That doesn’t mean you’re interested. Anyone would watch someone larger than life like Viper.

But the girls hadn’t. No one else outside the VIP had either.

Fuck. I pressed the heels of my palms against my eyes, hoping to stop any other images from invading my mind.

Damn Viper. What the hell was it about that guy that pushed my buttons? Was it just that it was “Viper, rock god and guitar legend”? Or was it something else entirely? Something I didn’t understand?

Sighing, I dropped my hands from my face, and when I opened my eyes, they landed on the laptop beside me. I sat up, bringing the laptop with me, and opened YouTube. I typed in “TBD” and chose the first video that popped up. It was from their last concert in London at Wembley Stadium, and as I scrolled through, it was obvious the person who’d uploaded the video had focused mostly on Trent, so I clicked off and typed in “Viper TBD” instead.

This time, video after video focusing only on Viper popped up. I clicked on the first one, determined to figure out what it was about him that had me feeling unsettled every time he was near. Hell, even when he wasn’t. I’d left him back at the bar, along with the others, when I’d walked out of the bathroom, and that was where he should’ve remained, yet here I was, searching for him online.

My fingers hovered over the back button, but as a spotlight beamed on Viper as he began one of his guitar solos, I found my eyes glued to the screen. There was just something about the guy that was magnetic, whether he was onstage or walking into a room. Some people had that “it factor,” that thing you can’t describe but know it when you see it.

He swaggered across the stage, those piercing eyes making contact with the crowd as he played. Pure sex on a stick. He couldn’t help himself. As his solo ended and the drums kicked in, he thrust his pelvis forward, his head falling back in a way that simulated pure ecstasy, and my cock throbbed in response.

It was so unexpected that the rest of my body went rigid. When Viper repeated the move, and it happened again, I could feel the heat creeping up my body, even though no one else was in the room to see my reaction.

Viper ran his hand through his hair and winked at the camera, almost like he could see the way my dick had hardened painfully behind my jeans. I reached down to adjust myself, and then thought, Fuck it, and opened the fly, but it didn’t do much to relieve the pressure. I squeezed my cock over the top of my boxer briefs, and the shot of lust that ran through me at the move had my eyes practically rolling to the back of my head.

Holy shit…

My gaze fell back on the screen, and as it landed on Viper, I grew harder beneath my hand. My dick was utterly aware of one person on that stage, and while that should’ve been impossible, the evidence as the camera followed Viper across the stage told me otherwise.

Moving my hand up and down my covered cock slowly, I struggled to breathe as the realization hit me full force. I was harder than I’d been maybe ever, and even though I wanted to blame what I was doing on the alcohol, that voice in the back of my mind knew exactly what was going down. Guilt and embarrassment collided with the heavy dose of sexual desire coursing through my veins, and I halted my hand. My breathing came out in heavy pants, my mind conflicted.

Don’t worry. He’s not here. He’ll never know…

Like the devil whispering in my ear, I pushed aside the confusion I felt. Shoving my boxer briefs down, I freed my cock and wrapped a hand around the hard length. I stroked down and then up, spreading the pre-cum from the head of my dick down my erection, giving me a smoother slide as I kept my eyes on the screen. Viper looked straight at the camera and licked his lips, and I moaned, my hips jerking up. God, I’d looked at his mouth before, but I’d never thought about the way it might feel against mine. He had full lips, and he sometimes sucked the bottom one between his teeth in a way that screamed tease. But Viper was no tease. He told you flat-out what he wanted, and I had no doubt that he got it 99.9 percent of the time.

Another guitar solo, and the camera panned down to Viper’s talented hands. Talented on the guitar…talented in other ways? I imagined the way he’d wrap those long fingers around my cock and whisper against my mouth, “Like me stroking your dick, Angel?” in that arrogant voice.