Sin leans forward to study them. “Thank you for giving me not one, but two healthy sons. Two grandsons for my parents.” He leans close to my ear. “Two future leaders for The Fellowship. And two brothers for Lourdes.”

My heart pounds. “What are you saying?”

“What do you want me to be saying?”

“That we’re keeping her.”

“Then that’s exactly what I’m saying.”

I want to throw my arms around him but I can’t. They’re full of babies. “You are amazing. I love you so much. Thank you.”

I may be looking at him upside down but I recognize his expression. He presses his forehead to mine and together we whisper so softly that only we know and hear what we’re saying.

“Into me … you see.”


Bleu Breckenridge

“This was bound to happen. Three babies. Three nappies. I knew at least one of them would shite and need a changing before the ceremony.”

“Language, Sin.” We’ve had this conversation. They’re babies but they won’t always be. We must learn to control our tongues now so we don’t teach them to be cursing toddlers.

Sin holds Liam out to me. “Here, Mummy. Take your son. He stinks.”

I don’t even glance in Sin’s direction. He isn’t going to charm me into diaper duty with his dashing smile and lone dimple. “Then change him.”

Sin uses his baby voice and wags Liam as though he’s the one talking. “But, Mummy. You do it so much better than Dad.”

Cute. But not convincing. “Because I have far more practice. You always manage to sweet talk me into doing it so you don’t have to.”

“Can I sweet talk you into it this time?”

He’s still holding my sweet boy out for me but I’m not taking the bait. “No. I have to finish getting dressed.”

“I thought you had already gotten ready.”

This is rinse and repeat. “I did, but Harrison spit up all over me and my dress. I smelled like soured baby puke so I had to shower again.”

Raising three babies is so much more work than we could have imagined. But it brings us a joy we’ve never known. We couldn’t be happier.

“Then I guess I have no choice.” He sounds defeated.

“Good luck with that,” I call out as Sin leaves with Liam.

I know my husband. He’s going to find his mum. “Don’t even think about asking your mother to do it. She’s busy making sure everything is perfect for the ceremony.”

I’m entertained by what just played out. Finally, I get to laugh at Sin for a change.

Hell may have just frozen over. My entire family is ready on time. I’m glad because today is a very special event for my children. Consecration day.

All Fellowship children are formally dedicated to the brotherhood, but our children’s ceremony will be much different since they were born to a leader. Sin and I must vow to nurture them in all ways Fellowship. We will pledge to teach them how to one day lead our people. It’s a huge undertaking, the same one Sin’s parents took and his grandparents before them.

Isobel and her event planner have struck again. Our home looks worthy of any king’s coronation. Our backyard is overrun with dozens of tables, each covered by a cream tablecloth and enormous floral arrangements in varying shades of salmon and lime. Elegant chic baby is the theme. That’s what the event planner calls it. It’s gorgeous.

Parents gather their children when we take our place on the rostrum with Thane. “Today is very special for The Fellowship. It’s been twenty-one years since an infant was consecrated into our brotherhood.” He’s referring to Cara’s ceremony.

“Sinclair and Bleu have been ardent in their duties to produce future leaders for our brotherhood since they are bringing forth three children.” That earns a laugh from the crowd.

Thane motions for us to come forward before taking Liam from me. “What name is given this child?”

“Liam Thane Breckenridge,” Sin says.

“Liam Thane Breckenridge is Sinclair and Bleu’s child. But today he becomes our child as well. This covenant reflects a solemn, symbolic act on the part of his parents to rear him in the nurture and admonition of The Fellowship. Do you accept this responsibility?”

Sin and I say the words together. “We do.”

We pledge the same vows for Harrison MacAllister and Lourdes Elizabeth.

It’s done. All three of our children have officially been dedicated to The Fellowship.

With the formalities behind us, Westlyn, Lorna, and Ellison take over temporary care of my wee ones. My hands are empty. It’s a rare moment so I’m not sure what I should do with myself.

Sin comes up behind me and slips his hands around my waist. I’m still a little self-conscious about the stubborn bulge that hasn’t gone away. “Dance with me, Mrs. Breckenridge.”

He leads me on to the dance floor and pulls me against him. The band is playing their rendition of “Blessed” by Elton John.

The songs were chosen by the event planner with the idea of maintaining consistency with the ceremony’s baby theme.

Sin brings our clasped hands to his mouth so he can kiss the top of my hand. It never gets old. “I’m blessed with everything I didn’t know I wanted or needed. I have it all––a beautiful wife I love. A precious daughter who already wraps me around her tiny finger. Two sons who will one day make me proud by taking my place as leaders to our people. What else could I possibly ask for?”

I can hardly recall the person I was before Sin and our babies. I was dead inside, filled only with hate and thirst for revenge. But then hate met love. My desire for vengeance became a longing to love. And be loved.

Sunshine meets rain and makes a beautiful thing. The same can be said about me meeting Sin. I was in the dark. Our love illuminated my world with its light. And together we have made beautiful things.

The End

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Excerpt: Beauty from Pain

The Beauty Series: Book I

Georgia Cates

Chapter One

Laurelyn Prescott

I am sick of being on this plane. The four-and-a-half-hour flight from Nashville to Los Angeles was fine. The layover was tolerable, thanks to the airport bar. But the last leg of our flight to Australia is becoming more and more unbearable with each passing minute.

I try to calculate how much longer it is until we land in Sydney. My exhaustion makes it difficult for me to do the simple equation in my head, but it looks like it’s still almost two hours until I will feel solid ground beneath my feet again. I sigh and tell myself to be patient. I’ve made it this far. I can take another two hours. I mean, I don’t really have a choice at this point, right?

I look at my best friend sleeping in the seat next to me and I’m irritated. Addison has slept most of the flight, leaving me to entertain myself. She offered to share her Valium, but I declined, certain I wouldn’t need it. Wrong.

I climb over Addison and take a walk up and down the aisle to stretch my legs, which helps me feel better. Upon returning to my seat, I decide reading will help pass the time, so I grab my e-reader and pick up where I stopped on the slutmance I’d started earlier. Only at chapter six and of course, the woman is in love with the hot new guy but is in denial. How typical.

Chapter twelve is winding down when the pilot announces that we’ll be landing in Sydney in ten minutes. Addison doesn’t stir, so I put my naughty tale away and nudge her, knowing it will take the next ten minutes to get her out of her drug-induced slumber.

“Wake up, Addison. We’re almost in Sydney.”

She barely stirs so I nudge her again. “Addison. Get up. We’re in Sydney. You need to get buckled for the landing.”

She lifts her head and stares at me with unfocused eyes. She straightens in her seat and takes a moment to get her bearings. “Wo

w, that went faster than I expected.”