“As leader to the women of The Fellowship, Bleu has been hard at work creating and organizing many new opportunities for those she’ll be presiding over. I’ll let her expand on what those t

hings include.”

Bonny steps to the podium and adjusts the mic. “Good evening. First of all, I want to express my sincerest appreciation to you for welcoming me into your circle. I understand that isn’t an easy thing to do within The Fellowship, but you’ve been so kind and hospitable. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Bleu removes the mic from its stand. “I’m sorry. This podium is too formal for me.”

She crosses the floor of the rostrum, microphone in hand. “My husband and father-in-law are in charge of the brothers. My role is to minister to the females of the brotherhood so I want to talk about women’s services––or rather the lack of them. I have many things I’m considering but my biggest concern for now is the women’s inability to protect themselves. They’ve not been taught any defense skills. We’re all aware that The Order has a habit of targeting our women so I want to work toward putting a solution into place to combat that problem.

“I was kidnapped by them. Torrence Grieve tried to sexually assault me. I stress the word ‘tried.’ He was unsuccessful because I had the skills to fend him off. I want that for all of our women. They deserve that power.”

It’s selfish but a part of me is glad Bonny addressed this issue so my men are clear about what happened. It bothered me that they were probably questioning if she was raped.

“A good shepherd protects his flock but a better one teaches his sheep to become lions when attacked. Male or female, we all deserve equal training to protect ourselves. The Order is in a state of panic. They’re desperate to prove they’ve not been weakened by their leader’s death. Who do you think they’ll come for? Our men who can defeat them or women they can overpower? How great would it be for them to come expecting to attack a sheep and find a lion in its place?”

The daughter of a trusted brother lifts her hand. “You have a question?” Bleu asks.

The young woman stands. “Hello. I’m Lacey Taggart.”

“Very good to meet you.”

“What do you mean when you say you want to make us lions?”

“I’m proposing basic self-defense classes be offered to those who are interested. For the women who’d like to take it further, I would recommend Muay Thai. The skills taught enable even the smallest woman to take down a larger male opponent. You’re welcome to verify that fact with Leith Duncan if you’d like.”

“True story,” Leith calls out and laughs. “The lass put me on the floor of the ring with one punch.”

“I have the perfect person in mind to help me teach the self-defense classes, but I’ll need to find someone for the Muay Thai classes. The required physical combat will be too much for me during my pregnancy. But physical defense can’t be the end of it. You need to know how to use firearms. I’d like a show of hands––women only––if you know how to properly fire a gun.”

Only three. And one of them isn’t my own mother. It’s a shame. I’m glad Bleu sees this problem and wants to fix it.

“I only see a few hands. That astounds me. Let’s pretend for a moment that a member of The Order is after you with malicious intent. Kidnap. Rape. Murder. Whatever. By show of hands, how many of you would like to learn how to defend yourself against him?”

Every woman in the room lifts her hand––including Torrie, Evanna, and Westlyn. I’m sure that pisses Abram off.

“Moving beyond learning to defend yourself, I want to find ways to offer more opportunities in the workforce. Perhaps you’re in a marriage or you’ve been claimed and you don’t have to work. Maybe you like it that way. That’s fine, so this isn’t for you. But if you are interested in independence, then this opportunity could be of interest. Brothers must select how they’ll contribute to The Fellowship. Many choose to become professionals, go to college, and learn a trade or service. Women should be given the same opportunity.”

Abram lifts his hand but doesn’t wait to be acknowledged. “I’m unclear about something. Did you learn your defense skills and how to shoot a gun while you worked as an FBI agent for the US government, or were you taught elsewhere?”

Motherfucker just won’t stop.

Bleu doesn’t miss a beat. “I was initially taught by my father. It was important to him that I have the necessary skills to protect myself against those attempting to harm me. I learned to shoot a handgun when I was twelve. I never miss my target. But I didn’t master the use of high-powered rifles until I was in the academy.”

“You don’t deny that you once worked for the FBI?”

“No. It’s true, so why would I deny it?”

Good girl. She’s making herself transparent. It’s her only defense.

“You were an FBI agent and now you’re part of The Fellowship. That’s suspicious. Doesn’t anyone else find Bleu’s motives questionable?” His tone is contemptuous.

He’s trying to place doubt about Bleu in the minds of our people.

“Sin is a lawyer. His professional career places him on one side of the law but his loyalty lies with The Fellowship. The same is true for me. I once had a career in law enforcement for the US but my allegiance now belongs to The Fellowship. My previous employment is nothing but beneficial for our brotherhood.”

“You left the FBI less than a year ago. Your father was an agent so you were raised to have respect for the law. Do you really expect us to believe that you have no regard for it anymore?”

Bleu remains cool, seemingly unaffected by Abram’s accusations. “I entered into the oath of marriage with the next leader of The Fellowship. I’m pregnant with his children, the future leaders of the brotherhood. Do you really think it’s a valid argument to propose that I have sacrificed myself and the lives of my offspring because I have such a high regard for the law? I think not. Furthermore, I’m American. Even if I were still an agent, I would have zero jurisdiction in Scotland. It would be useless for me to come to Edinburgh to infiltrate an organization I can’t prosecute. What you’re proposing simply doesn’t make sense. Not a single agency in the US cares about The Fellowship.”

“You haven’t addressed your motive.”

“I have only one. Love. I love Sinclair and our children, not the law. Is anyone else unclear on this or is Abram the only one?”

The room remains silent.

“I’m very happy to answer any questions you may have. I actually prefer to get all of them cleared up now so there’s no confusion later.”

The room is quiet for another minute before a man toward the back lifts his hand. “I have three daughters. Fourteen, twelve, and ten. I worry for their safety so at what age do you recommend that they are taught these things you plan to offer?”

I lean over and whisper to Bleu. “He’s the father of the girl who was beaten and raped by The Order several months ago.”

“Twelve is the recommended age but girls’ bodies mature at different rates. I probably wouldn’t recommend waiting that late if the girl matures early. No Order member is going to ask her how old she is before attacking.”

Abram has been unsuccessful in planting suspicion against Bleu. Our people don’t seem at all concerned about her past. Women and parents of daughters are more interested in hearing about what my wife has planned for their safety rather than who she once was.

My gut told me Abram wouldn’t be able to control himself so I was prepared for him to act out. I ordered security to be in place in case he got out of control. Now that the attention is no longer on him, I think it’s time he’s escorted from the ceremony.

I motion for my security men to come forward for him. Orders are already in place to take him to the black site.

Abram has fucked this night up for me. Instead of going home to make love to my wife, I’ll be tied up carrying out penance against him. He’s going to rue the day he chose to go after Bleu.

The Q&A runs longer than anticipated but I eventually get Bleu on the dance floor. “My dear Mrs. Breckenridge. The Fellowship is exceptionally happy with you right now.”

She runs her fingers over the fron

t of my hair, smoothing it into place. “Perhaps. I think they’re highly pleased with their newest Breckenridge leader as well.”

Our people don’t get a choice about liking me. I’m their leader so they must do as I say. It’s a done deal. But they get to decide if they are fond of my wife. And they are. Very much. I saw something more in their eyes and expressions—respect and admiration. “They really liked the things you had to say.”

“I think so too but I’m sorry I stole the spotlight from you. Our plans were so well received that I couldn’t stop once I started talking about them.”

I knew Bleu was intelligent but she absolutely blew me away tonight. “Those aren’t our plans. They’re yours. Each idea was born through your vision of what you see for the future. You get all the credit for that.”

“I don’t care about or need credit. All I want is to see change for our women.”

“You’re making it happen and they’re going to love you for it.” I know I do.

I hold her close as we sway through two more songs. She places her head against my chest and becomes quiet. She isn’t saying so but she’s drained. “Things are dying down so I’m going to have Sterling drive you home. Kyle and Blare will go with you because I have a matter to take care of.”

She cradles my face with her palm. “You told me earlier that I was only getting a small taste of what was to come when we got home.”

“You still will.” I kiss her forehead. “You’re tired. Go home and rest. I’ll be there in a little while to wow you.”

“Has something bad happened?”

“Aye. Abram happened, so I had him sent to the black site for me to deal with in private.” Which I happen to think is pretty generous considering what he did to Bleu was so public.

“I handled him. And he didn’t even come close to succeeding at what he was trying to do.”

True. “You made me proud, but he acted against you in front of the entire brotherhood. Because you’re my wife, what he did is an act of betrayal against me. He’s going to pay penance for that.”

“You’re going to have him beaten?”

“Within an inch of his life.” And I shall delight in it.