“Hey, Emmett,” I said. He’d picked up on the first ring. “Sorry to bother you but…my car won’t start. Think you can give me a lift to the game? I’ll find a ride home but—”

“Sure. I’ll be there soon. Wait for me inside your house,” he growled.

“Bossy,” I growled back and stared at the phone, wondering who this demanding creature was.

“Sorry, it’s just dark out and a pretty woman alone in her car might seem like easy pickings to some nefarious characters.”

I smiled at his strange way of speaking. “Thank you, Emmett.” He was an odd character, but I liked him. He was a sweet, quiet man who didn’t wear his service or bravery like a badge of honor. He just was all those things, all the way down to the bone. It was nice to be around someone who appreciated me for me. Someone who thought I was a woman. A beautiful woman, no less.

Like the man of honor he was, Emmett tapped on my front door and escorted me to his car, even holding the door open for me like it was all second nature to him. I checked him out as he jogged around the front of the car, all tight, hard muscles and quiet confidence.

“Hey,” he said, buckling his seat belt. He flashed a smile as he took in my appearance and restarted the engine. “You look great.”

“Thank you.” I didn’t know why I felt so shy at his compliments. They seemed genuine and there didn’t seem to be any kind of intent behind them, which only made his words resonate deeper.

“Thank you. So, how’s the new job going?”

“I like it, actually. Having my own money is gonna take some time to get used to, but for the most part I like it.”

I liked having someone ask me about my day, and even better, I liked having something to say other than the fact that I did yoga and cooked a meal. That thought made me feel like shit because it wasn’t fair to Lance. He never belittled my contribution to our home. I knew that he valued it more than most men, but having something worthwhile to contribute, well hell, there was nothing like it.

“How was your day?” I asked, eager to hear more about Emmett.

“All right, I guess. Kat signed me up for some interviews, which I hate, but it’s nice to talk about the science of fighting with people who know what they’re talking about.”

“Fight science? So, you’re like a real fight nerd, talking stats and stances and stuff?” Even the thought of this man, so stocky and strong, being a nerd, made me laugh.

“Something like that. The hazards of being a trainer, I suppose. Someday soon I’ll bore you with details.”

“Is that a promise?”

Emmett gave a short nod. “If you want it to be.” There was a hint of hope in his eyes, and his lips curled up into a teasing smile.

It’s a nice smile. A smile that holds potential of…something. I immediately shook that thought off, feeling disloyal to even think of his nice smile and the promise held in his blue eyes.

I was so distracted I didn’t realize we’d been parked in front of the casino for a few minutes. “I should…get in there,” I said, noticing Hulu watching us with an amused grin on his face.

“Probably. It’ll be hard to get any work done from out here.”

“Smart ass,” I told him and rolled my eyes, but it was nice to have people talk to me like I wasn’t some wilting flower who might burst out crying at any moment. “Thanks for the ride.”

“No problem. Just shoot me a text, and I’ll pick you up.” He said it so easily, as if I was his responsibility, something I didn’t want to be to anyone. Not again.

“I can find a ride home, Emmett. It’ll be late.”

He shrugged like it was no big deal, but I saw the way his jaw clenched. “I don’t sleep much, and I like you in pink.”

Well damn, what could I say to that? “Fine. See you later.”

I jumped from the car like it might bite me, rushing past Hulu’s knowing smile and straight into the money box to store my purse before I realized I didn’t have one, so I dropped my keys and phone and got ready to work. Emmett was a nice guy and he wasn’t the kind of nice guy you could forget about easily. He threw me off, just a little. It was enough to make my heart beat a little faster.

How could I be attracted to someone else so soon? How could I be so satisfied with my new job and my new life, when I wanted the life Lance and I had together, a future where I stayed at home and took care of our big ol’ house and raised a brood of children? It didn’t make sense and thanks to a faulty European car, I didn’t have extra time to contemplate.