“Sin’s going to know you didn’t up and decide to come here for no reason. And I won’t lie to him.”

“I understand. I don’t want to cause any problems between you but can you please make sure he knows I’ve always been a law-abiding citizen? I don’t want him to think I’m some kind of criminal.”

I barely contain the laughter threatening to escape. “I can promise you without a shadow of doubt that Sin will not think less of you because you broke the law one time while having a little fun with your friends.”

“I know, but he doesn’t really know me. I don’t want him to have the wrong impression of me.”

It’s difficult to withhold the grin threatening to spread across my face. “No worries, Elli. He’ll be cool about it. Promise.”

Sin gives me an hour with Ellison before returning. “Okay to come back?”

“Sure. Were you able to find out how Lainie is?”

“She’s fine. No concussion so they’re getting ready to release her.”

The Fellowship didn’t take Lainie. She voluntarily walked––no, ran––from The Order. She’s bound to them until death. “She won’t have anywhere to go.”

Sin lifts his brows. “And?”

“She can’t go back to them.” The Order could kill her. I don’t dare say those words in front of Elli but surely Sin knows this.

I really need Ellison to go away for a few minutes so we can discuss this further.

I’m very afraid for Lainie’s safety. I don’t think it matters that Torrence is dead. “Her husband has friends in high places,” I say.

“He does indeed.”

“His reach is long and she’s going to need help.”

“I’m guessing you mean ours?”

“I’d like her to stay with us until she can make other arrangements.”

He’s quiet. I’m hoping that means he’s thinking it over rather than coming up with a way to tell me no.

I haven’t had the opportunity to tell Sin about the days I was held captive by The Order. “Lainie has been very kind to me. I consider her a good friend. Offering her safe haven is the least we can do for the kindness she showed me.”

“All right. I’ll have Mitch stay at our flat with her until we can figure out something else.”

I’m certain my sister will wonder why Lainie can stay at our flat but she can’t. I need to offer an explanation. “Thane and Isobel have a guest house. I’m not comfortable asking them if a complete stranger can stay there, so it’s better for them to host you.”

“I’m a complete stranger to Sin’s parents,” Ellison says.

“Not really. You’ve never met, but you’re my family. Isobel is a hostess at heart so she’ll be thrilled to have you. And their guest accommodations are luxurious. There’s nothing to not love about it. You’ll probably want to stay indefinitely.”

“I don’t want to put them out.”

“I’m certain they won’t mind a bit.”

“My mum adores Bleu,” Sin says. “She’ll do anything for her.”

Ellison needs convincing. “And she’ll adore you as well.”

“Okay, okay. Stop twisting my arm.”

“How long do we have the pleasure of your company?” Sin asks.

Ellison adjusts in her seat and clears her voice. “There are circumstances surrounding my visit. I haven’t worked all of that out just yet.”

Taking ecstasy once will be a trivial offense in Sin’s book but Ellison doesn’t need to see how unconcerned he is about it. “There’s no need to hash all of it out again. I can fill Sin in on the details later.”

“Bleu tells me she’ll be on bed rest. She’s going to need someone with her around the clock so I’ll stay as long as she needs a caregiver.”

No. That’s the last thing I need. “You’re here to be my sister, not my nurse. We can hire someone to do that.”

“I’m your sister and I’m a nurse. It’s silly to hire someone you don’t know when I can take care of you. Think it over before you immediately say no.”

Who am I kidding? She isn’t going to take no for an answer.

Sin interrupts. “All right, then. I’ll have Jamie take you to Agnes’s to gather your belongings and then he’ll drive you to my parents’ house.”

“Ah, Jamie.” She looks dreamy eyed. “Can’t say I’ll mind being stuck in a car with him again.”

She need not go there. “Don’t get any ideas. He’s all wrong for you.”

“He’s hot. That’s never wrong. What does he do?”

And here we go. “He’s a doctor, last year of specialty training in emergency medicine.” Jamie fits Ellison’s type perfectly––handsome doctor––so I can predict this is going to be trouble. “Don’t even think about it.”

“Why not? Is he gay?”

“You know, I’ve often wondered the same thing,” Sin says without the hint of a smile.

Ellison has no idea he’s kidding.

“Fine, if that’s his thing. I only asked because I never want to waste my time again on a guy who prefers the company of men.” Her former boyfriend used her as a cover to hide his homosexuality––or bisexuality––from their coworkers. Either way, it’s clear she’s still harboring some pain about it.

“Sin is pulling your leg. Jamie isn’t gay but his specialty traineeship keeps him very busy. He doesn’t date. Work comes first so you shouldn’t waste your time pursuing him.” The truth is I have no idea how Jamie feels about medicine.

“Loving what you do isn’t a personality flaw.”

I shouldn’t have worded it that way. Ellison has a strong attraction for doctors who are passionate about medicine. It’s always the common denominator with her and any man she dates.

I look to Sin for help with discouraging her.

“Jamie fucks around whenever he feels like it. He’s not really into dating or relationships,” Sin says.

Shit. That’s not at all what I needed him to say about Jamie. Ellison loves a challenge.

My husband and I typically do well on our nonverbal communication but we must work on it where Ellison is concerned.

“I just texted Jamie. He’s in the waiting room with Mum and Dad but says he’s about to leave.”

“Then I guess you should take Ellison out to meet Thane and Isobel and make the arrangements.”

“I’m certain Mum and Dad will want to stay here but it won’t be a problem. Their housekeeper should be there today. She can help Ellison get settled in.”

Ellison comes to me with open arms. “God, I’m so relieved you’re okay.” She puts her hand on my abdomen and pats it. “And these two little peanuts.”

“I’m happy you’re here.” Her presence causes huge problems I can’t even begin to address but I’m still thrilled to have her here.

“Me too. We have months of catching up to do.” She kisses my face. “I’ll be back as soon as I’m able to get a ride. How should I handle that, by the way? A taxi?”

“Sin will give you his number. All you have to do is call when you’re ready to come and he’ll make the arrangements to get you here.”

“Sounds like Sinclair knows how to make things happen.”

She has no idea. And I hope she never does. “Sometimes.”

“Should I expect jet lag?”

“Definitely, so don’t feel like you have to get here early. Sleep


“I’ll probably send my driver for you,” Sin says. “His name is Sterling.”

Ellison spins around. “You have a driver?”

I haven’t volunteered a bit of information about my life in Edinburgh, and Ellison hasn’t asked. I’m sure she’s been under the impression that my lifestyle with Sin is similar to the one we had growing up. It’s not.

I have a strong feeling every assumption my sister has about my life as Mrs. Sinclair Breckenridge is about to change. And not for the better.

Chapter Six

Sinclair Breckenridge

The living room walls have changed from off-white to light steel gray since Bleu was home.

“Wow. Looks great in here. No one will ever be able to tell that there was once a bloody message smeared all over that wall.”

“Mum picked it. She suggested we keep it neutral since we’ll be putting the flat on the market as soon as we find our house.”

The last conversation we had before The Order kidnapped Bleu was about buying a new house for our growing family. I go to her from behind and hug her gently. I lace our fingers and press my head to hers as I search for a way to put my thoughts into words. “You will never know how terrified I was for you.” My palms migrate to her still-flat stomach, taking her hands with mine. “And our little ones.”

She twists in my arms so we’re face to face. “I need to tell you everything that happened.”

She isn’t aware that I already know what Torrence tried to do to her. “Your doctor told me about the findings of your exam.”

“I need to tell you everything so I’m certain you understand exactly what happened.”

This isn’t necessary. “I don’t need you to torture yourself about what he did by reliving it.”

“Torrence tried to rape me. But I was able to stop him.”

“You don’t have to do this for me, Bonny. I don’t need to hear it to be okay.”

“I need to do it for me.”

She tugs on my hands, leading me to our sofa. “We struggled for a minute. He was really weak so I easily got him into a chokehold. It was almost too easy. The man had no upper body strength. I was literally only seconds away from choking the life out of him when his men came into the room and stopped me. As you can imagine, he was pretty pissed off so he told them to beat me. The anemia from the pregnancy weakened me so I wasn’t able to fight. All I could do was curl into a ball on the floor to try to protect our babies.”