I shoved my fingers into his hair and twisted, getting a good, tight hold, and when he parted his lips, I didn’t wait around for an invitation. My tongue was in his mouth, tasting that sweet angel in a heartbeat, and when Halo grunted and grabbed for my waist, I slammed against him and walked him back to the wall of windows. When I had him where I wanted him, I shoved a leg between his thighs and bit at his lower lip.

“Shit.” Halo panted as I slid my tongue along his upper lip. “This is…”

“Exactly what you fucking want,” I said, and ground my erection against the very hard cock in Halo’s jeans. “Have to say, Angel. This would’ve been much easier if you’d just told me from the beginning you wanted to fuck me.”


Halo’s words came to an abrupt halt when I licked a path up his cheek to his temple, and when I put my mouth against his ear, I finished off the song that had gotten us both in trouble in the first place. “You make me so hard, I want nothing but you. And tonight I’m gonna corrupt you, the way I want to…”

“Fuck, Viper.” Halo’s hips bucked against my thigh as he hooked his fingers through the belt loops of my jeans and tugged me closer.

I brought my mouth back to his, and bit and sucked at his lips until Halo moaned and shoved his tongue in deep. Then he began to rub himself along my body like it had been designed for one thing and one thing only—to get him off.

Fine by me, I thought, as I lowered a hand between us and unbuttoned my jeans, then I moved to his. I wanted to get my fingers around him. I wanted to feel that throbbing cock pulse in my hand as I destroyed every single brain cell Halo had. And once that was done, I wanted to do it all over again.

Flicking the button free, I growled against his mouth. “I wanted to do this to you last night so fucking bad. But you ran away…”

Halo’s frenzied eyes flashed at me, full of lust, full of a need it was clear he was still trying to understand. And I had no problem being the one to introduce him to this.

But when I unzipped his jeans, and glanced down at the hard dick trapped inside the denim, Halo reached for my hand and stilled me.

“Viper, Jesus. You’ve gotta stop. I…” His eyes dropped back to my mouth. “I need to think a minute, and—”

“Thinking’s overrated and stressful.” A rough groan escaped Halo as I cradled and squeezed the front of his jeans with a firm hand. “Fucking is much less taxing on the brain. And Angel, I’m a really good fuck.”

Halo let out a rush of air but pinned me with the same determined look he’d had earlier, and I knew that this was over—at least for now.

With a clenched jaw, I dropped my hands to my sides and let my eyes roam down Halo. The messy hair, the flushed face, his swollen lips, and that hard fucking cock. “You gonna run?”

Halo shook his head, and I sighed and took a step back.

“Then you better think of something to do in the next five minutes to take my mind off the hard-on you seem to take delight in giving me whenever you’re around. Otherwise, I’m gonna lose my fucking mind.”



IT WAS A good thing there was a wall to hold me up, because when Viper dropped his hands and stepped back from me, my legs almost gave out.

I stared at him in a daze. Chest bare, pants unbuttoned, his erection straining behind the open fly of his jeans. That wicked mouth of his that had been on mine…

A string of curses filled my mind, because fuck, had that really just happened? One minute I was singing, and the next we’d been devouring each other like we’d never get the chance again. The realization of what I’d done should’ve shocked the hell out of me. Viper had kissed me, and I’d kissed him back.

I’d kissed Viper. A man.

Not only that, but when he’d rubbed his erection against mine, my body had come alive, ready and more than willing to go wherever Viper wanted to lead. But how was this even possible? I’d never entertained the possibility of something sexual with a guy before, but with Viper? There was something about him that made my pulse speed up, sending all the blood rushing to my dick.

Fuck, what’s happening to me?

“Angel, I’m about two seconds away from pinning you back against that wall if you keep lookin’ at me like that.”

I knew I needed to move, to put some space between us so I could think clearly, but shit. Even looking at him now had my cock throbbing. I wanted to reach into my jeans to relieve the ache, but that would just put us right back where we started.