“Shit! Vanessa. I’m sorry.” His hips moved to leave my body and my heels dug into his ass cheeks.

“No. Don’t apologize. You surprised me but I-I liked it.” I put his hand back around my throat and clenched around his cock.

“Vanessa,” he growled.

“I want it, Emmett. I want you.” It was true. I realized in that moment that I didn’t want him to stop. I wasn’t afraid of him or his big, strong hand around my neck. I was more in awe of the reaction it provoked.

The sensation of his cock filling me up and his hand around my throat, turned me the fuck on. My nipples were harder, more wetness coated his cock and my hips squirmed to get closer to him. With every thrust I grew hotter, needier. Hungrier for him. “Nessa,” he growled, that one word so calm and at ease even as his eyes were filled with such a dark need that my orgasm started it’s rise to the surface.

“Emmett, please,” I begged again because I was so close and he seemed to know it, thrusting hard and squeezing my throat just a little harder. It was a heady experience, that lightheadedness, the haziness around my eyes as pleasure rose up from my toes. “Oh God yes!”

The hand on my throat tightened and the hand on my hip did too as his strokes came harder and faster and deeper. And then we both exploded at the same time.

My body froze, taut as my orgasm shot out of me while Emmett continued to pound into me. Such a strange way men and women reacted so differently to intense pleasure, I thought as my body continued to shake and convulse with pleasure.

“Holy. Shit.”

Emmett collapsed on top of me with a deep chuckle. “Holy shit doesn’t even cover it. I think you killed me.”

I could barely catch my breath to speak. Emmett rolled off me and pulled me close, wrapping his big arms around me until my breathing returned to normal. “Oh, but what a way to go.”

His deep chuckle vibrated against my back. “Not until I’ve made you scream your pleasure at least a hundred more times.

A hundred? I was on board with that. I think. It wasn’t just pleasure Emmett had given to me; it was a new experience. One that made me realize there was a lot more to experience, and I wondered if Emmett was the man to help teach me.

“Sounds good,” I said around a yawn and seconds later my eyes closed and I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

I needed to recharge my batteries, but I wasn’t ready for this night to end. Not by a long shot.

Chapter Seventeen


“You didn’t have to pick me up, you know?” Vanessa slid into the passenger seat before I even had a chance to get out of the car and open the door for her, a sweet smile on her flushed face.

“I like seeing that smile you wear fresh off a shift. It’s relaxed and happy, almost satisfied.” Our gazes collided for a long, charged moment and I felt my cock stir at the blush that spread across her chest and face.

“Thank you! I always feel good after a shift ends, even if it’s a particularly tough one.” Her shoulders slumped and I turned forward and started to drive.

“Want to talk about it?” Some days Vanessa was filled with energy to go with that smile when her shift ended, but some days, like today, she seemed completely zapped.

She sighed and fidgeted beside me; her blue gaze focused on the world just outside the window. “I don’t think so. Talking about it won’t help, and I’m kind of over it.”

“If you’re sure.”

Vanessa turned to me and grinned. “I’m not sure about anything these days, Emmett. But I’m focusing on only worrying about the things I can change.”

I had a feeling she was talking about Provo. Mace and Hulu had warned me there was some tension between them, but it could also be Evan pissed off about what happened to Fiona.

“That’s a pretty healthy way of looking at things, but if you ever want to talk, I’ve been told I’m a good listener.”

Most people usually called me quiet but that was because I didn’t speak unless I had something to say.

“You are a damn good listener. It’s one of the many things I like about you.”

“Yeah? What are the others?” I waggled my eyebrows at her which pulled a laugh out of her.

“I’m not talking dirty with you in your car, Emmett.” She chuckled and then covered her face with both hands.

It was worth a shot. “How about inside my place?” My home wasn’t as grand as hers, then again, I had no plans to fill my current place with a wife and children. “Will you talk dirty to me there?”