Mace frowned. “What the fuck are you talkin’ about man? You’re one of the good guys. Hell, I kind of hate that about you.”

I nodded at Hulu. “Then what’s with that look?”

Hulu shrugged. “Just, well just tread carefully. Provo is acting like an asshole right now because he’s very protective of Nessa. You know he served with Lance and…shit, I don’t know, just tread carefully.”

“I’m not worried about Provo.” I was more worried about the fact that I couldn’t stop thinking about her, and she didn’t appear ready to let Lance go yet. She still wore her wedding ring and that flash of guilt I’d caught in her eyes after we kissed—both times—told me she was struggling.


“I’d be careful,” Mace said playfully. “That fucker could snipe you from a thousand yards, before you even finished a dirty thought about her.”

“A dirty thought about who?” The familiar melodic trill of her voice stopped my heart for a solid two seconds before it started to beat normal again. Vanessa stood on the edge of the weight area with a smile on her face and mischief gleaming in big blue eyes, totally free of makeup.

She was gorgeous in jeans that molded to every curve, every dip in her waist, the flare of her hips and hugged each leg tight. The plain white t-shirt was anything but, showcasing a spectacular set of tits with hard nipples. Desire? I wondered or the evening chill? “Hey Vanessa. What brings you by?”

“I’ll tell you if you tell me who’s getting sniped before they can have a dirty thought? Seems like a bummer way to go.”

Mace barked out a laugh. “Can’t argue with that, Nessa. I guess you’re here for Father Emmett?”

Her dark brows dipped in confusion. “Father?”

“Ignore Mace,” I told her abruptly. “He’s in love and his brain’s fried. He’s already thinking about marriage.”

“The busty philosopher?” she asked with excited wide eyes.

“Yep,” he answered with a proud smile. “I’ll give you all the deets. Tomorrow night at the office.”

Vanessa rolled her eyes. “Am I sure I want all the deets?” Her bland, sarcastic tone had me and Hulu laughing hard enough to earn us both glares from Mace.

Mace wiggled his thick, dark brows. “I’m seeing her tonight too, so you’ll get the scoop on that.”

“I better run to the corner store and play the lottery with the way my luck is shaping up.” Vanessa lifted one brow and that small move had Mace crumbling into a fit of laughter.

“Make sure you put down sixty-nine. It’s always my lucky number.”

Her lips twitched and a small laugh escaped. “You’re ridiculous, you know that, right?”

Mace shrugged. “It’s all part of my charm.”

“Or something,” she muttered. “Have a good time and, you know, no glove, no love.”

“Yes ma’am.” He saluted and picked up the free weights Hulu had just put down. “So, which of us did you stop by here to see? Oh wait, let me guess.”

Her cheeks flushed pink, and I tossed my sweaty towel at Mace.

“Everything all right?” She suddenly looked nervous and it occurred to me that maybe she’d stopped by because something was wrong.

“Everything is fine, Emmett. Better than fine, I think. Except my hunger. And my lack of a dinner companion. Interested?”

Hell yes. “Yeah, of course. There’s a new Mexican restaurant in Mayhem I’ve been wanting to try out. They say it has the best chiles rellenos you’ve ever tasted.”

And that thought instantly made me think of tasting her mouth again, which led to thoughts of tasting in her other places.

Her lips parted in a smile that took my breath away. “Sounds perfect.”

“Ten minutes,” I told her and grabbed my towel from Mace. I needed to take a shower and change into something that wasn’t gym clothes.

Hulu grunted. “A beautiful woman just invited you to dinner. Take fifteen minutes and wash all the manly bits. Maybe even put on something other than a t-shirt.”

Hulu had a point, but I would never give him the satisfaction.

“Thanks. I was thinking of wearing pajamas.”

“Better than that monk’s habit you usually wear,” Hulu shot back, making himself laugh. “Do monks were habits like nuns? Whatever that shit is called, you’ve been wearing it too long if you know what I’m saying.”

“You’re so clever I’m not sure anyone knows what you’re saying.” Whenever Hulu opened his mouth, the guy had the subtlety of a bull in a China shop.


“That last set was shit,” I told him. “You should redo it if you want the ladies to think those muscles are natural.”

Hulu flipping me out was the last thing I saw before I finally made my way to the locker room to shower and change.

“Asshole,” he called out loud enough that the whole damn gym could hear.

I went through my routine quickly, eager to get back to Vanessa and spend a few hours with her. Despite those hot as fuck kisses, I had to remind myself not to get my hopes up. She was still stuck in the endless loop of grief whether she wanted to be or not, and I was a friendly face.