Grabbing his shoulders, I turned him to face me. Thankfully, he didn’t object. “Talk to me Emmett.”

He shook his head, a twisted, dark smile on his face.

“I’m no different, Nessa. No fucking different.”

I didn’t know what he meant so I waited. Patiently.

“I always thought I was so “above it,” he said, using air quotes for emphasis. “Prided myself on the fact that I wasn’t like them even though they’re my family.”

Above what, I wanted to ask, but I knew how important it was to process emotions. Sometimes it happened in the moment, so I turned my focus back to his hands. Letting the lukewarm water run over his bloody knuckles until the water ran clear. The disinfectant and bandages came next while silence reigned.

“The rage I felt tonight, Vanessa. It scared me. It scared the absolute fuck out of me, watching those assholes attack you. Hold you against your will. I can’t remember the last time I was so fucking angry. Actually, I do and it was before I enlisted.”

Emmett shook his head, his eyes held that faraway look as he spoke. “I promised myself I’d never get angry like that again. It was an uncontrollable blind rage, and I couldn’t do anything to stop it.”

With his hands bandaged, I grabbed Emmett by the face to make sure his tortured blue eyes met mine.

“You saved my life tonight, Emmett. You came to my rescue at exactly the right moment. Thank you.”

“I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe, Vanessa. Always.”

He was so sweet, even in his ass-kicking, tough guy mode. He was irresistible, and Emmett really needed to know that. My hands moved from his face down to his wide, sculpted shoulders, and I stepped in close and put my lips to his. It wasn’t a carnal kiss even though I definitely felt my body temperature rise, especially when his big hands went to my waist. My hips and then, my ass. We stood in the tiny bathroom kissing like it was enough because right now, it was enough.

Hell, it was more than enough.

“How about we put on some pajamas and curl up on the sofa? I just want to be in your arms. And laugh. I really want to laugh.”

That pulled a chuckle from Emmett, and he pulled me closer, dropping a panty melting kiss on my forehead. “I could do with listening to the sound of your laugh tonight. And having you in my arms is exactly where I need you.”


“But I don’t have any pajamas.”

“Right,” I frowned. “Then I guess those sexy, thigh-hugging boxers will have to do double duty tonight.”

He laughed again. “You’re just trying to watch me in my skivvies.”

“Maybe. Do you mind?”

“Not at all. In fact, I’ll strip down now if you want.” His voice was teasing and there was a hint of a dare in his tone, as if he expected the blushing widow I’d been a few months ago.

“I want.”

Heat flared in his gaze and then he stripped, leaving everything but his blue and white boxer briefs on the bathroom floor.

Good Lord, but the man was nuclear level hot!

Chapter Nineteen


I thought it strange that Sadie asked me to come to Ashby Manor before Sunday dinner, especially since the next fight was at least a month away. I showed up an hour early, wariness and anxiety churning deep in my gut. I practically grew up in this house, and Sadie had insisted the door was always open. When I returned from the military, though, I preferred to ring the bell just in case something was going on that I didn’t want to see or know about on the other side of the door.

Thomas answered when I rang, looking as smooth as ever in a dark blue pinstripe suit that came with a vest. A fucking vest. Thomas was always overdressed, and I wondered if it was a rule of Sadie’s.

His dark brows rose as he took in my jeans and t-shirt, shaking his head as he opened the door wider. “Still refusing to own up to who you are, I see.”

I stepped inside with a smile. “It’s called respect. What if you finally decide to make your move, and I interrupt? I’d never forgive myself, man.”

His lips twitched, but the smile never broke free. “Funny. Sadie is in her office waiting for you. The others are drinking in the parlor.”

I nodded and followed him down the hall that led to Sadie’s office. “Any idea what this is about, Thomas?”

Other than Ravager’s shit show, I hadn’t gotten chewed out by Sadie in a long time. Even that was mild since it was the fighter himself who’d gone rogue.

Thomas gave a short nod and sighed. “It’s best you hear it from Sadie.”

Shit. That wasn’t good. “Right.” I felt like a lamb being led to the slaughter when Thomas opened the door and nodded me inside, hesitant and worried.