“Do you know the procedure for testing male applicants for transsexual surgery?”


“It may help if you bring me a copy of the regimen from any of the centers, but to begin: the battery of tests usually includes Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, House-Tree-Person, Rorschach, Drawing of Self-Concept, Thematic Apperception, MMPI of course, and a couple of others—the Jenkins, I think, that NYU developed. You need something you can see quickly, don’t you? Don’t you, Clarice?”

“That would be the best, something quick.”

“Let’s see … our hypothesis is we’re looking for a male who will test differently from the way a true transsexual would test. All right—on House-Tree-Person, look for someone who didn’t draw the female figure first. Male transsexuals almost always draw the female first and, typically, they pay a lot of attention to adornments on the females they draw. Their male figures are simple stereotypes—there are some notable exceptions where they draw Mr. America—but not much in between.

“Look for a house drawing without the rosy-future embellishments—no baby carriage outside, no curtains, no flowers in the yard.

“You get two kinds of trees with real transsexuals—flowing, copious willows and castration themes. The trees that are cut off by the edge of the drawing or the edge of the paper, the castration images, are full of life in the drawings of true transsexuals. Flowering and fruitful stumps. That’s an important distinction. They’re very unlike the frightened, dead, mutilated trees you see in drawings by people with mental disturbances. That’s a good one—Billy’s tree will be frightful. Am I going too fast?”

“No, Dr. Lecter.”

“On his drawing of himself, a transsexual will almost never draw himself naked. Don’t be misled by a certain amount of paranoid ideation in the TAT cards—that’s fairly common among transsexual subjects who cross-dress a lot; oftentimes they’ve had bad experiences with the authorities. Shall I summarize?”

“Yes, I’d like a summary.”

“You should try to obtain a list of people rejected from all three gender-reassignment centers. Check first the ones rejected for criminal record—and among those look hard at the burglars. Among those who tried to conceal criminal records, look for severe childhood disturbances associated with violence. Possibly internment in childhood. Then go to the tests. You’re looking for a white male, probably under thirty-five and sizable. He’s not a transsexual, Clarice. He just thinks he is, and he’s puzzled and angry because they won’t help him. That’s all I want to say, I think, until I’ve read the case. You will leave it with me.”


“And the pictures.”

“They’re included.”

“Then you’d better run with what you have, Clarice, and we’ll see how you do.”

“I need to know how you—”

“No. Don’t be grabby or we’ll discuss it next week. Come back when you’ve made some progress. Or not. And Clarice?”


“Next time you’ll tell me two things. What happened with the horse is one. The other thing I wonder is … how do you manage your rage?”

Alonzo came for her. She held her notes against her chest, walking head bent, trying to hold it all in her mind. Eager for the outside air, she didn’t even glance toward Chilton’s office as she hurried out of the hospital.

Dr. Chilton’s light was on. You could see it under the door.


Far beneath the rusty Baltimore dawn, stirrings in the maximum security ward. Down where it is never dark the tormented sense beginning day as oysters in a barrel open to their lost tide. God’s creatures who cried themselves to sleep stirred to cry again and the ravers cleared their throats.

Dr. Hannibal Lecter stood stiffly upright at the end of the corridor, his face a foot from the wall. Heavy canvas webbing bound him tightly to a mover’s tall hand truck as though he were a grandfather clock. Beneath the webbing he wore a straitjacket and leg restraints. A hockey mask over his face precluded biting; it was as effective as a mouthpiece, and not so wet for the orderlies to handle.

Behind Dr. Lecter, a small, round-shouldered orderly mopped Lecter’s cage. Barney supervised the thrice-weekly cleaning and searched for contraband at the same time. Moppers tended to hurry, finding it spooky in Dr. Lecter’s quarters. Barney checked behind them. He checked everything and he neglected nothing.

Only Barney supervised the handling of Dr. Lecter, because Barney never forgot what he was dealing with. His two assistants watched taped hockey highlights on television.

Dr. Lecter amused himself—he has extensive internal resources and can entertain himself for years at a time. His thoughts were no more bound by fear or kindness than Milton’s were by physics. He was free in his head.

His inner world has intense colors and smells, and not much sound. In fact, he had to strain a bit to hear the voice of the late Benjamin Raspail. Dr. Lecter was musing on how he would give Jame Gumb to Clarice Starling, and it was useful to remember Raspail. Here was the fat flutist on the last day of his life, lying on Lecter’s therapy couch, telling him about Jame Gumb:

* * *

“Jame had the most atrocious room imaginable in this San Francisco flophouse, sort of aubergine walls with sme