“I’ve gotta run.” I have to be at work in an hour. “Thanks for the talk. I feel much better.”

“Go get ’im, tiger.” Elli growls.

My sister has no idea I’m more like a tiger than she thinks. I’m a predator and Sin is my prey. And I’m gonna get ’im good.

Chapter Eight

Sinclair Breckenridge

It’s been two days since I saw Bleu and I crave her company. My work performance is suffering because she’s the only thing on my mind. That’s why I’m going to the bar tonight instead of doing research for my case. My desire to see her is a fixation I can no longer control.

I’m already seated at my table when her eyes meet mine from across the room. Her expression transforms from one of boredom to what I perceive as happiness. I think it’s a sign we’re equally delighted about seeing one another.

She doesn’t take her eyes from mine as she closes the distance. “Good evening, Mr. Breckenridge. How may I serve you?”

“I can think of quite a few ways but they’re all rather naughty. I’d better keep them to myself since I still have to wait three days until I can convince you to perform them.” I place my foot on the chair across from me and push it away from the table. “Sit with me a while.”

“Delayed gratification, Breck. It’s something you know nothing about—but you will. You won’t soon forget the satisfaction it’s going to bring you.”

Breck? That’s a new one.

I once took great pleasure in taking a woman to bed but my accident stole that indulgence from me years ago. I settle for quick fucks because I’m forced to hide a secret no one from my world can know. But Bleu isn’t a part of this life.

She’s going to discover this thing I hide when I take her into my bed. I have no idea how she’ll respond. I only know I want to find out.

“May I bring you some instant gratification? Maybe a JW?”

I nod. “I’ll take it if that’s all I can get.”

She laughs as she gets up to fetch my whisky. “You’re worse than a child.”

I’m watching the sway of her hips when I hear Leith’s voice. “Why don’t you fuck her already and get it over with?”

I force my eyes away from Bleu’s arse. “Who says I haven’t?”

“You’re still interested. It’s a dead giveaway.”

He knows me so well. “She’s making me wait.” I laugh.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Leith is only one of two people I’d tell about my arrangement with Bleu. “She won’t give me a quick fuck.”

“Then find one who will.”

That’s exactly what I usually do but there’s a problem with that plan. “I don’t want to move on. I’m obsessed with having her and she’s going to give herself to me … but on her terms.”

“Which are?”

I give Leith the short version of where Bleu and I stand. “Don’t be stupid. You’ve kept this on the down-low for six years. Take her to bed and it’s a secret no more. She could tell anyone.”

She’s not conspiring against me or The Fellowship. “She’s alone in Scotland. She has no one to tell.”

“One person. That’s all it takes.”

Bleu returns with my drink, ending my debate with Leith.

“We’ll finish this conversation another time.”

“Whatever.” Leith waits until Bleu leaves to finish. “I came over to tell you there’s a girl here to see you. She’s waiting in my office.”

“Who is it?”

“Declan Stuart’s sister.”

“Her brother’s atonement is scheduled for the mornin’ and I’m his handler.” And I know why she’s here—to offer sex in exchange for her loved one’s punishment.

I down my whisky. “Do me a favor. Make sure Bleu doesn’t find her way into your office while I’m with Miss Stuart.”


I go into Leith’s office and the female version of Declan is sitting on the leather sofa—the exact spot where I’ve fucked so many just like her. “Mr. Breckenridge. I hope I’m not disturbing you.”

“Well, you are.”

“I’m Christie Stuart, Declan’s sister. I’ve come to talk with you about my brother’s beating that’s scheduled for tomorrow.”

A beating? I think she’s trying to be dramatic. “It’s called atonement. It’s retribution for his wrongdoing. He stole from The Fellowship. I’m sure you’re aware that isn’t tolerated.”

“It isn’t his fault. He took the drugs and sold them because I needed money. He did it for me so I could attend the dance academy. It’s been my dream since I was a little girl to be a ballerina.”

“I don’t care why he stole from me, twinkle toes.”

“I have the money.” She takes a stack of bills from her handbag and places them on the desk. “Will you take it back and call off the atonement?”

“I’ll gladly take back what was stolen from me but your brother will still be punished.” Returning the money must feel like a stupid move now. “No one wrongs the brotherhood and walks away unscathed.”

“Please, don’t hurt him. It’s my fault he stole from you.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

She reaches for the hem of her shirt and pulls it over her head, baring herself from the waist up. She isn’t wearing a bra but she doesn’t have to. Her tits are perfect. “Maybe we could settle his debt another way.”

And here we go.

This isn’t the first time someone’s sister, girlfriend, or wife has offered to fuck in exchange for a lesser punishment or dismissal. I’ve done it countless times—taken them up on their offer only to inform them once it’s over that the punishment will continue as planned.

I’d do it again today if I weren’t opting out for my upcoming delayed gratification with Bleu. I’ve put too much work—and waiting—into her to jeopardize it now with a quickie. “Sorry. It’s nonnegotiable.”

“Please,” she begs.

“Put your shirt back on and leave.” Before Bleu comes back here.

She unzips her skirt and lets it fall before she comes toward me. “I’ll let you fuck me any way you want and I won’t make a sound.”

Shocking. I’m not the least bit turned on by this woman’s advances. It doesn’t do it for me when Bleu’s offer holds far more promise of satisfaction. “I’m not doing this. Put your clothes back on.”

The door to Leith’s office bursts open without warning and Bleu comes in like an angry tempest. “Really, Sinclair? We’re back to this again?”

Fucking perfect!

“This isn’t what it looks like.” Well, that’s not entirely right. It’s exactly what it looks like except I told her no.

“I’m not stupid, despite what you might think.” She storms away but calls out over her shoulder, “You can forget our plans for later this week. I’ll find someone else who can give me the things I need. Leith seems pretty eager to try.”

Not happening. No one touches Bleu but me.

“Put your clothes on right now. After you’re dressed, go out there and fix this or I’ll make sure your brother dies tomorrow.”

“You can’t kill Declan for stealing.”

She obviously doesn’t know me. “I’ve killed for much less,” I say. “Have Bleu come back to the office after you’re finished fixing the shit you’ve stirred.”

“Yes, sir.”

Five minutes pass. Then ten. Bleu doesn’t return to the office so I call the front. “Is there a blond woman still talking to Bleu?”

“No, sir. She left a while ago but Bleu’s here. She’s sitting at your table with Mr. Duncan.”

She has another thing coming if she thinks she’s going to replace me so easily. “Tell her I said I want to see her in the office right now.”

“Aye, sir.”

A moment later, she’s standing in the doorway, arms crossed. “You wanted to see me?”

“Come in and shut the door.” She gives me a sharp look and doe

sn’t move. She’s a stubborn one, that Bonny Bleu. “Please.”

A moment later she does as I ask. “And lock it. Please.”

She looks at me with narrowed eyes. “There’s no need.”

“We’ll require a moment of privacy so we may discuss what just happened.”

She pushes the lock on the door. “You mean you want to talk about me finding you with a naked woman in a compromising situation?”

“I was not compromised. It was all her. She’s the one who took off her clothes and tried to get me to fuck her.”