “Can you look at properties in the morning if Ani can work you in?”

Thank fuck he’s going along with my idea. “The morning will be fine as long as you make it after ten. I have plans.”

“Like sneaking out the door before some Fellowship lass wakes and wants you to stay and spoon?”

I wish. Except the woman I’d love to hold all morning isn’t a Fellowship lass. At least not yet. “I bet you do your fair share of spooning.”

“Believe me. I try. But one of the bairns puts an end to it every time. Never fails.”

Sinclair Breckenridge is getting cockblocked. Fucking hilarious. “What do you expect out of a six-month-old and three-month-old twins?”

I still can’t believe Sin let Bleu talk him into adopting an orphaned newborn when she was only a couple months away from giving birth to their twins. Three babies. Their life is crazy but I guess they somehow make it work.

“I knew it was going to be hard with three wee ones, but I thought the gods of shagging might have mercy on me from time to time.” Sin smiles as he points to the photo of his children on the desk. “See those three? They’re cute little buggers, but damn, they don’t sleep. At least not at the same time.”

“The gods of shagging aren’t treating me any better. My plans don’t include spooning with a lass in the morning. I’m having breakfast with Mum, Evanna, and Westlyn.”

“Not the kind of female company you prefer in the morning, aye?”

“Hell, no. Mum is driving me insane.”

My mum has been clingy since Dad died. I knew he was dictator of the family, but I had no idea how much he controlled my mother’s behavior until he was no longer around to bark orders.