Chapter Thirteen

Bleu MacAllister

“You should probably expect to be under a microscope.” This is my warning to be prepared for a lot of probing.

“I understand why and I don’t mind. I have nothing to hide.” This is completely expected. “But you should know now that I’m not consenting to a body cavity search.” Sterling stares ahead but I hear him cackle beneath his breath. I look forward and can see the reflection of his grin in the rearview mirror. “Do you blame me, Sterling?”

He’s a man of few words. Or maybe no words. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard him utter a single one, at least not to me. And he doesn’t this time, either.

I’m a little concerned that Abram has such a say in Sin’s life. “Your dad is leader. Shouldn’t Abram accept me without further evaluation if Thane approves?”

“Ideally, yes. But Abram is a controlling bastard. He likes things done his way. It often creates a power struggle between him and Dad. In the end, my father is always in command and wins—but not until after being forced to flex his muscle.”

Thane likes me very much. I hope it’s enough for him to do some flexing.

Abram’s home can easily be called a castle. The main house’s exterior is weathered stone, much like most of the buildings you see in Edinburgh. I’m no real estate expert but it has all the classic architecture of a home built hundreds of years ago.

It’s surrounded by lush green pasture. The air smells of freshly cut grass. And cleanliness. It’s very different from what I’m accustomed to in Memphis.

We go into Abram’s home and his expression is telling. He looks as though he’s seen a ghost. That convinces me he at least knows what my mother looked like. I’d not given that much thought but it’s likely he knew her as well.

Sin introduces me to Abram first. “My God. Thane was right. Your resemblance to Amanda Lawrence is uncanny.”

“You’ve heard the old saying, ‘like father, like son’? It often rings true.” I’m guessing this woman looking me over is Thane’s wife.

“This is my mother, Isobel,” Sin says.

She’s a very attractive woman with short, bright red hair styled in a pixie cut. Her eyes are vivid blue. I’m instantly reminded of Sharon Osbourne. At first glance, I see no part of her in Sin but then I notice something around her eyes that reminds me of him.

“It’s lovely to meet you, Mrs. Breckenridge.” I’m expecting her to be a hard one to win over.

“The pleasure is all mine, dear.” She seems very pleased by my presence, maybe even exceedingly so. I didn’t expect a warm welcome considering the things Sin has told me about her.

I’m introduced to Abram’s wife and then the six of us go into the formal dining room. Despite the age of their home, the interior is modern and filled with exquisite furnishings. My surroundings could pass for those belonging to royalty. It makes me sick to think of the people who have suffered or been killed so they can live in this manner.

Abram pulls out the chair next to the head of the table. “Please do me the honor of sitting next to me, Miss MacAllister.”

I look to Sin, unsure if it’s what he’d have me do. He nods his approval so I take the seat. I have two of the most notorious criminals in Scotland sitting to my right and directly across the table. I’ll be questioned and ogled by them both. That shouldn’t be at all stressful.

Abram allows the first course to be served before he begins his cross-examination. “How old are you, Miss MacAllister?”

Sin sighs loudly, displaying his annoyance. “Not this again.”

I put my hand on his knee beneath the table. “It’s okay. I don’t mind.” I look at Abram. “Twenty-five.”

“The same age as Amanda’s daughter would have been. That’s a very unlikely coincidence. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“I wouldn’t know.” I shrug and return to my soup.

“Allow me to address all the concerns and questions you might have, Uncle,” Sin says. “I understand Bleu has an uncanny resemblance to Amanda Lawrence but she didn’t know her or her daughter. She would have been a young child when they were killed, so please stop harassing her about something she knows nothing about.” Sin’s drawn a line in the sand by expressing his loyalty to me. It’ll be interesting to see the shit this stirs.

Isobel clears her voice. “My son is right. And I’m sure Miss MacAllister is nervous enough without you performing an inquisition, Abram. Leave her be.”

Sin looks at his mother as though he has no idea who she is.

I wait until Thane and Abram aren’t looking to mouth “thank you” at Isobel. She gives me a kind smile followed by a single nod.

I don’t think she’s the woman Sin claims her to be. I believe I could find an ally in her. It’s definitely worth a try since she may very well hate Thane as much as I do.

* * *

It’s after two in the morning when Sin’s phone comes to life on the nightstand. “Aye … okay … I’ll be there in twenty.”

The bed moves when he rolls toward me. “Bonny Bleu.” He spoons me from behind and kisses my neck. “I have to go out for a while.”

“Mmm … hmm.”

He nuzzles my neck with his facial hair. It tickles. “Did you hear me, Bonny? I have to leave.”

“I heard you.” My voice is slow and lazy.

“I probably won’t be back before morning.”


The mattress shifts. I hear rustling in his closet, followed by water running. I don’t think he’s even trying to keep the noise to a minimum. But I’ll forgive him. He isn’t accustomed to having a woman in his bed.

I get up and slip my robe on over its matching gown. I stand in the doorway with squinted eyes watching Sin slip into his shoulder harness.

Some women love a man in a uniform. I have a fondness for ones who pack heat—especially in gun harnesses. It’s even hotter when he’s exacting justice for a crime that would otherwise go unpunished. I can’t help it. It’s my thing.

“What’s happened?”

“The daughter of a Fellowship member was taken from her bedroom tonight. The lass was beaten and raped. She’s in surgery right now to fix what they did to her.”

That’s sickening. “Oh God. Who would do such a thing?”

“One of our rivals has claimed responsibility. It was an act of retaliation.” For what?

“What are you going to do about it?”

He stands straight and tightens his harness. “They harmed one of mine. It’s worse because she’s a child. The doctors can fix her physical injuries but she’s probably emotionally ruined forever. It’s my place to avenge the wrong.”

His words strike a chord with me as my heart goes out to a child I don’t know. “A revenge kill is over too quickly and yields far too little satisfaction. They need to suffer before they die.”

“I strongly suspect you may have a vengeful side that rivals my own. You’re host to a very dark companion inside your head.” He comes to me and pushes my hair from my face. He cups my cheeks in his palms and stares at me. “You’ve never said so but I know something bad has happened to you. I’d like it very much if one day you’d lift the veil and allow me to know what has made you the way you are.”

What kind of person does he believe I am?

He passes his thumb over my bottom lip. “What do you find a suitable torture for men who would do this?”


?s putting me on the spot. “I’m not sure the means, but it would involve the loss of a highly valued appendage.”

“And you could do this?”

“For child rapists, yes.”

“Aye. I believe you would.” He smiles and kisses my forehead. “This isn’t the right time but there’s potential for you joining me another night.”

He pulls me close and squeezes.

“Come back to me safely.” I sound like a wife sending her husband off to war. At least I think I sound pretty damn convincing.

“I shall.” He slaps my ass cheek. “Back to bed with you, bonny one. Sleep in if I haven’t returned by morning. I want you ready and waiting for me when I get home.”

“I’m still not back to normal.”

A mischievous grin spreads. “You don’t have to be for what I have in mind.”

He kisses me one last time as he’s leaving. I lock the door behind him before returning to an empty bed. I turn onto my side and grab his pillow, hugging it. Sleep doesn’t find me because I’m worried about his safety.

I shouldn’t care if he lives or dies? But I do.

I lie in bed tossing and turning for at least two hours before I hear Sin return. That was much faster than I anticipated. I didn’t think he’d be back until the sun was up.

I don’t want him to know I’ve been lying in his bed worrying about him, so I pretend to be asleep. I listen to his footsteps coming nearer as he approaches me from behind. Perhaps he means to slip into bed without waking me since it’s still the middle of the night. But something isn’t right. I’ve come to know his gait. He’s nearly mastered a perfect one without a limp—almost. The stride I’m hearing now doesn’t belong to him.

So I wait. This predator is unaware he’s about to become the prey.

His footsteps stop. My gut tells me this is my one and only chance to strike before my brain gets bedazzled with a shiny lead slug. I spin around and sweep my arm through the air, knocking what I assume is a handgun from his grasp.

The shadow in the dark pushes me to the bed and grabs at my throat. He’s going for my air supply but he’s unaware no one will ever suffocate me again.