His body is stretched over mine, his chest and stomach wet with sweat so his skin sticks to me. “Don’t go.”

He kisses the back of my neck and I know it’s because he’s going to get up. “I have to, Bonny. It’s Fellowship business. And it’s serious—not just a brother being charged by the authorities.”

Isobel predicted this. “What has happened?”

“The Order went into Duncan’s after closing. They tried to take Lorna and Greer but didn’t realize Leith was in the back. He came out when he heard their screams and shot two of them dead. The other one escaped.”

Three Order members thought they were preying upon the weakness of two helpless women. They seem to have a habit of doing that. “Lorna and Greer are okay?”

“Aye. A bit shaken up, though.”

“What would’ve happened if Leith hadn’t been there?” I know for a fact that he isn’t always around when Lorna and the girls close up.

“The women of this brotherhood are vulnerable to attack. Has anyone ever considered it beneficial to teach them basic self-defense?”

“We protect our women.”

I have to call bullshit on this sexist thinking. “The duty of a good shepherd is to protect his flock but wouldn’t a better shepherd teach his sheep how to become lions when attacked?”

“My wife, the advocate supporting equal arse-kicking skills for all.”

“Are you laughing at me?”

“I wouldn’t dare.”

“I think you do. Often.”

He kisses me quickly. “Not this time, Bonny. I like where you’re going with this. Make it happen. You have my full support.”

We get out of bed at the same time and I stand in the bathroom entrance while he dresses, my heart pounding.

This doesn’t seem a likely retaliation for Sin killing Grieve’s son. I’d expect something much bigger. But I’m not bringing it up. I don’t want Sin distracted when he goes out.

“What are you going to do?”

“Not sure yet. They came onto Leith’s turf. I suppose I’ll let him decide.”

I’m aware of Sin’s experience in such things but it still makes me uneasy. And I’m nervous for Leith.

“Is Leith prepared for something like this?” I wasn’t aware he had any experience with this side of The Fellowship.

“He can hold his own. And he has me covering him.”

Leith is one of Sin’s best friends. I know he’d take a bullet for him but I don’t plan on being a young widow. “You have a wife now. That means you have to be more careful than ever before.”

He grins up at me as he slides his gun into his harness. “Aye. And I’ll soon have a baby on the way. I want to be around for that as well.”

“I know Lorna would appreciate you looking out for Leith.”

“I’m sure she would.”

“Leith loves Lorna. I don’t know how you’ve not seen what’s clear as day.”

“He may, but I’m not sure he can ever return her affection.”

“Why not? Has something happened?”

“There’s a lot of history there.”

We don’t have time to discuss it now but I plan to revisit this later.

He comes to me and grasps my upper arms. He kisses the top of my head. “I have to go. I love you.”

“I love you too. Happy two-month anniversary.”

“Best two months ever.”

I put my arms around his middle and squeeze. “Come back to me safely.”


I go to the window and watch him pull away before texting Isobel. A moment later, she calls. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

* * *

“I’m not used tae doing things like this so we should probably go over the details one last time.”

Of course, Isobel has never done anything like this. She’s the wife of a leader. They’d never allow her to dirty her hands this way.

I give Isobel one last run-through of everything we’re going to do. “Think you got it?”

“As good as I’m going to, I’m afraid.”

We park the car at the village’s market and walk to her cottage. We creep into Cameron Ewart’s backyard. I pick the lock and spray the door hinges with lubricant before pushing it open. I go first, creeping through the house with Isobel following close behind.

I shine my flashlight on the cracked plaster walls. Some are nearly a half-inch in diameter. I missed those during my first visit. What a dump.

If Abram’s going to take a lover, he needs to provide for her better than this. Cheap bastard.

I recall the creaking boards in the ancient floor—and find new ones. I motion for Isobel to step over them while making our way through the house.

The woman is asleep so I quickly place a strip of tape over her eyes. Yeah. It’s gonna hurt like hell coming off. She’ll probably lose half her eyelashes and brows. I’m sorry for that but it’s the best way to keep her from seeing us.

She lets out a blood-curdling scream and comes up fighting. I restrain her in a chokehold.

I nod at Isobel, her cue to begin the speech she’s memorized. “We’re not going tae hurt ye, Cameron. I only want tae ask ye some questions.”

The fighting ceases. “What do you want?”

“I need some information about Abram,” Isobel says.

“I don’t know who Abram is.” Perfect. He’s convinced her to lie about knowing him. This was expected but this woman needs to understand something. I have ways of making people talk.

“He came here three nights ago. Ye had sex with him.”

She laughs. “I have sex with a lot of men.”

“I’m only interested in knowing about one of them. Abram.”

“I never get their real names.”

Isobel and I look at one another and I shrug. I mouth, “Prostitute?”

Isobel shrugs back. “He was here on Tuesday night just before six o’clock. Fifties. Tall. Muscular. Salt-and-pepper hair. Blue eyes. Always wears an expensive suit.”

“Aye. Nice-looking older guy. He always likes it rough. What do you want to know about him?”

“Describe the scar on his right leg.”

She laughs. “Are you kidding me?”

“That’s what I need tae know about, Miss Ewart.”

“Look. I can tell you his dick is long, thick, and hangs to the left. But I can’t tell you a thing about his leg.”

I may have just vomited in my mouth a


“The scar would be very significant. You can’t miss it,” Isobel says.

“He never takes off his trousers. He makes me get on my hands and knees on the bed so he can do me from behind. Every time.”

He isn’t getting naked with her and rolling around in her bed. I’d bet money that’s because she’s a prostitute. He’s only interested in one thing, and it doesn’t involve cuddling afterward.

It’s clear we’re getting nothing from her but that doesn’t mean she can’t help me in the future. We came financially prepared for such a case.

Isobel takes a stack of cash from her coat pocket. “I’m leaving five hundred pounds and a contact number on the nightstand. Confirm the scar and ye’ll get another thousand. Get a photograph and there’s five thousand pounds in it for ye. Think ye can manage that?”

“I can damn sure try for that kind of money.”

I release her and nod to Isobel. It’s time to move.

“Call the number when ye have proof.”

* * *

I’m in deep shit. Sin is sitting in the living room when I come through the front door. That’s not fantastic. What the hell is he doing back so soon? I couldn’t have been gone more than an hour.

“Where the fuck have you been, Bonny?” he yells. I jerk because I’m so startled by the authority of his voice. He’s never yelled at me. I don’t care for it.

He won’t approve but I won’t lie to my husband about what I was doing. “I was following a lead.”

“A lead that required you to slip away in the middle of the night after I was called away to deal with a crisis?”

I might as well get it over with. “I knew you wouldn’t approve because it involves Abram.”

He holds up my phone. “You left this here.”

“I didn’t want a record of my whereabouts in case Abram is tracking it.”

“Do you have any idea what has gone through my head while I’ve been waiting? I have a slew of men out searching for you. I’m relieved you’re back but now I have to call them off. They’re going to know you slipped out of the house to do something while I was away. Do you know how that looks?”