I reached for the notebook and read over the lyrics, and then I gestured for the pen. When he gave it to me, I made four lines underneath the last bit he wrote. “We need a bit more here. It’s too short.”

Halo chewed on his lip as he stared off into space, and I tapped the pen against the notebook to the beat, getting back into the work mindset.

“What about something like… ‘With you, I lose my brain…something something insane.’”

“Is this a love song or are you writing about zombies?” I said.

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Anytime someone sings about brains, it freaks me the fuck out. Next.”

Halo sighed. “Why don’t you help think of something, then?”

“What if you changed the words around, like: ‘With you, I lose my mind…’” When Halo nodded at my suggestion, I wrote it down. “What else would you lose?”

With a pointed stare, Halo looked at me and said, “Control.”

Control, huh? Fuck, my cock liked that, and I shifted in the recliner as I wrote it down.

“Which is it?” I asked. “You want to lose control or you can’t help but lose control?”

A line formed between Halo’s brows. “This isn’t about me.”

So defensive…again. “With songwriting, if you wanna make it good, you’ve gotta make it personal.”

I could practically see the way he was thinking back to last night, back to the song I’d written for him. The one that told him exactly how I wanted to destroy his body in the best way.

Fuuuck. Drops fell down his neck from his still-wet hair, and I had to hold on to the arms of the recliner to stop myself from going over there and following them with my tongue. I’d gotten a taste of him last night, but it hadn’t been enough. Not nearly enough.

Halo followed my gaze, reaching up to his neck in a self-conscious move, and when his fingers came away wet, my resolve crumbled.

I leaned forward, wrapping my hand around his wrist, and then I sucked two of his fingers inside my mouth. Halo drew in a sharp breath as I swirled my tongue around his fingers, making sure I got a thorough taste of him. A protest was forming on his lips, so though I hadn’t nearly had my fill, I slowly withdrew my mouth and sat back, picking up the pen again like I hadn’t just tongue-fucked his fingers.

“So after this line,” I said, “maybe since you’ve mentioned what you’ve lost, you could have the last two talk about why or how or what you’ve gained instead.”

Halo stared at me, probably wondering how I could be so nonchalant and back to business, especially when the heated look he was giving me told me he had lost his focus completely.

My lips twisted as I tried to hide my amusement. “Is that good for you?” He could take that any way he wanted to.

Swallowing, Halo dropped his gaze and then pushed off the couch, heading over to the tripod. Something about the way his hands shook slightly satisfied the craving in me, the one that wanted to see the angel desperate for what I wanted to give.

“This okay?” Halo asked, his finger pausing against a button. “I want to make sure we don’t forget anything we work on.”

“I’m into it if you are,” I said, as the red dot flipped on, indicating it was recording. If it was anyone else, I never would’ve believed the camera setup was anything other than an exhibitionist fetish—which I had no problem with whatsoever—but with Halo, it was hard to tell.

As he sat back down, he pulled the guitar into his lap and began to play, singing along until he hit the last line we’d worked on. It didn’t escape my notice how well he played, or what an intricate riff he’d come up with. And it wasn’t just the guitar, either—he’d been the same way with every instrument the other day.

“Tell me, Angel. How’d you get to be such a little prodigy? Too much time watching music videos? Go to a fancy-ass school?”

Halo’s mouth crooked, but his fingers never stopped moving. “Both. It helps that my parents are musicians. My sister and I never stood a chance.”

“Musicians, huh?” Okay, that explained a lot.

Halo looked my way and nodded. “Yeah, my father’s a professor at the New York Conservatory of Music, and my mother is a classically trained pianist. Cheryl Olsen.” As he lowered his gaze back to his fingers to play around with a new bit he’d just added, he said, “She plays at Carnegie Hall a lot.”

Well, I’ll be damned. Halo was just full of surprises, wasn’t he? “You fucking with me right now, Angel?”

Halo’s fingers stopped, and he shook his head. “No. Why would I lie about that?”

Cheryl Olsen was one of the most brilliant musicians I’d ever heard in my life. She’d received numerous accolades over the years and was renowned as one of the most accomplished pianists of our time, and here Halo was telling me she was his…mother?