“What does Thane have to say about that?” He grew tired of Abram’s antics a while ago. He ignored them because he loves his brother but he won’t overlook Abram attacking the mother of his grandchildren.

“He won’t go against me on it.”

“Do you expect to be long?”

“Two hours. Maybe three.”

“Then I shall be naked, wet, and wanting when you come home to me.”

Perfect. Just the way I want her.

* * *

Abram is tied faced down, his back bared. He’s fighting to free himself but it’s useless. He should know that. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Sinclair?”

I stand over Abram looking at the man I once adored as a most beloved uncle. That was before my immature mind could conceive of the evil things he was capable of. “I told you I wouldn’t tolerate any more acts against my wife. This is the consequence of ignoring my warning.”

“You’re a fool if you believe your wife’s loyalty lies with us.”

“She married me. She’s carrying the next leaders of The Fellowship. What is it going to take for you to accept that she’s one of us and is here to stay for good?”

“Nothing will ever convince me of that.”

“Then perhaps a good flogging will persuade you otherwise.”

I nod at Sangster. “You may begin.”

I see the hint of a smirk on Sangster’s face. I’m grinning on the inside. Bringing Abram to his knees for all he’s done to Bleu instills joy in me.

The multitailed whip strikes Abram’s back and he yells out in pain. It’s just as I thought. He can dish it but can’t take it.

“How many lashes do you think is suitable for the things you’ve done to my wife? Let’s begin with ten per incident? I think that’s fair.”

“Stop this, Sinclair. Can’t you see what she’s doing? She’s a little bitch who’s turning us against one another.”

“No. You’re the one who did that.”

I hold out my hand to seize the whip from Sangster. “I’ll take that.”

I’ve said it more than once. Bonny is the only reason the light in me bothers to battle the darkness. But there’s no light inside me now. I look at Abram and all I feel is hate. I’m glad because I’m going to need it for what I’m about to do.

“Each lash you feel is a consequence of your offenses against my wife. When I’m finished with you, you won’t entertain the idea of crossing her again.”

Chapter Thirteen

Bleu Breckenridge

Debra and I have been working with our first self-defense class for an hour. We’re both instructing but she’s the physical machine behind this. She has to be at least fifty and hasn’t broken a sweat. Total badass. I hope I’m in that kind of shape when I’m her age.

Sin gave us one of the vacant warehouses to turn into our training center. He had a small training arena constructed in the center of the building. Seating surrounds the ring on all sides so all of our trainees can observe no matter where they’re sitting.

He has supplied us with weights and fitness equipment as well. And a daycare for the children. Totally unexpected. He’s earning some serious points with the women of The Fellowship. And me.

It’s time to begin the extreme physical part of the training so Debra is dressed out in a self-defense instructor suit. She looks like a red Michelin Man. “Who wants to be first?”

No one volunteers.

I’m happy my sister and best friends are in attendance. I can pick on them.

I look at Ellison, cueing her to come forward, but she shakes her head. Westlyn and Lorna do the same.

“Come on. Don’t be shy. You’re all going to do this part at some point.”

The least likely person in the room stands to volunteer. Alanna Studwick. “I will.”

Debra watches her approach the arena. “I thought today’s class was supposed to be adults only.”

“That was the plan, but I had to let this girl in when her father asked. She has a powerful backstory.”

Our youngest trainee approaches Debra. “Tell me your name and how old you are.”

“Alanna, and I’m fourteen. But don’t take it easy on me because of my age. The Order members who took me from my bedroom didn’t when they beat and raped me.”

Debra doesn’t appear shocked by Alanna’s statement. I don’t know if that’s because she really isn’t or if she’s keeping her cool for the girl. “All right. I won’t.”

I approach her. “I’ll help you into the protective headgear and padding.”

Alanna holds out her hand and I slip the glove over it. “When I was seven, I was attacked by a man. I wasn’t raped but I was left for dead. I understand some of the feelings you’re having.”

She holds out her second hand when I finish with the first. “People act like I should magically get over what happened because Sinclair killed the men who attacked me. I can’t. I think about it all the time.”

No one understands obsession better than I do. “It’s okay to still be pissed off about what happened to you. Use your anger for good. Use it to your advantage. Let it be your motivator. A catalyst driving you to learn the skills you need so it never happens again.”

“Is that what you did?”

I nod. “Men are bigger. Stronger. Can’t change that so we must train to be faster and smarter.”

“I want you to teach me those things so I can be like you.”

I finish lacing the second glove and push the protective gear over her head. “Become proficient at what you learn in this class. We’ll move toward Muay Thai once you’ve mastered self-defense.”

I’m not surprised by the drive I see in Alanna. She reminds me of myself at that age.

We’re able to work with six women before break time. “Good work, ladies. Let’s meet back here on the mat in twenty.”

Debra, Ellison, Lorna, Westlyn, and I go into the office space Sin had constructed especially for me. My place for scheduling classes or getting away when I need a moment of privacy.

“Alanna is one pissed-off kid,” Ellison says. I assume she’s referring to the aggression she saw in her.

“It’s good for her to get that out.” I know how important it is for her to find an outlet. “She did better than women twice her age. I have exceptionally high hopes for how well she’ll click with martial arts.”

“I hear the things The Fellowship women are saying about you. They think you’re a wonderful leader. No one has ever done the things you’re doing for them. They love you,” Ellison says.

“I love them too. I want nothing but the best for all of them.”

That’s why I won’t stop pushing for their safety and equality.

* * *

Sin had a last-minute trip to Dublin to meet with The Guild. He won’t be back until late tonight. I’m sort of pissed off because that means he’s missing my eighteen-week ultrasound today.

Sin’s leadership role means he’s going to miss a lot of things where the babies and I are concerned. I should accept it now.

I have Ellison. At least today and until she decides to stay or go.

Savannah, the same ultrasound tech who’s done all of my scans at the OB clinic in Edinburgh, is doing my sonogram today. “Where’s Mr. Breckenridge?”

“Away on business.” He’s busy transporting illegal firearms so he can stay in good relations with an Irish criminal organization. And they’re probably planning the demise of a third criminal organization that is our nemesis.

“What kind of work does your husband do?”

“Defense attorney.”

“I’m so excited to see them, I can hardly stand it. I may pee my pants,” Ellison says. She’s fidgeting, her knees pumping her legs up and down.

Savannah moves the wand over my belly and zooms in on the two little lives growing inside me. “Felt any movement yet?”

“No.” But I’m dying to. I’m disappointed I haven’t felt any flutters at all. I thoug

ht for sure I would this week.

“You should soon. Probably within the next fourteen days.”

I know this routine well. Savannah always does the things she must document first and then we get to do the fun stuff––spying on my wee ones. “They’re active today. Are we checking to see if they’re boys or girls?”

“Yes!” Ellison squeals.

“No. My husband and I have decided to be surprised.”

Ellison huffs. “I’m going to die if you don’t find out.”

She can be so dramatic. “Dying now would be a tragedy since you won’t be around to find out what they are when they’re born.”

“You and Sin don’t have to know. Just let me find out. I swear I won’t let it slip.”

That’s such bullshit. “You have the biggest mouth of anyone I know. There’s no way you’d be able to keep it a secret.”

“I can. I swear.”

“No. We want everyone to be surprised with us.”

She groans. “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me.”

“Believe it or not, this is about what my husband and I want. Not you.”

“I know but I’m an excited aunt. I want to buy them stuff.”

Why does everyone think they must go out and get everything now? “You can still buy them stuff, just nothing gender specific until after they get here.”

“You have the patience of a saint. Always have.” While Ellison chomps at the bit.