“You got barbecue?” I asked.

Viper held up an unopened bag of chips. “Come and get it.”

I rounded the island, and when he handed me the bag, I popped it open. As I tossed a handful of chips into my mouth, Viper said, “You didn’t really think I’d let you leave, did you?”

I went still at the seductive edge in Viper’s voice. Those words didn’t sound at all innocent coming out of that lethal mouth, and as I forced my jaw to keep chewing, I took a good look at him. Those penetrating eyes looked right back. Viper hadn’t shaved in a few days, which others would probably say only added to his appeal, and as he finished off one of the chocolate chip cookies, some of the chocolate got left behind on his thumb. I was about to point it out, when Viper lifted his hand, his thumb disappearing between his lips as he licked it clean.

I swallowed and looked away. “Yeah, well, it’s not like you get the only vote.”

“You know better than that.”

Did I? Yeah, I guess I did. The day I auditioned, I’d thought that my fate was in Viper’s hands. Had he given a thumbs-down, I never would’ve been invited back, even if the others voted in my favor. Why that was the way, I didn’t know, but it also said a lot about how I was still here.

“I saw you,” Viper said, stepping toward me, his head cocked to the side so a few strands of hair fell against his cheek. “In Savannah. Playing in the lounge after hours.”

“You did?” I thought I’d been alone. I certainly would’ve remembered Viper being there, even with as drunk as I’d been.

“I’ve never seen anyone play with as much passion as you do. You’re fucking talented, Angel. Why didn’t you tell us?”

“I’m—” My words got stuck in my throat, and I shook my head. “I was just drunk.”

“If that’s what you sound like under the influence, I’m dying to see what you can do without any interference. You need to show the guys.”

“Show them the song? You liked it?”

“Angel.” Viper’s voice dropped down low. “I couldn’t take my eyes off you.”

There it was again. The provocative tone I never heard him use with the others, the one that slid over my skin like silk.

“You’ve got a few crumbs…” Viper reached for my face, his thumb—the same one he’d sucked the chocolate off a few minutes ago—brushing across the edge of my mouth, and all of a sudden he was inches away from me, close, too close—

I jerked away, turning my back to him so I could get some air. My face burned like I’d stepped too close to the fire and had moved away just in time. For fuck’s sake, Viper had barely touched me, and my chest heaved like I’d run a marathon. Get it together. It’s not like he was trying to kiss you or take your clothes off.

That may be true, but I was getting some seriously confusing signals here. Or was I? The guy flirted with everything that moved, so was this just the way it was with him, or was he hitting on me? I’d made it clear from day one that I was straight, but maybe I needed to remind him of that fact again?

I gripped my hair as I exhaled and turned back to face him. “Look, I appreciate your support. Really, I do. But if I’m going to be a part of this band, I feel like I need to make it clear that nothing’s gonna happen here.”

He didn’t react. “Here?”

“Yeah. Between me and you.”

Viper’s lips quirked up at the sides, and something about his expression made my palms sweat.


“Okay,” I repeated back to him like a moron, and then, just in case he didn’t get it the first time, I added, “I’m straight.”

Viper chuckled and nodded. “I know. That doesn’t change the fact that what you played kicked ass. The guys’ll like it.”

Shit. Okay, maybe I’d read his signals wrong. “Uh, I don’t know.” I wasn’t so sure about opening up that much here, in front of everyone. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be that vulnerable.

Viper stepped around me, and as he headed back across the living space, he called over his shoulder, “There’s a piano in the rehearsal room. You need to go and show them.”

Just as his words trailed off, Killian pushed through the front door and looked in my direction.

“Show us what?” he asked, as he and the others headed back inside.

“Nothin’,” I said quickly.

Viper gave me a pointed look. “Didn’t sound like nothin’ to me the first time I heard it.”

Jesus Christ, Viper, shut up.

“I wanna hear it,” Jagger said.

Slade nodded. “Me too.”

And just like that, I was outnumbered.

“Well…” I chewed my lower lip as I walked around the island. “I was just playing around with something the other night.”