“I swear on my honor that I will be the one to carry out penance against Amanda Lawrence’s killer. Bleu won’t have a part in it.”

“You should expect that to be a fight. She’ll want to be the one to do it.”

“I expect nothing less than a battle out of her, but you have my word.”

“I believe you. But I need to talk to my daughter before I give you my blessing. And judging by the number of times your phone has buzzed, she should be arriving any minute.”

He’s right. It’s been a near constant vibration against my chest since the moment Ellison walked out the door. That means she called Bleu immediately.

I’m imagining her in the car freaking out on the drive here.

I hope she doesn’t have one of her fits. She thinks she lied her way out of it but that was no dream I witnessed in Edinburgh. I know a PTSD attack when I see one. They aren’t pretty. And that’s something we’ll need to get out in the open soon.

“Maybe you should call her to say all is well so she isn’t distracted on the drive here.” He’s her father so naturally he’s concerned for her safety.

“She won’t be behind the wheel. My men will drive her. She’s never out of our sight.”

The door bursts open a few minutes later. Bleu is breathless and pale. She looks back and forth between her father and me. “Someone tell me what’s happening here.”

Harold lifts his hand and motions for Bleu to sit on his bed. “Come here, girlie girl.”

Bleu shoots daggers in my direction as she crosses the floor. If looks could kill, I wouldn’t just drop dead, I’d be six feet under.

“Mr. Breckenridge. I need a moment alone with my daughter, please.”

“Of course.”

I open the door and come face to face with Ellison doing her best to eavesdrop—apparently unsuccessful since she didn’t hear her father’s request for me to step out. “Hello again.”


I lean against the wall. “I’m Sinclair Breckenridge.”

“I gathered as much.” She offers her hand. “I suppose it’s safe to assume you know who I am.”

“Aye, I do.”

She leans against the opposite wall, arms crossed. She’s staring me down. “You have my sister flipping the fuck out.”

“I gathered as much.”

“What the hell have you done?” She’s wearing a huge grin. “I’ve never seen my sister so out of control. She’s acting like a lunatic.”

I don’t want to say anything I shouldn’t. “Long story. Probably best for you to ask her.”

“Maybe so, but I’m asking you instead. Bleu isn’t exactly forthcoming. Especially when it comes to her emotions.”

“I’m fairly certain her feelings are ones of anger right now, based on the look she was giving me as I left the room.”

“Good. Bleu needs someone to piss her off. At least it’s a reaction.”

I think she may be suggesting Bleu is unfeeling but I don’t see her in that light at all.

“You came all the way from Scotland to see her?”


“Is that because you love her?”

“I do. Very much.” I’m not in a place where I want to discuss my relationship with Ellison. That’s for Bleu to explain so I decide it’s best to steer the conversation in a different direction. “Bonny tells me you’re a nurse?”


I laugh. “It means beautiful.”

“Shit! I may swoon.” She shakes her head and laughs. “Sorry. Yes, I am a nurse.”

“Your medical knowledge must be an asset with your father being ill.”

“I’m not so sure. Sometimes I wish I didn’t know what was happening.” Her face looks pained. “I envy Bleu’s inability to see the reality.”

“How much longer do you think he has?”

“Not long. Maybe a week. Tops.”

Bonny is going to be a mess. But she’ll have me to help her through her loss. “Will you tell her?”

“No. I can’t bring myself to do it.” Ellison shakes her head. “Those two are thick as thieves. You should probably know that she isn’t going to do well when he goes.”

Ellison and I discuss Harold MacAllister’s health until Bleu opens the door. Her eyes are swollen. Her face, red and blotchy. “He wants to see us together.”

“Good luck, dude,” Ellison says.

I follow Bleu into Harold’s room, shutting the door behind me. I want to reach for my Bonny Bleu’s hand but I’m afraid it isn’t wise. She’s angry with me. I see it all over her face.

I will have a lot of explaining to do when we leave.

“My daughter is very unhappy with you right now, Mr. Breckenridge.”

“I never dreamed she wouldn’t be.” I look at her. “But it’s my greatest hope she’ll understand the reason behind my action. And maybe eventually agree it was the only honorable and right thing to do.”

“I don’t know if you’ll get that out of her.” Harold MacAllister laughs. “Regardless of her anger and despite the hit your uncle has issued, she tells me she’s in love with you and wants to be your wife.”

I’m very pleased to know Bonny has declared her feelings for me to her father. Another step in the right direction.

“Bleu insisted on infiltrating The Fellowship and it didn’t go as planned. That’s a good thing considering she was going after the wrong man. I’m not happy about Bleu becoming part of The Fellowship. But it is what it is—the next sin, you could say. Your offer of marriage is a solution. According to her, she couldn’t love you more so falling in love was a happy coincidence. I can die in peace knowing my little girl will be in your care. I’m giving you my approval.”

Perfect. I have Harold MacAllister’s blessing. All I need now is his daughter’s forgiveness.

* * *

I’ve fucked up big time—twice—in a day and a half. Not the best way to begin our marriage.

Bleu hasn’t said a single word to me during the ride to her house. I’m not sure if that’s because she’s choosing to not speak to me or because she doesn’t wish to argue in front of Sterling. Either way, I’m certain I’ll catch hell as soon as we’re alone.

I don’t want Bonny to be angry with me. I need her to understand the reason I felt compelled to speak with her father while I still could.

Once we’re inside, Bleu stomps to her bedroom. I follow her so we can talk but she slams the door in my face.

Click—the sound of her locking the door between us. I hope she isn’t under the illusion that will stop me from coming in. She’ll need more than this flimsy rectangle to keep us apart.

I rap lightly on the hollow door. “Bonny. We need to talk.”

No answer.

I tap a little more firmly. “You know I’m not going anywhere so you might as well let me in.”

Still nothing so I jiggle the handle. “We are going to discuss this. I’d prefer we didn’t do it after I break down the door.”

The lock pops. I turn the knob and let myself in. She’s standing in the middle of her bedroom, hands on hips. “You’re a complete jackass. I’m so damn mad at you right now!” She picks up a picture frame from her bedside table and throws it at me. I narrowly dodge being hit in the head. “You’re such a selfish bastard.”

Oh hell. She’s really mad.

We’ve never gone head to head but I’m fully aware that Bleu is no delicate flower. She could probably kick my ass under the right circumstances. Judging by her reaction, it’s probably a good idea for me to be prepared for such.

“You already knew I was a selfish bastard. This isn’t news for you.”

“Dammit! You had no right to go to my father without my consent!” she yells.

“We both know you would’ve never agreed to me seeing him.” This was one of those instances where it was easier to obtain forgiveness than permission. Although right now, I’m questioning the whole forgiveness thing.

“That’s right

. And for good reason.”

“Aye. You’re right to call me a selfish bastard because I am. I went to your father because I didn’t care for the way it made me feel to know I was taking you as my wife behind his back. But I also did it for the two of you.”

“How can you claim this was about anything but you? I plainly told you I didn’t want him to know, but you just had to go and be the tyrant you always are and do things your way.”