“Just let me know. I’m here to serve you.”

Leith watches her arse sway as she walks away. I’m reminded of the way he did the same with Bleu when she worked for him. It pisses me off all over again remembering the way he once put his hands on my wife.

“Do you fuck all your barmaids?” Jamie asks.

“I do if I feel like it.”

He’s full of shite. I know for a fact that he doesn’t shag Lorna.

Jamie changes the subject. I’m grateful. I don’t want to hear Leith’s and Mitch’s bullshit anymore. “What’s going on at your place tonight?”

“Lainie is leaving in a few days. I secured a place for her with The Guild. I thought tonight would be a good time for the lasses to get together before she goes.”

“If my sister is involved, they’re painting their nails and talking about sex. Guarantee it.”

If so, they’re doing those things while drinking plenty of alcohol. “They’re probably steamin’. I left four bottles of wine for them.”

“There are four single women, three of whom I’m not related to, drinking lots of alcohol at my brother’s place. They’re talking about the sex they aren’t having but would like to. That’s where we need to be. Not here talking about who is or isn’t sucking Leith off.” That’s probably the brightest thing Mitch has said all night.

“Think Bleu will mind us crashing her party?” I suspect Jamie is eager to see Ellison again. It’s been a while.

My drinking companions are eager to see Bleu’s friends. I shouldn’t stand in the way of potential matches since that is part of my job as leader.

“I guess we can find out.”

* * *

One hour and many drinks later, I’m at home knocking on my own front door. The three numpties with me are drunk and looking for female companionship. I’m fairly certain they’ll be out of luck. I’m the only one who’ll find a playmate tonight.

Instead, make that a mate since very little playing has been going on for the last couple of months.

No answer at the door. “They probably can’t hear us if they’ve had all that wine I left for them.”

I beat on the door again.

“Why are you knocking?”

I have no idea. This is my flat. I should just walk in like I own the place. ’Cause I do.

I turn the knob but it’s locked. “I don’t have my keys.” I ring the bell. “You should know now I’m blaming all of you if Bleu gets pissed off about this.”

Ellison swings the door open and Bleu is standing beside her, gun in hand. “What the hell are you doing, Sin? Sounds like you’re trying to break down the door.”

“Sorry, Bonny. I forgot my keys.”

Ellison scans the crowd, her eyes stopping on Jamie. “What are y’all doing here? Crashing our party?”

“We hope to,” Jamie says.

She and Bleu turn, leaving the door open for us to come in.

“Look at that fit arse,” Leith whispers. “Those MacAllister sisters are well bred.”

“Shut up.” I punch Leith in the chest. “One of those MacAllister sisters is my wife. You’d be wise to remember that.”

“Never fear, mate. It isn’t possible for a one of us to forget that Bleu is your wife.”

We find the rest of the lasses in the living room doing mostly what we expected—painting nails and drinking wine.

Bleu points to the food. “Agnes made hors d’oeuvres. There’s plenty if anyone’s hungry.”

Mitch grabs a handful. “Men are always hungry. And horny.”

“We’ve drunk most of the wine already. Well, they have.” Bleu lifts her glass. “Sparkling white grape juice for me so I don’t liquor these babies up.”

“Aye. The twins.” I hear the sarcasm in Leith’s voice.

He holds up the full bottle of Ballantine’s he swiped from the pub. “We must make a toast for our fierce leader.”

Everyone but Bleu gets a huge shot of Scotch.

Leith lifts his glass, everyone mimicking his move. “To Sin, his beautiful wife, and their two babies on the way. May our leader’s life always be as perfect as it is today. May he always, as usual, get everything he wants.”

Those words coming from anyone else might be welcome, but not from Leith. He comes off sounding like a jackarse.

“Cheers.” Everyone turns the bottoms of their drinks up.

I meet Leith in the hallway on the way to the bathroom. “You know what, Sin? You’re incredible. You couldn’t even be average and give your wife one bairn. You had to show off and knock her up with two.”

I can’t take the credit for that. “Bleu’s pregnant with twins because we couldn’t conceive on our own. She had to undergo an in vitro procedure for us to have a baby. It wasn’t my prowess as a lover that got my wife pregnant with twins. Whoever was holding the petri dish did that.”


“We were told we might not be able to have our own children if we didn’t do it now. It was scary as hell for a while. So you’re wrong about everything always being perfect for me.”

“I didn’t know.”

“It’s not something we were planning to advertise.”

“I’m glad it worked out for you.”

“Thank you. We’re very happy to be getting two since we weren’t sure we’d even get one.”

Leith gives me a half hug slap on the back. “Congratulations. You’ll be excellent parents. I mean that.”

My mates are steamin’ but the lasses are even further ahead. They started drinking hours ago and now they’ve added Scotch on top of their wine. They are going to feel like shite tomorrow.

“You look tired, Bonny.”

“I am. Would it be terribly rude to leave them and go to bed?”

“No. They’ve drunk a shit ton of liquor. They don’t care.”

Bleu gets up from the sofa. “Sorry, guys. I’m calling it a night. These babies steal all my energy. You guys stay up and drink as long as you like. Sterling can drive you home or you’re welcome to spend the night. You can figure out the sleeping arrangements as long as none of them include my bed.”

Bleu locks the door behind us. “Just in case. I don’t want any drunk wanderers finding their way into our bedroom.”

“Good idea.”

We finish our nightly rituals side by side in the bathroom and get into bed. “Want the lamp off or are you going to read?”

“You can leave it on.”

Over the last few weeks, we’ve gotten into a habit of reading when we go to bed. I admit that for me, it began as a form o

f distraction. I enjoy it but it’s a poor substitute for sex.

I still have a little buzz from the whisky but I take my book from the nightstand anyway and fall back into the story. Maybe that’s why I barely notice the bed dipping next to me. But Bleu pulling back the covers to kiss my stomach just above the band of my sleep pants while her hand caresses me through the thin fabric gains my attention.

I lower my book and peek over the top. “What’s going on down there?”

“If you don’t know, then it’s definitely been too long since we fooled around.” I won’t argue with that.

“What kind of fooling around are you talking about?” We’re both very aware that penetration is off the table until further notice.

“Just a little something I want to do for you.” She pushes her hand down the front of my sleep pants. She grasps my cock firmly and glides her fist up and down the shaft. I’m not fully erect but getting there fast.

I close my eyes and lose myself in the moment. I imagine my dick sliding in and out of her body instead of her fist. It’s nowhere near as good but it’ll do.

“I want to make you come.”

Jerking yourself off is nothing like having your hot wife do it for you. “No worries. You are. Soon.”

She alternates between long, slow strokes and quick short ones. Just when I get into the rhythm of one motion, she changes the movement and inhibits my orgasm. It’s in-fucking-credible.

She’s added something new to the mix––rubbing my balls. She’s never massaged them this way before. “You like that?”

“Fuck yeah.”

“I want to make you feel good.”

“No worries, Bonny. I’m definitely riding the feel-good train.”

“Want me to suck you off? I will.”

I was already feeling the early beginnings of my climax so hearing her ask that is almost enough to make me blow. “You have a dirty mouth tonight.”

“It could be dirtier.” She leans over and licks my shaft from base to tip before sucking the head into her mouth.

Dammit. I would love nothing more than to feel her mouth all over me but there’s no time. I tense, trying to hold back but it’s no use. This feel-good train is about to derail. “Ohh. Stop. Stop, Bleu. I’m about to come. Right now.”