They’d been at it now for nearly an hour and a half, and I wasn’t sure what was louder, Chris pounding on the drums or the screams from the fans below as they chanted out every single lyric at an ear-piercing level.

One thing I was sure of was the total rush I got from watching a kickass band tear up a stage with music that made your entire body hum and your mind think of one thing only—sex.

Hot, raw, break-the-headboard sex. Add in Halo, who was standing in front of me, his ass brushing up against my dick as he shouted the lyrics to songs that had no doubt accompanied couples to beds, to the backs of cars, hell, to restrooms at clubs when things got out of hand, and my entire focus had shifted from the guys on the stage to the guy standing in front of me.

Halo was looking totally fuckable in his jeans and white linen shirt that had been playing a game of look-but-can’t-touch with me all night. With its three-quarter sleeves and open V-neck, the shirt should’ve been a deterrent, considering all that it covered. But when the light hit him just the right way, every delicious inch of him from the waist up was displayed, and I wanted my hands and mouth back on him as soon as fucking possible.

Glancing over my shoulder, I took in the dark corridor to the left of the stage area that led to a set of stairs behind an exit door. I’d found them by accident during a performance TBD had done here, when I’d been wanting to go outside for a smoke before we hit the stage. Instead, I’d ended up in a maze of tunnels beneath the arena that were like a rabbit warren. The perfect place to go so no one could find you.

As the song drew to an end, I turned back in time to see Chris and Jonny tossing back shots and Dex switching out his guitars, and I knew they had to be coming to the end of their gig.

Halo looked over his shoulder at me, his face flushed from singing and jumping up and down like the rest of the fans. The thrill of the night was evident in his eyes as a bead of sweat trailed down his temple.

“This has been fucking awesome,” he said, his exuberance contagious as he ran a hand through his hair, and when the leather straps on his wrist came into view, my eyes fastened on them, and I had a sudden urge to see him sprawled out naked on my bed with his hands tied—bound to me.

This young, fresh-faced angel had me more turned on than I could ever remember being, and all because he’d smiled at me—but what a smile it was. It was obvious that tonight had done the trick. All the anxiety from earlier was gone, and as I took a step closer to him, I said, “Heard enough?”

Whatever Halo saw in my expression had him slicking his tongue over those perfect lips as he nodded, and without another thought, I grabbed his wrist and led him down the dark corridor.

As I made a left, marching toward the exit door, I towed him along behind me. He didn’t put up a fight, not even a token one, as I shoved through the door and led him down the cement stairwell inside.

The sound of stomping feet could be heard from the arena floor above, and when we reached the bottom of the stairs where the rabbit warren began, I tightened my grip on his wrist and made a sharp right, pulling him out of the dimly lit walkway and into a shadow-filled alcove, where I backed him up against the wall and placed my hands on either side of him.

“What is this place?” Halo’s breathing was more rapid, his eyes a little wild, then he rocked his hips into mine.

“Somewhere private,” I said, just as The Nothing let loose on their latest single. It blasted through the arena like a cannonball, and Halo grabbed at my hips.

“Somewhere I could…use you, maybe?”

“Is that what you want?” I said, wanting to make sure I was reading him right, because I was about two seconds away from devouring him.

Halo leaned forward and nipped at my lower lip. “Mhmm. Are you ready to sacrifice yourself?”

I chuckled against the angel’s taunting mouth. “Well, as long as it’s for the good of man and all.”

“It’ll be good for one man, that’s for sure.” Halo’s fingers tightened on my ass. “So what’ll it be? Your hand, your mouth, or…?”

“Careful, Angel. Your deviant side is showing.”

“Yeah? Well, maybe I’m sick of being good. Maybe I want to be…bad tonight.”

Hell if I didn’t want that too, but… “You don’t know the first thing about being bad.”