My wife wasn’t born Fellowship but you’d never know it by talking to her. I don’t think she could embrace this world more if she were genetically one of us.

My phone vibrates next to the pregnancy book. There’s typically only one reason someone phones me this late.

I look at the ID. Abram. Dammit. I have to take the call. “Aye?”

“Sorry to trouble you but the presence of a leader is required. Since I’m no longer in that role, I must drag you away from your injured wife.”

He’s enjoying this a little too much. “What has happened?”

“The Order killed a couple of our girls outside the casino. Sisters. Lewis Adamson’s daughters. He’s demanding swift justice.”

Of course he is. “I’m on my way.”

I end the call and lean over to kiss Bonny. “I have to go. The Order killed two of our women.”

Her face is pained as she places her hand over her heart. “Oh no. Who?”

“Davina and Annis Adamson.”

She narrows her eyes in concentration. “I can’t recall them.”

“Probably because they’ve been away at uni.”

I dress and go back to Bonny when I’m ready to leave. I sit on the edge of the bed and take her hand. “Don’t be afraid. Kyle and Blare will be here with you.”

She brings my hand to her cheek. “That doesn’t make me less frightened for you. You’re going out to hunt down killers.”

“I’ll be fine.”

I lean forward for a kiss and she catches my face in her hands. She holds me firmly in place so we’re eye to eye. “Come back to me safely.”


Chapter Seven

Bleu Breckenridge

It’s been four days since Sin rescued me and killed The Order’s leader. Their organization may be in chaos but that won’t stop them from avenging their leader’s death. Killing these two women isn’t it.

Every life within The Fellowship is of value but the deaths of two young women with no connection to the head of the brotherhood won’t suffice as retaliation. They’re going to want something bigger. Someone at the top.

Sin or me.

Only our deaths will satisfy them so I brainstorm why they’d attack two innocent women. I know they’re cowards and prey upon the ones they consider weakest but it doesn’t make sense. Their deaths cost us very little. Unless it’s a trap to lure Sin into their clutches. Or away from me.

Kyle and Blare are here but I still take my Beretta from the drawer. I need to be armed in case The Order comes and manages to get through my bodyguards.

Lying in this bed makes me a sitting duck if they come through the door. I gather all the pillows from the bed and go into the closet. I make a pallet in the corner.

I have Ellison to think of as well so I go to her room. “Elli. I heard a noise. Come to my bedroom. Bring your pillow and bedspread.”

We bed down in my closet to await Sin’s return.

“Why isn’t Sin here?” I hear the confusion in her voice.

“One of his clients was arrested so he was called away.”

We have nowhere to run. I don’t love that but it’s better than being in the open without cover. At least here I’ll be able to get the first shots on anyone opening the door.

I’m terrified for Sin. I pray he isn’t walking into some kind of trap.

“Are your security guards here?” Ellison asks.

“Yes. Outside.”

We’re aren’t in the closet for long when we hear gunshots. Several. My heart speeds like that of a galloping racehorse nearing the finish line.

I move to a sitting position and aim my gun for the door.

I hear voices in my bedroom. Maybe Kyle and Blare? I can’t be sure so I remain still and firmly grip my Beretta.

I hear Sin call out my name. Bonny. Not Bleu.


He swings the closet door open and I rush into his arms. “My gut told me to come back to the flat to make sure you and Ellison were safe.”

“I heard shots.”

“There was an intruder. We presume it’s the mugger.” He doesn’t have to explain further for me to understand. “Kyle and Blare are taking you and Ellison to my parents’ house.”

I look at Elli. “Pack a bag quickly.”

I wait until she’s gone to ask what happened.

“Kyle and Blare just killed three Order members.”

My gut feeling was right. “They were coming for me.”

“Aye. I think Annis’s and Davina’s murders were intended to draw me away from you.”

I feel horrible. “Those poor women. They died as part of The Order’s plot to take me again.”

“That’s why it’s important for their father to know that I’m personally avenging their deaths. Now. Not later.”

I don’t like him leaving me again but I understand why he must go. It’s his place to avenge the wrongs against our people.

That makes me proud.

* * *

Debra and I have had a productive meeting despite it taking place in my bedroom. We’ve narrowed the suspects of my mother’s murder to three. The mystery isn’t solved but I feel us nearing the end of the tunnel. It’s the same feeling I’d get when I was on the edge of closing a case.

Debra points to my violin on the dresser. “You play?”

“Yes. And more often since I’m confined to this bed.” I have become well practiced the last few weeks. With Sin’s help, I’ve mastered “Amanda.”

“Sin plays as well.”

She laughs. “I definitely wouldn’t have pegged him for a violinist.”

“Few do since it doesn’t go along with the image he’s created for himself.”

Debra scoots to the edge of the chair as though she’s preparing to leave. “Same time next week?”

“Yes. But before you go, I’d like to discuss an idea I’m kicking around.”

She settles back into the corner chair of my bedroom, propping her long legs on the ottoman. “Sure.”

Debra is tall and slim with shoulder-length brown hair. Not a bit of gray. She reminds me of Katey Sagal. Not in her Peg Bundy days but her badass Gemma role on Sons of Anarchy.

“Would you be interested in teaching self-defense classes with me for the women of The Fellowship?”

“You gonna teach from that bed?”

I probably would if I could. That’s how strongly I feel about it. “I’ll have another ultrasound in two weeks. I’m confident I’ll be taken off bed rest if everything looks all right. I’d really like to get rolling with these classes as soon as possible. If I can prevent one woman from being harmed by an assault, then it’s worth every bit of work and effort I invest. But I can’t do it on my own. I’ll need an able body to do the physical part. I’d pay you well.”

Debra smiles for a moment before responding. “This life suits you. I wish Harry were here to see the person you’re becoming.”

Her words surprise me. “You think he would be proud?”

“Damn sure do. And I am too. I’d love to help you. Just tell me when and where and I’ll be there.”

I’ve already put a lot of thought into this. “We have a small warehouse currently not in use. I think Sin will let us turn it into a gym.”

“You have it all planned out.”

There are a lot of things churning in my head. “I have a lot of free time these days.”

“It’s serving the women of The Fellowship well.”

I’m happy to know Debra thinks so. I hope the women I’m to lead will feel the same.

“You blew Harry’s mind when you told him to train you so you could go after your mother’s killer. What were you? Twelve? Thirteen?”

I wasn’t aware Debra knew those kinds of details. “Barely twelve.”

Debra laughs. “Harry didn’t know what to make of you. And I didn’t, either.”

I’m not quite sure what to call this feeling I have in the pit of my stomach. Maybe shock

mingled with a little dose of betrayal. I thought my secret with Harry was just that––a secret only we shared. “I didn’t know Dad had told anyone.”

“Your father thought you needed to see a psychiatrist but he was too afraid to take you. He feared you’d be taken away from him and placed in some kind of institution. He couldn’t talk to Julia about it but he desperately needed advice. I was the only person he could trust. Don’t be angry.”