Okay, that felt—when Viper did it again, but this time pushed the pad of his finger over my hole, I automatically shoved back—really damn good.

“You like that, Angel?”

My white knuckles and throbbing dick seemed to indicate yes, and when I looked over my shoulder to see Viper staring at me, I realized he was waiting for an answer.

I nodded. “Yes.”

When he repeated the move, he kept his eyes locked on mine until the pressure against my entrance felt so damn good I had to squeeze my eyes shut.

My cock was leaking all over my hand, as my head fell down and I tried to calm my body. But Viper was hellbent on keeping me on edge as he continued to massage me in a place no one had ever touched me before.

Jesus. I’d known coming to Viper’s bed was going to change me in ways I’d never be able to come back from. Not only because he was a man, but because a simple touch from him gave me more pleasure than I’d ever experienced in my life.

As if to emphasize that point, Viper teased me once, twice, and then he was pushing more firmly against me until his finger slipped inside, and my entire body clenched in response.

“Fuckin’ hell,” he growled, as he massaged his other hand over my ass cheek, relaxing me, spreading me a little farther apart. “You okay?”

Was I? I had no idea. My mind was spinning at the feeling of having something of him inside me, and when that thought hit, my cock pulsed in my hand and I had my answer.

“Yeah, it’s just…different.”

“Good different?” Viper slowly withdrew the digit but didn’t pull it free, before he slid it back inside. “Or bad different?”

My eyes slammed shut as all the new sensations flooded over me and registered. “Good. It feels so good.”

The sound Viper made was half groan, half growl, as he removed his hand and reached for the bottle beside him. When the cool liquid hit the heated skin of my crack, I cursed as the muscle there automatically flexed in response.

“Christ. It’s taking every ounce of control I possess not to drill you through that fuckin’ mattress right now, Angel.”

Those words and Viper’s tone should’ve probably shocked me, but as though my body was hard-wired for his, my balls tightened to the point where I had to clamp a fist around myself to stop my release.

“You like that idea,” Viper said, as he stroked two fingers down the same path he’d taken a minute ago. “Get through tonight, Angel, and we can revisit it. Promise.”

God, what would that be like? To have Viper… What did he say? Drill into me?

But before I could think more about it, Viper was easing two fingers inside me and slowly twisting them, widening them until—“Ah, fuck”—he’d hit what had to be my prostate, because it felt unfuckingreal.

I shoved back on him, wanting to feel it again, and the sinister laugh that came from over my shoulder told me that that was the exact reaction Viper had been aiming for. For the next few minutes, Viper continued to drive me out of my ever-loving mind. Teasing and tormenting me, bringing me right there to the brink, only to pull me back from the edge. Then finally, when I thought I might just kill him, Viper pulled his hand free.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him reach for the condom he’d tossed on the bed earlier. As he snatched it up, my body trembled, my entire being now craving his in whatever way he wanted to give it—and when I heard the telltale sound of him ripping open the packet, I let go of my cock and braced my hands on the mattress.

Oh my God, this is really about to happen. I’m about to have sex…with Viper, and if there’d been any doubt in my mind about who it was that had gotten me so wound up, the strong hands now gripping my hips made it crystal clear.

As I stared at the pillow a few inches up the bed from me, I noticed the indentation in it from Viper’s head, and wondered if this is where he’d been last night when he’d called me up and came in my ear.

The thought had me moving back into him, and when Viper’s fingers dug into my skin, I groaned.

“You ready, Angel?” The question wasn’t one I could typically imagine Viper asking. But the fact he was taking the time to make sure I was still on board was exactly why I knew he wasn’t the asshole he’d said he was earlier.

Viper cared enough to make sure that this was just as good for me as it was for him—if not, he would’ve been shoving his way inside me regardless of my response, and that only made him hotter.