“What about tie guy?” I blurted out before I could think better of it, and when a frown pulled between Viper’s brows, I immediately wanted to take it back.


My eyes widened a fraction, and when it appeared Viper wasn’t going to clue in anytime soon that I was referring to the man he’d all but fucked in front of me last night, I knew there was no way to get out of this other than to jog his memory.

“The guy from last night.”

Viper shrugged. “What about him?”

My mouth fell open, and before I could think of anything to say to that, Viper chuckled.

“You almost sound jealous, Angel. Is that what’s going on here? You jealous?”


Viper tossed back the last of his vodka. “You sure?”

Yes. No. “Yes.”

Viper nodded, but his lips twitched at my obvious irritation. “Because if it was jealousy, there’s no reason for it. I left about five minutes after you, came home, and wrote a song about fucking you until I couldn’t walk anymore.”

I ran a hand over my face as I shook my head. Was this guy serious?

“Does that make you feel better?”

It did, actually, but I wasn’t about to admit that. Unlike Viper, I didn’t like to show my hand too early.

Viper smirked, like I didn’t even have to say the words out loud—he already knew.

“So what about you?” He moved to the couch, set his empty glass on the side table, and then sat back, spreading his legs wide. “You left in an awful hurry last night and didn’t even take your lady friends with you.” He tsked, like it was such a shame, though I knew better.

“I’m sure they found someone else.”

“You didn’t answer my question.” Viper rubbed his hand over his thigh and came to rest it by his pelvis, drawing my attention to his still-hard erection.

“I went home. End of story.”

“Ah, see, I don’t think so. Wanna know why?”

With one hand still gripping the top of the recliner, I brought the vodka to my lips, but before I took a sip, I said, “I’d love to hear your theory.”

“Because I pay attention. You couldn’t wait to get away from me last night, even though you couldn’t stop staring at me. But something changed between the time you left and rehearsal today. What was it?”

“Eight hours of sleep.”

Viper’s mouth turned up. “I don’t think so. Try again.”

“How about you drop it?”

“Oh, defensive. Interesting.” He patted the seat beside him. “Why don’t you come tell me all about it?”

“There’s nothing to tell. I went home. End of story.”

“You know, you blushed quite a bit during rehearsal today, and right now your cheeks are red. It’s a dead giveaway, Angel. Fess up.”

Fucking Viper. He was way too perceptive for his own good, and though there was no way he could possibly know what I did when I went home last night, I had a feeling he knew he was on the right track.

I drained the rest of my vodka and then spread my hands along the back of the recliner. Screw it.

“I watched you last night,” I said. “Online.”



WELL, WELL, WELL. I’d known Halo was hiding something, but hearing him confirm he’d gone home to watch me? It stroked something else besides my ego.

“What did you see?” I said.

“One of your shows from the last tour. Whoever filmed it kept the focus on you.”

“Do you like watching me, Angel?”

His blush deepened, and God, that was so fucking sexy. I loved that he couldn’t hide his true feelings from me.


Christ. My dick strained against its confines, and I had to shift my position. But when that didn’t help, I jerked the zipper down and palmed my erection. “Do you want to watch me now?”

Halo blinked at me, and for a second I thought he’d say yes. Then he shook his head, rubbing his face. “This is crazy. I can’t… We can’t… You’re my bandmate.”


“So we can’t do this.”

“We’re not doing anything with you standing all the way over there.”

Halo sighed. “You know what I mean.”

“Don’t make it so complicated. I want to fuck you. You’re definitely curious about what it’d be like to fuck me.”

“So that’s all you want? Just sex?”

“Not just sex. Hot, melt-your-fucking-insides sex.”

“And then what?”

“Are you asking if I cuddle or some shit?”

Halo reared back. “No, that’s not…” He threaded his fingers through his hair, clenching the curls.

“What else do you want?”

He sighed again, and when he dropped his hands, he said, “Dinner. That’s what I want. I’m starving.”

I supposed it was too much to ask if my cock would suffice, so I zipped my jeans and went to the drawer where I kept a stack of menus. I tossed them onto the counter as Halo followed me, still keeping his distance, as if he didn’t trust himself to come closer. Smart angel.

He chose steak and potatoes from the restaurant downstairs, and twenty minutes later, I’d refilled our glasses and had the spread laid out between us. We sat across from each other at the dining table I rarely used. I could practically see the questions milling around in his brain.