As I eased my finger inside him, the sensation of his body stretching around me made me imagine how that would feel around my dick. Then Viper shoved back, and I took that as a sign for more. I moved my hand, sliding my finger in and out before adding a second, and I knew the sounds coming from Viper would forever be ingrained in my mind.

When his hand landed on my thigh and squeezed, my eyes flew open and I saw Viper looking back at me, his eyes pleading for more, begging me to take him, to make him forget every shitty thing we’d said and done to each other tonight.

So I pulled my fingers free, and as the head of my cock bumped up against his entrance, Viper’s jaw bunched, and he tore his eyes from mine. I glanced down at where our bodies were connected, and then I gripped the leather covering his shoulder and slowly eased my way inside him.

As the hot, tight fit of Viper’s body surrounded me, I realized what a gigantic mistake this was. The pleasure was almost too much to take, and I had to shut my eyes to fight back the orgasm that was threatening to explode just from being granted entrance.

I dug my fingers into his shoulder and moved my other hand to the bare skin of his hip, and when I finally bottomed out, I couldn’t hold back the groan of total ecstasy that racked my body. Viper felt incredible. I felt incredible. And I knew that when this was over, nothing was ever going to compare to how I felt right here in this moment, with him.

Viper groaned, and when I saw his arm move, working his dick, I braced my feet and pulled back, withdrawing my cock to the tip before I tunneled back inside. The ball-tingling pleasure I got from the way Viper took me had nothing on the loud shout as Viper shoved back until his back was flush with my front and I held him there, wrapping my arm over his shoulder and across his chest.

Viper’s head fell back as he started to feverishly jack himself off, and I began to move in time with him, giving sharp thrusts that had him cursing me, even as he turned his head in my direction.

His lust-filled eyes found mine, and the rampant desire there had my arousal hitting an all-time high, and I slammed our mouths together. We bit, licked, and sucked at one another as Viper fucked his fist and I fucked him, our onslaught of one another relentless. And as the pleasure became too intense and the emotions too much to bear, we both gave in to the battle. We surrendered with a litany of curses that soon faded into the night, leaving us standing there in silence, surrounded by the darkness that had come to hang over this relationship.

As the enormity of what I’d just done—what I’d allowed myself to do and feel after the way he’d treated me—slammed home, so did all the hurt and anger. It rushed in like a tidal wave as I pulled free of his body and rolled the condom off. I zipped my jeans and saw that Viper was doing the same, and when he turned around, I steeled myself against that face, those eyes, the body mine so desperately wanted in every way, and said goodbye the only way I knew Viper would understand.

“There. Now we’re both just a fuck.”



“OH MY GOD, there’s press waiting for you,” Imogen said as the car slowed to a stop in front of the venue for Fallen Angel’s Corruption pre-release party.

As I looked out the tinted windows of the Mercedes, I could see the red carpet that led up to the building, and on either side, a surprising number of photographers, reporters, and fans—none of which I’d expected, because shit, I’d never done this before. I knew there’d be industry people inside, but was I supposed to stop and talk to these guys too?

“Just smile and be your charming self,” Imogen said, as if she could sense my sudden nerves. “You’ll be fine. And I’ll be right behind you.”

“Shit, Im…” My hands grew sweaty, and I wiped them on my pants. Why hadn’t the guys given me a heads-up? And why had MGA thought it’d be a good idea to have us all ride separately?

I didn’t have time to dwell on that, because the driver was opening the door, and unless I wanted to spend the evening hiding in the back seat, I needed to make a move. I took a deep breath and let it out in a rush, and then I stepped out of the car and buttoned my suit jacket as camera flashes blinded me. It was all I could do not to squint under the assault on my eyes, and I somehow managed a smile and a wave before turning back to help Imogen out of the car.