“How are you?”

“Good question.”

I wasn’t sure how I felt yet, about any of it, other than anxious as fuck.

“Worried that all my efforts trying to avoid becoming a criminal, were for nothing. Fucking nothing.”

I hadn’t meant to unload all that on her, but I liked sharing things with Vanessa. Sharing the burden helped, some, but I couldn’t go too wild with sharing things since I still hadn’t told her about Fiona, which only increased my guilt each time I saw her beautiful bruised and swollen face.

“You’re not a criminal, Emmett.” She laid a hand on my thigh and gave it a comforting squeeze, but that’s not how my cock interpreted it.

“You’re a hero. You saved me from what I’m guessing would have been a pretty awful ending. And you’re not a killer.”

“That asshole is dead, Nessa and my hands inflicted the injuries that killed him.”

“Well according to the detective in charge, a war hero saving the widow of another war hero isn’t exactly a crime. And the prosecutor isn’t keen to try a case like that here in Glitz. So shit on yourself all you want, but what you did for me was exactly the right thing.”

She was right, of course. “You didn’t deserve that and I’m so fucking sorry it happened to you.” I pulled into the first parking space I saw and killed the engine, forcing myself to look at her pain.

“I’m sorry too but I’m grateful that you were there, that you worried about me and came to find me, because if you hadn’t, I’d be a lot worse than this.” With those words she stepped from the car and slammed the door.

I followed her to my front door. “Wait, are you pissed off at me?”

She whirled around and pushed at my chest. “You’re damn right I am, Emmett! You saved my life. Probably from something more horrific than getting beat up. And here you are regretting it. Beating yourself up over it. How do you think that makes me feel?”

I unlocked the door and motioned her inside. “I don’t know, Vanessa; you’re looking at me like I’m some damn hero.”

She smacked me. Full on with her wide open hand, Vanessa smacked me across the cheek. “You are a fucking hero, Emmett! Don’t you get it?” she yelled. Then she raised her hand. Again.

I grabbed her wrist. “Nothing wrong with my ears, Nessa.”

“You sure about that?” Her full lips twisted into a scowl, and her brows arched. “Are you?”

Dammit, who was this woman who had me all twisted up. One moment I wanted to wrap her up and keep her protected from the world, and the next, I wanted to tie her down and fuck her, just to hear her scream my name again.

“You’re safe,” I growled before the words fully registered.

“I am.”

She was safe. Protected. That only left one thing. I pulled her to me so our bodies were pressed right up against one another, and I slammed my mouth against hers, kissing her hard and hungry because it was the only thing I wanted to do. It was the only thing that would make me forget all the shit we’d been talking about.

Vanessa melted into my kiss and wrapped her arms around me, spearing her fingers through my hair that needed a trim. She moaned into my mouth, and my cock hardened, pressing painfully against the zipper and I took a step back. “I need you Vanessa.”

“Yes,” she sighed, eyes wide, lips moist and swollen. “I need you too, Emmett.”

That was all I wanted to hear. In the next moment, I stripped her out of those jeans with the ripped knees, and the striped button -p shirt. I took my time with the red and white bra that opened in front, making her tits bounce when they were freed.

“Fuck,” I growled at the sight of her nipples, so hard and so pink, and in the next moment my mouth and my tongue were on her breasts while my hands slid those silky panties over her hips and down her legs.

“Emmett,” she moaned on a whisper and held my hand in her hands, like she was afraid I might stop the sensual torture. As I kissed my way down her body, Vanessa moaned and panted, sometimes she giggled when my stubble hit a particularly sensitive spot.

“Yes,” she murmured, giving me the go-ahead.

I slid my tongue between her thighs, flicking it to tease her clit, slightly swollen and peeking between plump, freshly waxed pussy lips.

“Such a pretty fucking pussy,” I growled and sucked her clit in my mouth.

“Oh!” She let out a sharp gasp of surprise when I turned her around and licked her pussy from the back, letting my tongue dip inside her asshole to see if she liked it. “My God!”

She did. She liked it so much she arched into me, silently begging for more and I was happy to give it to her. I brought her to the edge of desire, fucking her with my tongue until she started to pulse and clench, until her juices coated my tongue and slid down my chin.