“Hey, Halo?” Jagger said. “Vanessa, you remember her? Gorgeous, silky black hair, and legs for days? Yeah, she called up here this morning looking for you. Did Killian tell you?”

Fuckin’ Jagger. He was having way too much fun with this. Ever since the three of them had found out about me and Halo, they’d been giving me nothing but shit. They’d been a little more restrained—if you could call it that—around Halo. But when he wasn’t around, the fuckers never let up.

Not that I really expected them to. Finding out that I was fucking the new frontman, and only the frontman, had apparently been more than their little brains could handle. Hell, it probably would’ve been less shocking if Slade had told us all he was into cock. But since that hadn’t happened yet, it seemed that I was their current entertainment.

Halo’s lips curved into a smirk that made my cock twitch, Jagger’s little ploy not lost on him at all, and I said into my mic, “Hey, asshole?” When Jagger turned back to face me, I shot him the finger.

Jagger chuckled. “Just tryin’ to inspire you.”

Killian grinned, as Slade busted up laughing, and after I’d done my best to glare them all to death, Jared came back to the mic.

“I’ve got an idea. What if we try this part in the morning?”

In the… “Huh?”

“In the morning,” Jared said. “That’s when your voice is the most gravelly, the deepest, right?” And before he took his finger off the mic, I heard Slade say, “What do you think, Halo? Is that when Viper’s voice is the deepest?”

Even if I hadn’t been able to hear what Slade had just said, I would’ve been able to tell by the way Halo’s cheeks turned red that it had been something inappropriate. But when Halo’s eyes found mine, he licked his lips and said something I couldn’t hear but read crystal clear on his lips: No way. It’s deepest after he comes.

That had the guys whooping and hollering so loud in the booth that I heard the vibration of it through the soundproof glass. But I didn’t take my eyes off the angel, who was watching me with a look so hot that I was surprised the inside of the music booth hadn’t caught on fire. Jesus. He was one surprise after another, and damn that was a turn-on.

“Right,” Jared said, looking over his shoulder at Halo before turning back to me. “Since I’m positive I don’t want to be around for that”—which only got more booming laughter—“how about we do this: tomorrow morning, I want you up at four a.m. and down here. I don’t want you to talk to anyone—”

“Or come on anyone!” Jagger interjected.

“That too,” Jared agreed. “Be here at four a.m. and I bet we can get it.”

My mouth fell open. “Four a.m.? Have you lost your mind?”

“Nope,” Jared said. “And I’m done with you, so get the fuck out so Halo can get in there.”

Grumbling, I took my headphones off and hung them by the others on the wall before making my way to the door. When I pulled it open, I found Halo standing there with a grin on his face that made me want to kiss it the fuck off him.

“Proud of yourself?” I said, as he went to brush by me, and when he turned his head and ran his eyes over my face, that grin of his got wider.


Standing as we were between the booth and the mixing room, the wall separating the two may or may not have been blocking us from the others. But with him this close, and his words still rolling around in my head, I took a step forward until Halo’s back was against the doorjamb.

His eyes were full of devilry—he knew exactly what he’d done to me with his not-so-innocent response—and I leaned forward to say in his ear, “For making me so fuckin’ hard I’m about two seconds away from telling them we need a ten-minute break.”

“Ten minutes?” Halo said, his lips but an inch from mine. “That wouldn’t be long enough, and you know it.”

I took in a deep inhale, because hell if he wasn’t wrong, and when Halo’s hands went to my waist and his fingers tightened in my shirt, the promise in his eyes made something other than my dick pound.

Lowering my head, I nipped at his lower lip, and the angel groaned in a way that made my entire body respond.

“Go on,” I said, vowing that the second this was over I was going to make him groan again for me much louder. “Get in there and sing a song about how you make me hard.”

Halo chuckled, and the sound was…arrogant, as he looked down my body. “Shouldn’t be too difficult to channel.”

I pushed away from him, and as I palmed my aching dick, Halo walked backward into the booth, his eyes on me until I shut the door, severing the connection.