“I made the decision to let you have me. It wasn’t one I took lightly so excuse me if I’m offended by your less than stellar behavior.”

Her brow is creased, eyes cast downward. I think her bottom lip may even be slightly protruding.

My God, she’s pouting. I hate when women do that, except her. It’s beautiful, and it’s all for me. “Do I need to remind you it was an attempt—an unsuccessful one?”

“I believe you but we should be clear about one thing. I want no further misunderstandings. You’ll share your body with no one as long as I’m giving myself to you.”

Ahh … she’s a possessive little vixen. It’s hot. “I don’t know if I can wait three more days to have you.”

“Keep imagining how good it’s going to be when you finally do. The taste of the remaining apple will keep you going.”

* * *

I drive Bleu home from work and we’re kissing like crazy at her front door. I glide one of my hands under her work blouse and cup her lace-clad breast. My thumb grazes her nipple back and forth until it becomes rigid beneath my touch.

She’s allowing me quite a bit more freedom tonight so maybe I won’t be waiting until Thursday after all. “Let me take you home with me.” I trail my lips over her jawline until my mouth reaches her earlobe. I suck it between my teeth, tugging gently, and her body bends to me. “There’s really no need to wait three days to experience pleasure when we can start tonight.”

I move my hand between her thighs, rubbing up and down. “I swear I’ll make it all about you. The only thing I need is a chance.” She grasps my wrist. At first, I think she’s going to push it away but then I realize she’s moving it to a more pleasurable spot. “I don’t think you want to wait, either.”

I’m waiting for her reply when my phone vibrates in my pocket.

Dammit. I’m not a man with the luxury of avoiding calls. If someone’s calling this late, it’s important.

I take my hands off Bleu so I can retrieve my phone. It’s Dad. Something is going on. “I’m sorry. I have to take this.”

“Aye, Dad?”

“William Calhoun’s been arrested. Rodrick is already on his way but you need to be down there with him.”

This is how my life will be very soon—getting calls at all hours of the night to handle whatever legal messes the brothers have gotten into. “Now?”

“I need you there thirty minutes ago. I don’t trust Calhoun. He has a problem with keeping his mouth shut. The bastard better hope they don’t talk him into saying anything he’ll regret later.”

Well, my fun with Bleu is over—at least for tonight. “I’m in Old Town but I’m leaving now. I’ll let you know how things go.”

I need to touch her again before I go so I glide my hands over her arse and pull her against me. I suck her bottom lip into my mouth and then release it. “I really don’t want to leave you.”

“Then don’t.”

This is painful. “I have to.”

“Will I see you tomorrow?”

“Maybe.” I’m already behind on the case I was assigned and I’m sure this new mess isn’t going to help. “Probably not. I’m already really behind with work. I shouldn’t have come tonight but I couldn’t stay away. I was going crazy.”

“Don’t act as though you’ve been bewitched.” She laughs. “You came because you were hoping to get laid.”

“A guy can hope.” I grin and shrug. “Were you going to say yes?” I really think I was about to get a shag.

“Doesn’t matter now. You’re getting a kiss goodnight instead.”

That’s a yes. Dammit, I was so close to banging her. I may get William Calhoun out of the slammer just so I can beat the shit out of him.

“Three days.” I kiss her lips one last time before I go. “Be ready.”

Chapter Nine

Bleu MacAllister

Tonight’s the night. I’ve been preparing myself for this since I made the decision to use Sinclair as collateral damage. Getting off won’t be enough. Anyone can do that for him. He has to experience the unexpected and like it enough to keep coming back for more. Could there be anything better than an untouched virgin in his bed?

I think not.

My hair is down with the ends loosely curled. Sin’s never seen it that way. It goes perfectly with the tight, black dress I’m wearing. The hair, the outfit, the shoes … they make me feel confident and sexy—like I could seduce a saint. I suppose it’s all a bit much since Sin is certainly no saint and wouldn’t resist my sexual advances, even if I were on fire.

Thank God he’s a horny bastard. That makes him putty in my hands.

There’s a knock at the door so I take one last look in the mirror and push my boobs up in my dress. “Stella Bleu, I hope your bullshit is exceptional tonight,” I say to my reflection.

Sin’s standing on the other side with a single white long-stemmed rose in hand. I’m taken aback by the gesture. “Awe … Sin. Thank you.” I take it and bring it to my nose for a smell.

“The florist told me a white rose conveys ‘I’m worthy.’” I understand the meaning and I’m touched he’d put effort into wooing me. He knows I’m a sure thing tonight, yet he chooses to romance me anyway. That’s both unexpected and uncharacteristic for Sinclair Breckenridge.

“Do you give roses to all the girls?”

“You’re the first.” That’s not a shock.

“I have a feeling there’s going to be a lot of firsts for both of us tonight.”

He’s driving us to the restaurant and I go through my personal undercover rules in my head, just for a refresher.

Rule number one: lies are like boomerangs. You better throw them out as hard and as far as you can because they always return eventually. I have that covered. Nothing will come back to me before I’m out of here. Once I’m gone may be a different story since I’m not using an alias.

Rule number two: always know my boundaries and never allow the lines to become blurred. I have no limits to what I’m prepared to do or where I’m willing to go when it comes to Thane Breckenridge.

Rule number three: when undercover, you’d better have a map because there are a lot of ways to get lost. I know Thane, Sin, and The Fellowship inside and out. I’m good.

Rule number four: it’s not a lie if you believe it. I am who I say I am and I have no motive. There is no evidence that will prove otherwise.

Rule number five: know and understand that Sin’s a special kind of animal. He’s perfectly fine with surprise and things going wrong. He’s a dangerous man, but I’m prepared to kill him if the situation arises.

Rule number six: be headstrong but vulnerable, confident yet cautious. I’m the one in control tonight, yet I’m giving myself to this monster. I will do it with confidence but understand his reaction could be a volatile one. Again, I will kill him if I have to.

Rule number seven: know and understand that I’m straddling two worlds—his and mine. I laugh about this one since I’ll soon be straddling him.

Rule number eight: conceal any personal feelings I have. He can never see how much giving my body to him disgusts me.

Rule number nine: say or do whatever’s necessary to sell it. I will say anything I think he wants to hear. I will perform any act to make him trust me enough to bring me into Thane’s circle.

Rule number ten: it’s all about the right move at the right time—pacing and patience. I’ll read his emotions and body la

nguage to know what needs to come next.

A necessary sin. That’s what tonight is.

“You’re quiet. Are you nervous for later?”

I shake my head. “Eager would be a better description for what I’m feeling.” That much is true. I’m nervous but ready to get this behind me.

“I like the word eager much better than nervous.”

He holds the door for me when we enter The Witchery. He places his hand on my lower back when I walk past. A shiver travels down my spine, causing my body to quiver and chills to rise to the surface of my skin.

We’re seated at a table in a dark, quiet corner. I’m not surprised. I think he likes having me to himself, away from the other patrons. “We’re off to ourselves.”

“So we are.”

“Is this the proposal table?”

“It could be.” He laughs.

“You aren’t going to propose, are you?”

“No.” He’s grinning, amused by my question. I like that I’m able to tease him.

“Good, ’cause I’d have to decline.”

He brings his fist to his chest and pretends to remove something. “Your refusal would be a dagger to my heart.”

“Then let me put your mind at ease. I’m going to let you do what you want with my body but I’ll never give you my heart.”

“Because you can’t or won’t?”

“I guess that’s a matter for a shrink.”

“I don’t need someone’s analysis of why you can’t or won’t give away your heart. I get it. I understand. I’m not sure you know it yet but we’re very much alike.”

He’s wrong. I share no similarities with him. He’s the spawn of a monster. “Perhaps. I suppose only time will tell.”

Dinner is served and I’m hardly able to eat a bite. My stomach is in knots. I order dessert but not because I’m craving chocolate raspberry cheesecake. It’s a ploy to procrastinate.

A strange feeling has settled in my stomach. I’ve had weeks to think about this night, yet I’m not nearly as prepared as I thought. “Want a bite?”

“Aye.” He leans forward and takes the bite I’m offering. “Mmm … delicious but not the sweetness I’m in the mood for.”