“I’m just glad you are back in Austin. This is the city where you belong. Seattle wasn’t the place for you.”

She set her glass down. “No, I guess in the end it wasn’t.”

“I have a surprise for you.”

“What’s that?”

“Grab your wine and let me show you.” He turned down the grill.

She thought about her car. The front door. Getting Lincoln. Running. Even as her brain tried to reason with her terrified emotions.

A tentative smile flickered at the edge of her lips, and she slowly followed him inside. Her brain worked double time to calm her fears almost making headway.

He opened the door to a room off the den. “This is my den. Where I work on my designs. I’ve gotten so good at copying everyone else’s styles, but I do have ideas of my own. Have a look inside.”

And she looked up.

Hanging over his desk was the picture she’d taken in Seattle. The exact spot where she’d almost died.

“My picture,” she whispered, her chest brutally tight.

“It is a stunning piece,” he said. “The instant I saw it I knew I had to have it.”

She stood motionless. “I didn’t think you liked Seattle.”

“It’s not the city so much as the picture. It captures so many feelings.”

Her stomach churned. “What kind of feelings?”

“Hard to put into words. Power. Life. Survival. It says a lot to me.”

She turned from him and the picture, suddenly unable to breathe. “I need to get some fresh air.”

“Are you feeling okay?”

She hurried back to the front of the house and snatched up her purse. With trembling hands she fished for her keys, which had sunk to the bottom. Damn!

He came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “What’s wrong, Lara?”

She flinched as if he’d touched her with fire. “I’m not feeling well. I better get Lincoln and go.”

Strong fingers smoothed over her shoulders. “When I came to get you in Seattle, you were so beat up and broken.”

She jerked forward, uncaring if he read her fear or not. She had to get out of here.

He cocked his head. “What is it?”

Lara backed toward the front door. “I’m going to be sick.”

“I’ll take care of you.” He took a step toward her. “Remember when I picked you up from the hospital and took you to your apartment?”

At the time she’d not thought about it, but she realized now he’d had no trouble finding her place. He’d moved with quiet confidence up the staircase of her apartment building. Still dazed, bruised, and battered, she’d muttered her apartment number, but he’d not noticed. She’d simply been grateful to him.

“It just about broke me to see you like that,” he said.

He had been kind. “You wanted me to pack a bag and come home to Austin.”

“This is the safest place for you.”

Raines had shown up at her apartment that night. He’d wanted to see how she was doing. At the time she’d resented the intrusion, but now wondered if he’d not saved her life. “You were mad at Detective Raines.”

“The man had no sense of boundaries. I didn’t like the way he hounded you about your memory.”

She dug deeper for her keys until fingertips brushed the metal key ring. She glanced back toward the utility room that held Lincoln. “I’ve got to go.”

He cocked his head. “What’s going on with you, Lara? Something is bothering you.”

Accusations of horrific crimes clawed at her. Why hadn’t she remembered him from Seattle? Get out of here. Find Beck. Beck would help her with this. “I’m not feeling well.”

His gaze danced with glee. “It’s that picture, isn’t it? It has upset you.”


“I shouldn’t have shown it to you. It’s brought back bad memories.” He searched her gaze. “Has it brought back memories?”

Her heart thumped hard and fast in her chest. She thought about the dream. Memories pounded in her brain and cracked at the barriers that had kept them caged for so long.

She remembered the stalker’s rough hands on her neck. The scent of lemons. The way he kept saying she belonged to him. “No. No it hasn’t brought back anything. I was so drugged. I doubt I’ll ever remember.” She swallowed. “It’s just that I’m suddenly not feeling well.”

Brown eyes darkened. “You can lie down here.”

Jonathan had rough hands. “I need to get Lincoln.” Again she thought about her car parked not more than fifty feet from where she stood now. “Let me get my pup, and I’ll call you in the morning and we can set up a new time.”

He studied her. “I hate to let you go home alone when you’re not feeling well.”

“I’ll be fine. Being at home always makes me feel better.”

“I think you should stay.”

“I don’t want to.” Without taking her eyes off Jonathan, she called, “Lincoln!” The dog didn’t make a sound. “Lincoln!” No bark. No sound. “Where is Lincoln?”

“In the utility room.”

She started down the hallway toward the room. “He isn’t barking. That’s not like him.”

Jonathan moved in front of her, blocking her path. “I was sure after I picked you up from the hospital in Seattle that you’d come back to live in Austin. And then you just vanished.”

Breath hitched in her throat as she worked her car keys between her fisted fingers. “Get out of my way, Jonathan. I want my dog.”

He adjusted his stance to block her as she tried to sidestep him. “You should have let me take care of you.” His adult-to-child tone grated and terrified.

“I can take care of myself.” She sidestepped him. “I need fresh air.”

He grabbed her wrist, his hold firm and unbreakable. “You remember, don’t you?”

She tried to jerk her hand free. “What?”

Fingers manacled tighter. “Your memory is starting to come back.”

The now-punishing grip triggered another memory flash.

Cold, rough fingers on her neck, pressing, as a man said, “You belong to me.”

“Let go of me, Jonathan.” Lincoln’s silence had her imagining terrible scenarios.

“Not this time,” he said.

She twisted her wrist, hoping he’d let her slip free, and when he didn’t, she swung her fist around, scraping his face with her car keys. “Let go!”

He screamed and jerked her forward, sending her off balance and falling forward into his chest. Before she could pull back, he clamped his other hand on her neck. Blood oozed from the three deep scrapes on his face. He grabbed her keys from her hand and sent them skidding across the floor out of her reach. Seconds later, his hands were on her neck. “The drugs were supposed to make you easy to handle. And they did.”

Choking for air, her hands flew up to his. She scraped and pulled but couldn’t release his grip.

“But I gave you too much. You could barely focus. I needed you to see me, but you were too messed up.”

How had she not seen it was him?

He smiled. “I’ve been replaying that moment for seven years. Each time I imagine it, I see it so differently.” He moved his lips close to her ears. “Now when I relive it, I see you looking into my eyes, seeing me, as I choke all the life out of you.”

His hot breath against her neck made her shudder. “Please.”

He stroked a strand of hair from her eyes. “I’ve wanted you since I first saw you. All year I’d look forward to your visits. And when you were in town the world felt better. You were Persephone to my Hades. But then you’d leave, and I’d be so lost. So full of anger. Black September, I called it.” His eyes grew distant as if remembering those days. “Your grandmother lied to you. She knew what happened to Rex.” He leaned forward and gently kissed her on the lips. “Oh, Lara, you should have heard his screams when I killed him.”

Tears rolled down the side of

her face as she tried to twist free. Hate elbowed aside fear. Think, Lara, think!

He loosened his hold. “There’s no reason to rush this. We have all the time in the world.”

She gripped his fingers and tried to pry them loose, but found his hold unbreakable. Shifting tactics, she managed a smile. “Jonathan, it doesn’t have to be this way.”

“There is no other way. There never has been.”

“Let me go get Lincoln. We can talk later.”

His gaze dropped to the rapid rise and fall of her breasts. “And let you go? No. Persephone must stay.”

Keep him talking. “You killed the others?”

“Yes.” He pulled her up and across the room until they reached the center of the living room. He nudged her forward. “Lift up the carpet.”