“Don’t you pull that shit over here unless you wanna fuckin’ starve,” Killian said, where he was flipping burgers on the grill, the lifeguard he’d been hanging out with by his side. It’d been a long couple of days in the studio working with our producers and finally getting somewhere now that Viper’s mood had taken a more…positive direction, and today was a much-needed day off to relax and rejuvenate.

“Halo, feel free to drown him while you’re in there,” Jagger said, as he toweled himself off and shot Slade a glare, to which Slade only gave him a big, cheeky smile.

I hitched my arms over the edge of the pool to catch my breath. I’d been taking full advantage of the Olympic-sized body of water in the backyard, swimming laps in the mornings after I slipped out of Viper’s guesthouse—a luxury that was impossible to come by in New York.

“Viper,” Killian called out toward the house, where Viper had gone to get the packages of hot dogs. “Bring another case of beer with you.”

Viper emerged from the house, his sunglasses still on and black swim trunks low on his hips, the rest of him gloriously naked. I tried not to stare, since I didn’t have shades on to hide behind, but it was damn near impossible.

“Already on it,” Viper said, and when he reached the barbecue, he handed off the hot dogs to Killian and bent down to fill the cooler with more cans of beer. When he finished, he took a couple of cans from the bottom that had been chilling and sauntered over to the deep end, where I was still draped over the side of the pool. He placed a beer in front of me and then sat down, cracking open his drink as he swung his legs into the pool.

Nonchalant. That was the way we’d decided to play this thing around the guys, not giving them a clue what was happening behind closed doors. Or, more specifically, what Viper was introducing me to behind his closed door nightly.

“Thanks,” I said, flipping open the tab and taking a long swallow, keeping my eyes directly ahead instead of where they wanted to be. But I could feel the heat of his body beside me, and that was enough.

“It’s a shame you’re wearing these.” Viper’s foot moved between my thighs, rubbing along my dick through my swim shorts as he kept his eyes on where the others were.

Jesus, the man was shameless, messing with me in full view of the rest of the band. But did I move away? No. Did I tell him to stop? Fuck no. Instead, I pushed my lower body forward, seeking out more of him, and as I did, the barest hint of amusement crossed Viper’s lips.

“You’re trouble,” he said, and then took another swallow of his beer.

“I’m trouble?” Beneath the surface, I squeezed my thighs shut, trapping his leg between mine. Viper chuckled, but then quickly drew his foot away as Slade and a couple of the girls he’d invited over headed in our direction, most likely to teach them how to cannonball. I sipped my beer, watching as Slade reached for the girls’ hands and they got a running start, aiming again for Jagger, who had enough sense this time to move before he got wet.

“See?” I said. “You keep starting things you can’t finish.”

Viper lowered his sunglasses to look at me, and the scorching heat I saw there told me I was playing with fire. “Don’t think I won’t make a scene in front of every damn one of them.”

“You wouldn’t,” I said.

“No?” Viper set his beer down and lowered himself into the water beside me. He hooked his foot behind my leg and jerked my body forward, bringing me way too close to him. “It’s not me I’m showing restraint for, Angel.”

Shit, I knew he had a point, or at least the logical side of my brain did, but with the way he connected our bodies, and with the look he was giving me, all I wanted to do was grab him right there and kiss that taunting mouth senseless. But that wouldn’t be smart, which meant the rational side of myself would win out, leaving only one thing I could do with Viper so close.

In one quick move, I pushed up off the side of the pool, shoved my hands down on his shoulders, and dunked him completely underwater. Before he could resurface, I was diving away from him, because once Viper came up for air, I had no doubt retaliation would be swift.

“Oh shit,” Jagger said, as Viper broke through the water, sunglasses pushed halfway up his face. “You better run, Halo.”

But dumbass that I was, I’d forgotten that I couldn’t exactly get out of the pool yet, not with the hard-on Viper had stroked to almost full mast. So there I was, stuck on the opposite side from where I’d left Viper with no way to escape unless I wanted to give us away.