
Dr. Granger departed, and Lara was left to sit once again. After fifteen minutes she glanced at the digital clock on the wall. Her throat felt fine. She’d had no trouble breathing. Could swallow just fine. And no Beck. But then why should he be here? The case was over. Solved. He didn’t need her anymore.

“This is bullshit. I am out of here.”

Just as she spoke the curtain to her room snapped back and a nurse in white scrubs appeared, pushing a wheelchair with a stack of clothes on it. She took one look at Lara reaching for her jeans and frowned. Familiar green eyes studied her.

Lara’s fingers tightened around the denim. “I’ve been waiting for an hour. I’m about to jump out of my skin.”

“The wait is over, Ms. Church. You’re good to go.”

Lara stared at the woman. She was in her early fifties, had dark hair with just a hint of gray, and a slim figure much younger women would envy. “Do I know you?”

“I don’t believe we’ve met.”

Lara glanced at the name tag. ELAINA BECK. “You’re related to James Beck?”

The nurse inspected a chart and made a note. “Guilty as charged.”

“Your nephew?”

She glanced up and smiled. “My son.”

Lara lifted a brow. Then remembered Beck had said his mother had only been sixteen when he was born. “He looks a lot like you.”

“So I’ve been told.” She glanced down at her clipboard again. “All I have to do is get you in this wheelchair, and you will be free to go.”

“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So I can get dressed.”

“Yes.” There was a half smile, so similar to Beck’s, and then she vanished outside the curtains.

Her hospital gown billowing around her, Lara rose gingerly from the bed. “Beck said he’d check on my dog. Have you heard from him?”

“If Beck said he’d check on your dog, he will. Now as soon as you get dressed, I can get you out of here.” Mrs. Beck retreated, giving her privacy.

“These aren’t the clothes I was wearing,” Lara said.

“Yours were covered in blood. James got clean ones from your house.”

That would be like Beck to take care of a small but important detail. It didn’t mean he thought any more of her. It just was a kindness Beck would do for anyone. “Thanks.”

Lara slid into her underwear and dressed in the loose-fitting pants and shirt. She thought about her wallet and keys, still in her purse in her truck back at Jonathan’s. And ordering a cab would be tough without her cell phone, which was also in her purse. “Shit.”

The word had barely hissed from her lips when the curtain drew back and Beck appeared. He stood tall and straight, and she’d never been happier to see anyone. She resisted the urge to lean into him and ask him for a hug. “Please tell me you are busting me out of here.”

He removed his hat. “That is exactly what I’m doing.”

“Is Lincoln okay?”

“He’s at your house, and he’s fine.”

“Thanks.” She had been so independent and self-reliant, and now she couldn’t even get home or take care of her dog. “I’d ask for a ride to my truck, but my keys are in my purse and that is at Jonathan’s house.” Tears of frustration burned her eyes and one slid down her cheek. Annoyed, she swiped it away. “Sorry. I’m out of sorts.”

He moved toward her and took her hand in his. His palms were calloused. “Santos followed me in your truck to your house. Everything is waiting for you there.”

She sighed. “Thank you. I just didn’t know how I was going to fix this.”

He stroked her palm with his thumb. “All fixed.”

Warmth spread through her body. “And you’re going to take me home?”

“I am.”

She squeezed his hand, needing more than was wise.

Elaina Beck appeared, her gaze skittering to their clasped hands. “Get in that wheelchair, Ms. Church. I don’t want you fainting on my watch.”

“I don’t need a wheelchair.”

Mrs. Beck arched a brow. “You leave in the chair or you spend the night.”

Lara stared into eyes as determined as her son’s. She sat in the chair, knowing Mrs. Beck would keep her here tonight.

“Ready, Ms. Church?” Beck said.

He stood tall and strong behind her, and the tension melted from her shoulders. “More than ready.”

Beck leaned over, and kissed his mother on the cheek. “See you tomorrow.”

His mother searched his gaze as if trying to peer into his mind. “Don’t worry about me.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Beck,” Lara said.

The older woman patted her on the shoulder. “You’re very welcome.”

Beck pushed her out the emergency room exit to his waiting dark Suburban. He locked the brake and took her elbow, helping her rise.

“I’m not made of china, Beck.”

“You look fragile enough to break,” he said.

She smiled as she eased into the passenger seat. “I’m a tough old gal.”

A chuckle rumbled in his chest. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Minutes later he was behind the wheel, and they were heading outside of town. She leaned back in her seat. “How is Raines doing?”

“He’s answering lots of questions. He’s going to be charged, but there’s a chance he could make bail.”

“I’ll do whatever I can for him.”

Beck’s hands tightened on the wheel. “I know.”

“How did you get to us so fast? Raines had only just called nine-one-one.”

“Santos pulled the college surveillance video of Jonathan slicing your tire.”

“It wasn’t Tim?”


She shook

her head, wondering if it was possible to honestly know anyone. “Have you found out anything more about Jonathan?”

“We found six white dresses hanging in a closet.”

“Six dresses. Six women.”

“He also kept logs on the different women. The Book of Blair. The Book of Gretchen.”

“The Book of Lara.”


She dug trembling fingers through her hair. “He was always so nice.”

A slight smile tipped the edge of his mouth. “Killers like him are experts at hiding their secrets and projecting to the world the right image.”

“I never saw it coming.”

“No one did until it was almost too late. Except Raines.” He pulled off the main road up the dirt driveway that wound back to her place. When they pulled up in the driveway she could hear Lincoln barking.

Immediately, she opened her door and hurried to her front door. It was locked, but Beck quickly appeared at her side with her keys.

“Thanks.” She twisted the key in the lock and opened the door. Lincoln jumped off the couch and bounded toward her, his tail wagging and his ears perked. She got down on her knees and rubbed him behind the ears as he licked her face.

“Boy, did I miss you,” she said.

She rose as Lincoln barked and wagged his tail. She moved to a cabinet where she kept chew sticks, reserved for when she was working on a deadline, and handed him one. He took the bone and immediately jumped up on the couch and settled into it.

“He should be good for at least an hour,” Lara said. “Can I make you a coffee or a snack? I’m starving.”

“I’ll make the coffee.”

“Didn’t we already go through this once before?”

“We did, and as I remember you lost that fight.”

“Not tonight.”

“Lady, if you think I’m going to watch you cook after today, then you are dead wrong. Sit.”

“I thought you could only cook steak and coffee?”

He guided her to a kitchen chair. “I can make a sandwich.”

“I’ve got pita bread, hummus, and veggies.”

He shook his head. “No cold cuts?”


He shrugged off his jacket and hung it on the back of the bar stool. “The things I have to do in the line of duty.”