I pouted and looked at them from under my lashes, the alcohol helping any inhibitions take a hike. “And you don’t like that?”

Slade leaned in and said in a voice that made my pulse skyrocket, “We like it too damn much. If you were anyone other than Halo’s sister, we’d all be leaving right fuckin’ now.”

That was an interesting way to phrase things, wasn’t it? And too damn delicious to let slide.

“We’d all be leaving?” My eyes flicked between the two of them, first landing on Slade, who was still leaning across the table, and then on Jagger, who was lounged back in the booth with his eyes locked firmly on me. Then I ran the tip of my tongue along my top lip and grinned. “Just how good of friends are you?”

As Slade sat back, Jagger chuckled, and the sound had me shifting on the seat and recrossing my legs a little tighter. I’d been hellbent on playing with them tonight, and maybe getting one of them to come play with me. But now? Now it seemed I might’ve just doubled my chances.

“We’ve known each other for years.” Jagger’s wicked grin made it obvious he knew that wasn’t the answer I was looking for, but before I could tell him that, the waiter arrived with a tray full of shots. Jagger slid two of the glasses in front of each of us, and once the waiter was gone, I ran my finger around the top of one.

“Known each other?” I said, refusing to let this topic of conversation fizzle out. My mind was now whirling at the possibilities the two of them had just dangled in front of me. I knew that Killian and Viper batted for the other team, but these two I’d always heard were into the ladies. It hadn’t even occurred to me that they might be into the same lady on occasion. But then again, it wasn’t that much of a surprise. The rock-star life wasn’t exactly that of a priest, was it? “Known each other…how?”

Jagger and Slade both downed their shots, and when they tipped over their empty glasses on the tabletop, Slade chuckled.

“I don’t think that’s appropriate for me to talk about with my—”

“If you say sister, I swear to God I’m gonna throw this tequila in your face, Slade.”

“Hey, I’m just trying to stop thinking about how fucking good that dress looks on you.”

As Slade’s eyes slid down over my breasts, my nipples hardened as though he’d run his tongue over them. A rumbly purr left him, making it clear he’d seen the way my body had responded to his blatant perusal, and that had me feeling extra brave. So I tossed back my shot and said, “It looks even better off me.”

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Jagger said, and when my eyes caught his, I noted how dark they’d become. Oh yeah, lust was winning out here. “If Halo’s an angel, then what the hell are you?”

“Take me upstairs and I’ll show you.”

They both white-knuckled the edge of the table, and I couldn’t help but grin at the torture I was obviously putting them through. The last thing I wanted to be seen as was Halo’s baby sister, and no matter how many times they tried to convince themselves otherwise, I knew they weren’t looking at me that way either.

“So, Imogen,” Jagger said, practically gritting his teeth, still gripping the table, “what are you looking forward to seeing while you’re here?”

Ah, the classic subject change. It was a nice try on Jagger’s part, but I wasn’t working these guys up to have them get off elsewhere.

“I wouldn’t mind starting my trip off by seeing the two of you”—I leaned forward—“naked.” Then I lifted my second shot of tequila and smirked. “How about we cheers to that?”

Slade immediately raised his glass to mine and then winced as Jagger kicked him under the table.

“Aw, come on, Jagger,” I said, and bit down teasingly on my lower lip. “Drink with me. That’s the friendly thing to do. And you are a…friendly guy, right? You wouldn’t want Halo finding out you were rude to me, now would you?”

“I’m beginning to wonder how the two of you are related.” Jagger picked up his shot glass, tapped it to mine and Slade’s, and then threw the drink back without waiting for us.

A chuckle escaped my lips, because I wasn’t sure what he thought he was accomplishing. I sure as hell planned to take my sweet time enjoying every little—and big—thing that passed through my lips tonight.

I took a long, slow lick of the rim of the shot glass, licking up all the salt as they both stared at me, Slade’s untouched shot still in his hand. I downed the potent liquid, and as I swallowed, I picked up a lemon slice and leaned across the table to put it rind first in Slade’s mouth.