Oh. Shit.

They say there was truth in wine, but the big truths apparently come from Irish whiskey because I was sure I just realized, in that moment, that I was in love with Emmett Manning.

Chapter Thirty-One


“Are you sure you don’t want to come over for dinner? Kat and I are cooking steak and potatoes. Well, I’m doing most of the cooking since she’s nursing a hangover, but there’s enough to go around.”

Terry’s invite came from a good place, that thankfully wasn’t pity. I appreciated it, but the last thing I wanted was to see them so happy while I was so miserable.

“As much as I love your overcooked steak, I’m gonna have to pass tonight. You and Kat have a good night to yourselves.” In another week or two, when things weren’t so raw where Vanessa was concerned, I’d have them come to my place for dinner. “Kiss Kat for me.”

“Get your own damn woman,” he growled.

“Thanks for caring, Em!” Kat’s voice was loud and only vaguely distant, which meant she was close enough to hear me. “See you soon and that’s a promise.”

Her threat was clear, and I could only grin and shake my head.

“Lookin’ forward to it, sis.”

I ended the call and set my phone on the kitchen counter beside a stack of takeout menus that held no appeal. I made my way back to the living room and my big screen television. It was amateur fight night and my plan was to keep an eye on any up and coming fighters that could be right for House of Ashby.

Working on a Friday night. Just how pathetic could one man be?

Before I could find an answer that question, the door buzzer sounded. A visitor? Late on a Friday night, when Terry was with Kat, meant only one other person could be dropping in.

My mother.

With slow reluctance, I forced my feet to carry me to the surveillance screen near front door that Jasper had insisted I buy. At the time I didn’t think I would need it, but staring at the woman standing on my doorstep now, I made a note to send him a good bottle of something strong and amber.

I held my breath and pulled the door open, looking as casual as I could. “Vanessa. What brings you by?”

She opened her lush pink mouth to speak, sucked in a breath and then flashed a nervous smile, all without saying a word. “This is harder than I thought.”

“What is?” I wouldn’t presume to guess what had brought her to my door this time of night, but if I did, it would be sex. Plain and simple.

“Apologizing.” There was that nervous smile again.

My own smile didn’t come quite so easily, or at all, really. “There’s nothing you need to apologize for, Vanessa.”

At my words, her nervous faded and she squared her shoulders, big sapphire blue eyes almost glaring at me. “That’s where you’re wrong, Emmett. You deserved more than waking up to an empty bed.”

“We rarely get what we deserve in this life, Nessa. You of all people should know that.”

Her smile faded, just a shade, as she took a step toward me. “Exactly. Too much shit happens that we can’t control, whether we deserve it or not, and this was something you didn’t deserve.”

She shook her head and stepped in really close, forcing me to step back or choke on her sexy, feminine scent.

“I’m sorry. I got scared and ran, Emmett. It wasn’t about you, it was…”

“Let me guess, it was about you?”

Vanessa nodded; a wry grin twisted her plump lips.

“I didn’t know what I was feeling for you, Emmett. Whatever it was, I couldn’t put it into words.”

She smiled when I stepped back and motioned her to come inside, continuing her explanation.

“I had guilt and sorrow all mixed up in my head,” she said and squeezed her eyes shut as if she were reliving that moment in her mind. “I didn’t want to say it just because you did. If love was what I felt, I needed to be sure before I said it.”

It wasn’t what my heart wanted, but at least I knew why now.

“You’re right, Vanessa. You shouldn’t say you love me if you don’t.”

“Glad you agree,” she snapped, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “I needed time, Emmett. You are the first man—only man—since Lance, and I had to get it all straight in my head without any interference.”

“Okay.” Arms folded, I stared at her, willing her to say something other than what she was working herself up to say, which was that I wasn’t the man for her. “Thanks for letting me know.”

She huffed out a groan and fisted her hands at her hips, looking angry and gorgeous and so full of fucking life it made my chest ache.

“That’s it?”

“What do you want me to say, Nessa? I told you I loved you, that I was in love with you, and you ran away. I listened to you tell me why you ran, and I get it. This is me trying to make it easy on you without ripping out my own damn heart.”