Lara studied the woman’s face for any signs of stress or deception. Finding none, the ribbons of fear binding her chest eased. “Wake up?”

“You can come back and see him.”

Lara hurried to follow. She didn’t invite Beck back, but he followed as if he had every right to be there. The doctor pushed through a swinging door, which led to an exam room. Lincoln lay on the stainless table. His eyes were half open, and he was panting a little. An IV ran from his front leg to a clear bag. When she lowered her face to his and spoke his name, his tail thumped awkwardly against the table.

“I think he was drugged, not poisoned,” Dr. O’Neil said.

“Drugged with what?” Beck said.

“I don’t know. But because he’s such a big dog he was able to metabolize the drug. If he’d been ten pounds lighter it might have been too much for him.”

She stroked Lincoln’s head. “Is he going to be all right?”

“I believe he’ll be just fine. The heat did not do him any favors, but I’m pushing liquids now. I’d like to hold on to him for a couple of hours and make sure he’s fully awake and hydrated, but he should be good to go. And when you get him home let him drink lots of water. He’ll want it.”

A wave of relief washed over her, and the tears she’d been holding back spilled down her cheeks. “Thanks, Dr. O’Neil.”

The doctor smiled. “It’s nice to have a happy ending today.”

She swiped away the tear, mindful of Beck’s gaze on her. “Can I stay with him?”

The doctor frowned. “I’d like to put him in a crate. He’ll be safer and can wake up at his own pace.”

“Okay. I can wait out front. And when he’s ready I’ll take him home.”

Dr. O’Neil glanced at Beck. “It’s going to be a couple of hours. Maybe you’d like to run an errand.”

“I’ll wait,” Lara said.

Beck shook his head. “We’ll go out and have an early dinner.”

Lara stiffened. “I’m not leaving.”

Beck met the doctor’s concerned gaze. “Doc, is Ms. Church gonna do Lincoln a bit of good sitting here making herself sick with worry?”

“Not a bit of good. Get some fresh air, Ms. Church. We’ll take good care of your baby.”

Lara finally conceded and allowed Beck to lead her outside. The heat of the day proved a welcome relief to the chill in her bones.

Not sure what to do, Lara glanced around. It would be too hot to sit in her truck, but there had to be a mall or a fast-food place around here somewhere.

Beck made the decision. “My car is right here. I know a place that makes the best enchiladas.”

“I’m not hungry.”

His muscles bunched. “You are pale and the circles under your eyes look like bruises. A meal will do you good.”

“This is my fault,” she whispered. “If I hadn’t talked to Vera . . .”

He frowned. “You did not cause this, so do not blame yourself.”

“Who would do this to an animal?” More tears threatened.

The furrows in his brow deepened. “I just hope I can get my hands on ’em.”

Gratitude washed over her. “Thanks.”

His expression softened a fraction. “Now you must eat.”

“Really, I’m fine.” The rush of adrenaline had ebbed, leaving a clear path for exhaustion to take over.

He cupped her elbow in his hand and walked with her toward a black SUV. “When’s the last time you ate?”

Her skin warmed at his touch. “I ate lunch yesterday, but then I went into the darkroom and I meant to eat again but forgot. And then I went into town and bought groceries.” She thought about the bags on the floorboard of her truck and the cold items she stowed in the cooler. “God, my groceries are still in the truck. Even in the cooler the cold items won’t last.”

He opened the passenger-side door to his car. “Wait here and give me your keys.”

She complied and slumped back. Her mind raced as she replayed the scene over and over. Who could have done this?

Beck returned, startling her. He opened the driver’s-side door to his car and slid into the seat. “The vet has a refrigerator and they are stowing your cold goods.”


“And you need food.”

He started the engine and they were blending into traffic. His car reminded her more of a command center with its computer between their seats, a printer, maps jammed in the side door, and a GPS that he quickly shut off when it started issuing orders.

The restaurant he chose was a small adobe-style place on the side of the road. If she’d been driving she’d have gone right past it, never dreaming that it would be a place to eat. Beck parked his SUV in the front of the restaurant and got out. She quickly unfastened her seat belt and got out, not expecting him to open her door.

He met her at her side of the car and closed her door. “It’s not much to look at, but the food is good.”

She’d always liked Mexican food, but it wasn’t until she moved to Texas as an adult that she’d experienced authentic Mexican fare.

They moved out of the heat into seventy-degree temps and up to a counter that had no menu posted.

A young, wiry boy behind the register grinned at Beck. “Mama is gonna be sorry that she missed you. She says you don’t come by enough.”

“I got no good excuses for your mama. But I’ll be sure to do better.” Beck nodded. “Manny, this is Lara. And she’s mighty hungry.”

The boy nodded. “Should I get your usual times two?”


“I’ll take the usual without meat,” Lara said.

Beck raised an amused brow. “You don’t eat meat?”

It was a concept that often didn’t fly well in Texas. “No. But I will eat cheese.”

He shook his head. “Manny, you heard the lady.”

Lara didn’t know what the usual entailed, but the place smelled of cumin, stewed tomatoes, and pepper. And if it didn’t have meat she’d be fine. She reached in her purse for her wallet, expecting to split the tab.

Beck shook his head. “Your money is no good here.”

She continued to count out bills. “I can pay for myself.”

“I bet you can. But you won’t be doing it here today with me standing at your side. Manny, if you take her money I’m gonna arrest you.”

Manny laughed. “Yes, sir.”

Annoyed, Lara tried to hand her bills to Manny, who would not touch them. Finally, she tucked them back in her wallet. “Don’t you think that’s a little old-fashioned? People split the bills all the time.”

“And if you were a man I’d agree. But I’ve never split a bill with a lady, and I never will.”

“You have got to be kidding.” Lara adjusted her purse strap on her shoulder.

He handed the amused kid a twenty. “There are three things I never kid about. The first two are food and good manners.” He shoved his wallet back in his back pocket. “Keep what’s left for yourself, Manny.”

“Thanks, Beck.”

He guided her to a table and they sat. Seconds later the boy brought them two glasses of fresh lemonade and a basket of freshly made chips and salsa.

Lara drank deeply from her lemonade; she hadn’t realized how thirsty she was. “That’s good. Thank you.”

“Best in Texas. And you are welcome.”

She traced the line of condensation with her fingertip. “So what’s the third thing you never kid about?”

He grinned. “Don’t believe I know you well enough to tell you about that one.”

The sensuality lingering behind the words sent a rush of heat rising up her face. She sipped her drink. “You come here often?”

“Been coming here since I was a kid. Manny’s older brother and I used to run together when we were kids. We were hell on wheels.”

“I can’t imagine you causing any trouble. I picture you born with that star on your chest.”

He laughed. “Far from

it. I was raised in east Austin.”

“Near the river?”

“Yes.” His eyes narrowed and then he nodded. “You said you grew up in the area.”

“I visited Austin when I was a kid during the summer. The house I live in now belonged to my grandmother. She left it to me in her will.”

“Did you enjoy your Texas summers?”

“I did. Cassidy and I were like sisters, especially after her mom died.”

“How’d her mother pass?”

Lara released a slow breath. “Suicide. She shot herself.”

His gaze sharpened. “That had to have been rough.”